ENGLISH II Week of August 28

This week’s schedule & lesson focus

STUDENTS, PLEASE NOTE: This week we must complete pre-testing. We will be in the library computer lab Monday through Thursday, possibly Friday as well Pleasedo your best on these tests. You will get a FULL report that assesses your current abilities…you want them to be accurate and reflect your best efforts! Be patient, and be smart.
8/28: Library Lab/Pre-Testing: Students will review software for taking practice test for LEAP2025 using DRC software.

  • DRC tools: Review software
  • Read “Evaluating Sources” PDF on my “This Week” page.
  • Use web, Youtube, and EBSCO to research extension task topic of choice. In notebooks, record TITLE and AUTHOR of any sources you locate that you think you might want to use.

HOME: Read for AR! Seriously, take this opportunity to get a jump on AR. Use your notebooks to record key facts that will help you remember details for AR tests. If you read 15-20 minutes a day, you will easily meet—and exceed—your goal!

8/29: Library Lab/Pre-Testing Form I, session 1

  • Testing
    HOME: A) Study “Use These All Year” (UTAY) 31-34, “How To Integrate Quotes.” Highlight examples, and annotate if you find this helpful for remembering. We will test over this material next week. B) Read 20 minutes for AR!

8/30: Library Lab/Pretesting Form I, session 2

  • Testing

HOME: A) Study UTAY “HIT/SEEC/BED”essay format guide, 24-25. Highlight examples, and annotate if you find this helpful for remembering. We will test over this material next week. B) Read 20 minutes for AR!

8/31: Library Lab/Pretesting Writing Form IIB.

  • Testing
    HOME: A) Study Root Set 2 for Quiz tomorrow B) Study “Evaluating Sources” document for tomorrow.
    9/01: Root Set 2 Quiz, then gather & print sources for extension task (Research-based media project). Use teacher-provided information on how to assess sources

HOME: Read for AR