Worth ValleyPrimary School

Bracken Bank Crescent


West Yorkshire

BD22 7AX

Tel No: 01535 604240

Fax No: 01535 611456



Headteacher: Ms C Edge



Letter from the Headteacher3

Mission Statement4




Curriculum4, 5

Child Protection5

Extra-curricular Activities5, 6


How to Support Your Child’s Learning6, 7

Making Life Easier in School7

School Uniform7

Health & Safety7

General Information7


Dinners, Milk, Water & Snack8

Moving On9

Appendix A – Staff Details10

Appendix B – Governor Details11

Dear Parents/Guardians

I am pleased to welcome you and your child to Worth Valley Primary School and look forward to a happy and successful future together.

The information in this prospectus explains the aims and organisation of the school and I hope it will be a useful guide both now and for future reference. If you do require any information please contact the school.

The needs of each individual child are very important and we will provide a secure, happy and stimulating environment where children have the opportunity to reach their potential.

Worth Valley Primary School has grown into a school with a tradition for excellence in behaviour and achievement. The philosophy and ethos of the school enables parents, children and staff to work closely together and ensure that your child has a successful and enjoyable education.

I look forward to meeting you and developing the partnership between home and school. If you do have a problem, a telephone call or a word before or after school will usually resolve it.

It is important to remember that in choosing Worth Valley Primary School you are choosing freely and are agreeing to support the aims of the school, its rules and its expectations.

I know that you have chosen well.

Yours sincerely

Cheryl Edge

Cheryl Edge



“To have a secure, happy, effective learning environment where everyone is motivated to achieve and extend their individual potential, maximise their talents and work in a school where all efforts and opinions are valued and respected.”
General Aims

To ensure all children benefit from a broad and balanced curriculum in an environment that encourages self-esteem.

To develop skills, understanding and knowledge by giving children a wide range of experiences in all curriculum areas

To promote and reward high standards of behaviour through our positive behaviour policy, using these simple rules:

Always walk inside school

Care for and respect others, equipment and property

Do as you are asked first time by an adult

Keep your hands and feet to yourself

Put up your hand if you wish to speak in class

Sit quietly and listen in Assembly

To provide a welcoming atmosphere so that parents feel confident about playing a more active part in their child’s learning.

To establish effective communication and liaison with parents and the community.

To encourage consistency, continuity and progression in learning throughout school and into the next phase of education.


Please see attached document ‘Admissions’.


Please see attached document ‘The School Day and Attendance’.


Please see attached document ‘The School Day and Attendance’.


At Worth Valley Primary School, our priority is to support the development of the whole child.

We teach the National Curriculum. This includes the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science, Information Communication Technology and foundation subjects of Art, Geography, History, Design Technology, Music, Physical Education, Religious Education, French and Personal Social and Health Education (PSHE).


We work to ensure that:

  • all children regardless of gender, race, age, culture, ability, disability and socio-economic status are given the opportunity to develop to their full potential.
  • all our processes and practices are fair, thorough and free of discrimination, treating all members of staff with dignity and respect.

Collective Worship

Our daily act of collective worship is a focal point for meeting together as a school. There are Parents’ Assemblies to which both parents and friends of the school are invited.

Assessment and Reporting to Parents

When your child first starts school we carry out an assessment to find out what your child knows and can do. We then continue to assess your child’s progress at regular intervals in order to plan and provide relevant learning experiences.

At the end of Year 2 and Year 6 all children in England undergo Standard Assessment Tasks (SATs).

Assessment results are used to inform curriculum planning and assess strengths and weaknesses of groups and individuals.

Reporting to Parents

All children receive two reports a year – a verbal report at Parents’ Consultation Day in the autumn term and a full report in July.

The consultation day is an opportunity for you to talk with your child’s class teacher to discuss progress made and future targets for learning. At the end of the summer term you will receive a full written report. Should parents wish to discuss their child’s progress at any other time they are welcome to make an appointment with either the class teacher or the Headteacher.

Special Educational Needs

We have a Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator and a Governor who have specific responsibility for special educational needs. Every class has at least one Teaching Assistant who will provide additional learning support.

Where necessary, Individual Education Programmes are provided for children that need extra help. Parents will be consulted in this process.

If children need further help and support then the school will make a referral to the appropriate outside agency

Health Education and Sex Education (PHSCE)

The school currently holdsthe ‘Healthy Schools’ Award’ and healthy habits are promoted throughout the school. This includes the importance of exercise, a balanced diet, and how to stay healthy.

Sex education will be taught as part of PHSCE to Year 6 children. You will have the option of withdrawing them from this particular element of PHSCE if you wish.


If you have a complaint regarding the school curriculum please contact the school as soon as possible. A copy of the Complaints Policy is available from the Headteacher.

Educational Visits

We believe that young children learn best from first hand experience. There are valuable learning opportunities outside the classroom and we use the local and wider environment to enrich the experience of our children. We have a mini-bus which is used by all children.


We fully recognise our responsibility to safeguard and protect the welfare of children within the legal framework of the Children Act 1989 and Section 175 of the Education Act 2002. Anyone under the age of 18 is considered to be a child/young person.

We provide clear direction to staff, governors, volunteers and visitors to school about expected codes of behaviour in dealing with child protection issues. We are committed to the development of good practice and sound procedures in order that child protection referrals may be handled sensitively, professionally and in ways which support the needs of the child.

Our named person for Child Protection matters is Ms C Edge.


All children are encouraged to take part in a variety out-of-school clubs. These are available before school, at lunchtime and after school, and include sports, social and creative activities. Parents will be informed when these are arranged.

Extended Schools Activities

We are a member of the Worth Valley Extended Schools’ Cluster which is a partnership of local schools. A variety of activities will be provided during holiday periods. A booklet detailing these will be given to all children.


We teach the National Curriculum for Physical Education (PE) and work closely with Oakbank and other local people and sporting organisations. This allows us to provide many different opportunities for all our learners. A climbing wall and extensive cycling facilities significantly enhance sporting opportunities.


Our school has an excellent reputation for good behaviour. This is because parents, staff and children work together and areaware of the school’s expectations.


Every year, you and your child will be asked to sign a Home/School Agreement. This sets out clearly how the home and school should work together.

Close co-operation between home and school is essential as children give of their best when they are aware that both parents and teachers are working together.


We believe that various forms of homework support the development of positive attitudes, general knowledge, and the importance of working at home.

When your child first starts school they will benefit greatly if you regularly spend time with them on the following activities:

  • Home reading
  • Practising written letter formation
  • Helping to recognise numbers and letters

In Reception and Key Stage 1 the main homework activities will be:

  • Home reading
  • Practising reading skills
  • Spelling
  • Researching project work

In Key Stage 2 children have more formal homework activities. These can include:

  • Home reading for a recommended minimum of 10 minutes per evening
  • Spelling
  • Multiplication tables
  • Written numeracy tasks
  • Written literacy tasks
  • Specific research tasks
  • Musical instrument practice for those involved in music lessons

Parents should encourage and support their children in homework tasks. Parents and teachers have an opportunity to comment on success or any problems.


Parents are reminded that they will be responsible for the books and pay for any that may become lost or damaged. Each child will receive a reading bag to protect the books that go home.


Parents can help with the following:

Children should not bring sweets, crisps, chocolates, or peanuts to school. Children who bring a packed lunch will be provided with water. They should not bring anything else to drink.

Toys and mobile phones are not allowed in school.


The school has a uniform. The colours are navy sweatshirt with school logo, royal or light blue polo shirt with grey trousers/skirt. All uniform items can be purchased through the school or a supplier of your own choice.

PE Requirements

Navy blue shorts with shadow stripe

White polo shirt

Trainers for outdoor PE use

When children join the school a pump bag is provided

Naming Clothing

A young child cannot always recognise their own clothes. Please ensure that all clothing is named.


Please see the attached document ‘Children’s Health, Wellbeing and Safety’ for additional information

Road Safety

If it is necessary to collect a child by car, parentsshould not drive into the school grounds. Please park on the side of the road opposite the school.

We ask parents to observe a voluntary one-way system that goes from the top to the bottom of the Crescent. To ensure the safety of children arriving at school please park safely and walk your child into school.


Fund Raising

During the year various fund raising events may be held. Funds are used for particular projects, to purchase large items of equipment or to extend resources in an area of learning.

Any ideas on how to raise money are gratefully received and any help is very much appreciated.

Friends of Worth Valley Primary School

There are several events over the year to raise funds for school. These events range from Summer/Christmas fairs to fashion shows and are always very well supported. Anyone wishing to join us or to know more about the association should contact the school.

Travelling to School

All children should be brought to and collected from school. Do try to be prompt as young children become very upset when all their friends have gone home. If you are unavoidably detained please ring school before 2.45 p.m. and we will explain this to your child and look after them until you arrive.


During the winter we can experience severe weather which can deteriorate rapidly whilst children are in school. In such circumstances parents are naturally anxious and wonder if schools are closing. To avoid any such confusion we follow the policy below.

  1. The school will remain open.
  2. No child will be sent home early.
  3. Should parents be delayed and unable to reach school telephone school on 01535 604240, and we will make the necessary arrangements.

Parent Helpers

We never refuse an offer of help! Here are some of the ways you can become involved in the life of the school. All voluntary helpers need a CRB check which is arranged free through the school.

Helping in the classroom

Making/mending resources and apparatus

Working on the computer with small groups of children

Sharing stories with small groups of children

Helping on school visits

Assisting with the school library

Anything else you can suggest


We hope we can resolve any complaints that parents may have. Initially a parent should contact their child’s class teacher but if the problem cannot be resolved then please make an appointment to speak to the Headteacher.

In most cases we find that complaints are dealt with successfully at this informal level. Should you wish to take the matter further you can make a formal complaint to the Governing Body. If the issue cannot be resolved the parent may formally complain to the Local Education Authority.


School Meals

An excellent two-course meal is provided daily. A choice of menu is designed to meet the nutritional requirements of young children and to introduce a wide variety of foods. This service offers value for money, an appetising and well-balanced meal and an opportunity for social training.

Dinner Money

Dinner money must be sent each Monday morning. Adjustments will be made if your child is absent after paying for a week.All money should be in an envelope showing the child’s name, class and amount. Dinner envelopes are available from the school office.

Free school meals are available for those families whose income falls below certain levels. Full information about this scheme can be obtained from the benefits office in the Town Hall, Keighley.

Packed Lunches

The following guidelines are for those children bringing packed lunches.

For hygienic reasons:

-All food should be in a sealed container which is clearly labelled with the child’s name and class. An empty ice-cream box is suitable. We do not have space to store large boxes.

For nutrition and health reasons:

-Parents are asked to consider the nutritional balance of the food provided.

-No sweets should be included.

-No drinks are allowed – water will be provided


For safety reasons:

-No glass containers are allowed

-No snacks requiring heating or the addition of hot water may be brought


Milk is provided free of charge for all children in Nursery, Reception and Years 1 and 2.


Cooled filtered water is available for all children. Each child has their own water bottle supplied free of charge from school.


All children up to and including Year 2 will be provided with a healthy snack at morning break. If you do not wish your child to have a snack please speak to the office.


At 11+ years of age, children transfer to secondary school. During the autumn term of their last year at Worth Valley (Year 6), you will receive a secondary school choice form.

Each secondary school holds an open evening in the autumn term so that you may look around and ask questions.


While the information in this document was correct at the time of publication, changes may occur before or during the forthcoming year.

If you need any further information about Worth Valley Primary School please do not hesitate to contact us on 01535 604240.



Headteacher:Ms C Edge

Deputy Headteacher:Miss R Boland

School Business Manager:Mrs A Dows

Teachers:Mr S Eckford – Nursery

Miss L Truesdale – Reception

Mrs S Richardson – Year 1

Miss S Fairburn – Year 2

Mrs S Grant – Year 3

Ms A Illand – Year 4

Ms S Brown – Year 4

Miss B Copley – Year 5

Mrs H Brook – Year 6

Teaching Assistants:Mrs V Russell – Foundation Stage Unit

Miss R Vincent – Foundation Stage Unit

Mrs S Russell – Year 1

Mrs S Watson – Year 1

Mrs S Wilson – Year 2

Mrs L Shepherd HLTA – Year 3

Miss W Holmes – Year 4

Miss L Card – Year 4

Mrs C Halifax – Year 6

Mrs R Dobson – Year 6

Mrs Lynda Higgs – HLTA

Mrs L Curr – HLTA

Mr K Antenbring –Learning Support Assistant

Mrs J Clarke – Learning Support Assistant (Year 5)

Mrs S North – Learning Support Assistant (KS2)

Mr K Richmond – Learning Support Assistant

Nursery Nurses:Ms E Davison

Mrs P Slater

Learning Mentor:Mrs C Hawley

Finance Officer:Mrs S Mason

Admin Officer:Mrs S Green

Lunchtime Supervisors:Mrs R Beaumont

Mr C Caveney (Occasional)

Mrs R Dobson

Mrs S Horsman

Ms C Hughes

Mrs S O’Brien

Mrs P Spencer

Site Manager:Mr L Page

Cleaning Staff:Mrs K McFarlane – Supervisor

Mrs M Hurtley – Senior Cleaner

Mrs D Clark