Minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Committee held on Tuesday 16 July 2013 at 7.00 pm in the Council Chamber, Unit 5B Trecerus Industrial Estate, Padstow

Present: R Higman (Chairman), F J Bealing, K Freeman, I F McKey, A Rickard, Mrs K Seaber, Mrs T Walter and C Watson-Smyth

In Attendance: Mrs K Pemberton (Town Clerk) and Mrs N Barnes (Responsible Financial Officer)

FGP2013/06 Apologies for absence: None

FGP2013/07 Announcements: None

FGP2013/08 Declarations of Interest:

Councillor I F McKey declared an interest in Agenda Item 20, Bank Options.

Councillor Mrs T Walter declared an interest in Agenda Item 21, Rentals.

FGP2013/09 Public Participation: None

FGP2013/10 RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 25 April 2013 be signed as true record of the meeting.

FGP2013/11 RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 2 July 2013 be signed as a true record of the meeting.

FGP2013/12 Clerks Report/Work Programme: Noted for information.

FGP2013/13 Committee Terms of Reference: RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL: That the changes, as detailed via tracked changes in the agenda report, be made to the Committee’s Terms of Reference.

FGP2013/13 Financial Regulations: RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL: That the changes, as detailed via tracked changes in the agenda report to paragraphs 6.1 and 11.1.g, be made to Padstow Town Council’s Financial Regulations.

FGP2013/14 External Auditor Report: The Committee was advised that this was the first external auditor report by Grant Thornton and that no issues of concern had been raised.

RESOLVED to note the unqualified auditors report and that a vote of thanks be extended to the Responsible Financial Officer and Council’s Auditor.

FGP2013/15 Direct Debits and Standing Orders: RESOLVED that the Direct Debits and Standing Orders for regular payment as detailed in the agenda be approved.

FGP2013/16 Budget-v-Actual Overview: The Budget-v-Actual Overview was noted for information.

FGP2013/17 Stile Field Improvement Works: The Committee was advised that a condition of the grant funding was to pay for the project completely and then to drawn down the allocated funds. Therefore, in order to do this there was a shortfall of £12,000. It was noted that VAT could also be clawed back. RESOLVED that £12,000 from General Funds be allocated in order to pay for these works until grant funds are available.

FGP2013/18 Padstow Enterprise Funds: The agenda report detailed the background and issues in this regard which was considered by the Committee. RESOLVED that a) A meeting be arranged between the Mayor, Chairman of Finance, Town Clerk, Responsible Financial Officer and all Trustees from Padstow Enterprises in order to progress matters with regards to money held on their behalf; b) the grant request in the total of £1,620.55 be approved; and c) a review of Council’s Grant Policy be added to the Committee’s Work Programme for future consideration.

FGP2013/19 Car Park Improvement Works: The Responsible Financial Officer provided further clarification on this matter at the meeting. She confirmed that where works etc were agreed by Council an order number was raised, after much checking no order was raised for any abortive works. RESOLVED to pay £6,854 as per Order Number 5516 but to wait to see if an order was written for any further works, if so that this invoice be taken to Full Council for payment.

FGP2013/20 To Note date of next meeting: Tuesday 19 November 2013.

FGP2013/21 It was RESOLVED to exclude the press and public due to the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted.

FGP2013/23 Agenda Order

RESOLVED that Agenda Item 21 be moved to the end of the agenda.

FGP2013/24 New Office Computers: The Committee was advised that all the quotations had outlined hardware and software for 5 stations. The 5th station was now not required (originally Maintenance Manager post station). RESOLVED that Mircotest Ltd be appointed to update Padstow Town Council’s hardware and software as per their specification and to enter into a 12 month IT support and maintenance contract.

Councillors I F Mckey, A Rickard and Mrs K Seaber abstained from voting.

FGP2013/25 Cory Shelter Lease: RESOLVED that a) the Town Clerk arrange a meeting between herself, Chairman of Finance and an officer from Cornwall Council to inspect the toilets before signing the surrender; and b) if the Chairman of Finance and Town Clerk are satisfied the toilets are taken back in good order the Town Clerk be delegated authority to sign the Deed of Surrender, if not this be considered further.

FGP2013/26 Bank Options: Councillor I F McKey left the meeting.

The Committee was referred to the agenda report. As per advice from the Council’s Auditor the Council’s Investment Policy was updated to include that the Council “spread risk as considered appropriate”. The Responsible Financial Officer had taken forward discussions with other banks. The Town Clerk and Responsible Officer had subsequently met to discuss the options and put forward the recommendation as outlined in the report. The report outlined, which Committee agreed with, how the risk could be spread between the 2 banks.

The Committee agreed that the risk should be spread but that clearly spreading too much would cause demands on the Responsible Financial Officer in terms of reconciling. It needed to be workable.

RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL a) to delegate authority to the Responsible Financial Officer to contact the preferred bank, as detailed in the confidential report, so that the accounts in the name of Padstow Town Council can be opened, and b) that Padstow Town Council funds be spread between the 2 banks approximately 50/50 to spread the risk, maximise security and returns on investments, minimise bank charges and use internet banking for making payments for wages and to suppliers.

Councillor I F McKey returned to the meeting.

FGP2013/27 Pensions: The Committee was updated on this matter. The previous Council had requested that more work be undertaken with regards to ascertaining other pension options which could be offered such as NEST or a Group Pension Scheme. The agenda report detailed the outcome of this further work and advice which had been sought from both NALC and CALC.

RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL that Padstow Town Council offer the Local Government Pension Scheme to all employees of Padstow Town Council effective as soon as possible, subject to prior consideration by the Staffing Committee.

FGP2013/28 Rentals:

Councillor Mrs T Walter left the meeting and did not return.

A list of rentals was noted for information. Comment was raised with regards to the condition on some areas leased by tenants. The Town Clerk would take these matters up accordingly.

The meeting closed at 7.32 pm.