Triathlon Ireland Race Entry System 2018

Race Name:
Race Date:
Race Organiser:
Max No. Participants / Individual:
Race Entries Open: / Date: / Time:
Race Entries Close: / Date: / Time:
Please state your refund policy:
Triathlon Ireland will refund any requested entries up until this cut-off date. Please note the competitor will be charged the admin fee of 5% / ( Please note we cannot facilitate transfer in early 2018)
Race Entry Fee:
Note: this amount must be in euro, not GBP / Individual: €
Relay: €
Please note the amount you type in here will be the final amount charged to each competitor and the TI 5% admin will be deducted from this amount. It is your responsibility to incorporate TI admin charge in the final fee that you set for us to charge.
TI will withhold 5% of the nominated race entry fee you set above.
Do you need to ask for t-shirt sizes?
Would you like to ask for the estimated swim time?
Would you like to ask for the estimated run time?
Do you wish to ask where did the competitor hear about the race?
Do you have any merchandise you wish to sell?Please state sizes available and prices
Do you want to offer any discounts?
Bank Account for race entries to be transferred to: / A/C Name:
A/C Number:
Sort Code:
Bank Name:
Bank Address:

Please fill in this form and read and sign the terms and conditions below


These terms and conditions (the “Agreement”) set out the terms of the agreement between the entity identified as the race organiser in the race entry system form (“Race Organiser”) and Triathlon Ireland (“TI”). By registering a race or other event (“Race”) and signing below the Race Organiser agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement in respect of the Race.

  2. The Race Organiser hereby appoints TI as its sole agent to collect entry fees for the Race (“Race Entry Fees”) from entrants to the Race (“Race Entrants”) and TI hereby accepts on those terms. For the avoidance of doubt, no contract is entered into between TI and Race Entrants when the Race Entry Fees are collected.
  4. TI will charge a commission as set out in the Race Organisation area on the website (the “Site”) from time to time to the Race Organiser for listing the Race on the Site and collecting the Race Entry Fees (the “Commission”).
  5. The Race Organiser hereby authorises TI to deduct any Commission from the Race Entry Fees.
  7. TI shall collect and hold as trustee all monies due to the Race Organiser in respect of Race Entry Fees and shall transfer the same to the Race Organiser as follows:-
  8. TI will transfer the Race Entry Fees received (less any Commission) from Race Entrants to the Race Organiser on a monthly basis, approx. 2 working weeks after the month end.

aShould an event require any additional payments be issued outside the normal processes a request should be put in writing and forwarded to

3.1.2.TI will retain a holding fee of 5% of the total Race Entry Fees received and this will be transferred to the Race Organiser, less the standard 5% Commission fee:-

aAfter the Race date and;

bAfter all TI invoices for Commission, extra competitor fees, One Day Licences and any other fees relating to the Race have been deducted and;

cOnce all competitor & non-competitor sign on sheets have been received for the Race and;

dOnce the race results have been received for the Race.

3.1.3.In the event that the Race sells out prior to the first payment being issued by TI, TI will withhold 5% of the total Race Entry Fees received and this will be transferred as per paragraph 3.1.2 above.

  2. TI will process refunds as per your refund policy. Where a Race is cancelled or postponed for any reason, TI will issue a refund to the athlete and advise them accordingly. It is the Race Organiser’s responsibility to advise athletes of Race cancellation or postponement.
  3. TI will refund the race entrant the race fee less 5% admin fee.
  4. Once TI have released all monies due to the Race Organiser in lieu of their event(s), the responsibility of issuing race entry refunds reverts to the Race Organiser.
  6. The Race Organiser is responsible for:
  1. Supplying TI with all relevant information about a Race.
  2. Ensuring that the information uploaded by TI onto its website in relation to a Race contains no mistakes or inaccuracies.
  3. Assisting TI with any other reasonable request to allow it to perform its obligations as set out below.
  4. Ensuring that each Race is organised and conducted in a manner that ensures the safety of Race Entrants.
  5. Adhere to Triathlon Ireland’s Data Protection Policy at all times.
  2. TI is responsible for:
  1. Listing the Race on the Site.
  2. Enabling Race Entrants to register the Race and pay the Race Entry Fee on the Site.
  3. Storing all Race Entrant registration details for the Race Organiser.
  4. Forwarding on any queries from Race Entrants to the Race Organiser.
  2. TI reserves the right at any time and in its absolute discretion to terminate this Agreement at any time and for any reason.
  3. In the event that TI terminates this Agreement, TI will transfer any Race Entry Fees collected minus any Commission and the agency relationship shall terminate.

I, the Race Organiser………………………………………….. (type name), have read, understand and agree to the above Terms & Conditions.

Signed:……………………………………………………. (please sign by hand, do not type name)
