Okay, I want you to picture this. I want you to picture a time in your life, could be froma long time ago or recent, when things just went completely south for you. I want you to try and capture the emotions of that experience. I know, you're probably thinking, "what in the world is she doing?" But just follow me okay, I promise I'm going somewhere with this. So do you have that experience and those emotions in mind? Now think about your reaction. Think about how you handled the situation and how it effected you from that moment forward. Why did I have you do that?
Because I think many times, we allow not so good situations to get the best of us. We indirectly (or maybe directly) take our feelings out on others when they had nothing to do with what we experienced. Reflecting on my own life and how I reacted to certain things and took my emotions out on others,is what ignited this series. And girl, I am so excited to invite you to join in!
It's the Lemonade & Life series!! (woop woop). I get it, we go through things. Some things are within our control, others aren't. We've all heard the saying, "It's not what happens to you that matters, it's how you react." To many instances, that's true. So we're going to talk about it. We're going to reflect on and talk about:

  • The "lemons" that were tossed at us
  • Our responses
  • How to make the lemonade and move forward

So here's what's going to happen. Over the next 4 weeks, you will receive a series of emails from yours truly, me, every Tuesday. Each email will contain a variation of an activity (i.e. reading material, quote/scripture, a think/reflect exercise). Once you complete the activity for the week, we will have a discussion about it over on my Facebook page, Authentically Me...which if you haven't liked and followed already, you can do so, riiigghtt here!
It's time we stop allowing those lemons to knock us out once they hit. We may take a couple of bruises and war wounds, but lets dare to be bold and brave in Christ and squeeze the juice out of those lemons. Are you with me?