October 31, 2012

Black Hall 228-19

ATTENDING:Bobby Cummings, Barry Donahue, Ginni Erion, Connie Lambert, Kendall Martin, Kirk Mathias, Mark Oursland, Bruce Palmquist, and Shari Stoddard

UNABLE TO ATTEND: Gary Ballou, Jim DePaepe, Ian Quitadamo, and Crystal Weddington

MEETING CONVENED: The meeting was called to order at 3:20 P.M.


APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the October 10th, 2012 minutes as amended.

Under OLD BUSINESS – CTL Policy Manual, Bruce would like to see the URL

( ) added to his statement as a tool to access the PEP goals and assessments that are on the course syllabi.


Pearson Digital Library

  • Pearson was here last week to talk about the Pearson Digital Library. Barry, Ginni and Janet met with them. Pearson Digital Library is a digital library option for students. Students can purchase a 6 month subscription for $200, which can be set up through the Wildcat Shop, and have it charged to their student account. When students pay for access to the digital library, they get not only all of the books that are in the Pearson Digital Library that they are using in their courses, but they also get every book that Pearson has in the Pearson Digital Library.
  • Barry wondered if this is something that we would require of students, especially if someone is a returning student and needs just one or two books. Barry shared that you can edit the availability of books for their program courses.
  • Ginni thinks that because their early childhood is at about 65% Pearson course books, she would like to go with this option.
  • Right now Pearson is asking the chairs and departments to gauge how much they would use this.
  • Barry would have to tell Pearson what books in the library they would want to have accessible. If the other content areas want to get in too, there would have to be some coordinating. If the three programs Elementary Ed, ECE, and the Professional Sequence use this digital library and then another program wanted to come on board, there would be no additional cost to the student.
  • We will need to negotiate the start and end dates for the 6 month subscription. It potentiallycould go from Jan1-June30, July 1-Dec31 with a two week overlap.
  • Mark feels this is a good way for Pearson to market. Especially since you cancustomize a book.Individual chapters can be pulled from selected course books.
  • The $200 subscription can be purchased every 6 months through the Wildcat Shop and charged to a student’s account.

ESD Representative - VACANT

  • Arlen Parker has resigned from his position on the CTL Advisory Council and is recommending that Beau Snow, Assistant Principal from EHS be his replacement for the ESD Representative position.


PEP Advisor on CAPS Report

  • All advisors are on the CAPS report. It just depends on how you view the report. There are three different windows that you can go through.
  • The automatic default where the Major Content Advisor automatically defaults for the Professional Ed Advisor. Scott Carlton will take care of this.
  • The Professional Ed Advisor is listed on a screen, it just depends on what screen you look at. We are not sure how a student is to know which screen to look at. Scott Carlton will take a look at everything and work on cleaning it up.


CTL Policy Manual Updates (Will approve Appendix F in Fall Quarter-cherry handout)

  • The Council reviewed what was approved at the October 10th meeting.
  • This was presented to the Executive Board at their November 5th meeting and they have a couple recommendations.
  • The Executive board recommends that the Assessment Committee be dissolved and
  • all Professional Ed assessment data going to the Assessment Committee, come directly to the CTL Advisory Council.
  • Motion was made and seconded to approve the amended version of the 6.4 Criteria for the Evaluation of Content Area Proposals Regarding Standard V Requirements.


Barry suggests ending the last sentence in #5 after the word rubrics.

Mark would like to see the remaining part of that sentence be added to #7. An annual program report that demonstrates accuracy, consistency, and fairness and summarizes the assessment of the outcomes between the substituted course(s) and its PEP counterpart will be submitted to the Director of the Office of Research Evaluation and Assessment

  • Motion passed with a vote of 6-yes, 0-No, and 1-abstention

CDMS – Comprehensive Data management System


CTL – GPA Policy (CTL Admission Requirements October 2012-white handout)

  • The Council reviewed the approved changes as of the October 10th meeting
  • Deletion of the recommendation forms
  • Addition of #2: Successful completion of 45 graded quarter credits from an accredited institution and a 3.0 cumulative Grade Point Average or 3.0 Grade Point Average (GPA) for the last 45 graded quarter credits
  • Bruce suggests eliminating all of #5 because you have so many different choices on the list that encourages or challenges someone to come up with something else. In general, when you’re looking at a list and thinking what more can we add, it might be best to just eliminate the list.
  • There appears to be a correlation between the SATs and the West-B, which there is, at a certain level of cut-off for the SAT. If they don’t require everyone to take the West-B, it could be a cost savings to everyone.
  • Connie asked Bobby if the SAT is more rigorous, would it give you more information as to writing ability. Bobby didn’t think so. They do have a writing sample but is doesn’t score for very much.
  • Barry would like to keep English 101-102 and a math course. There is value in those courses even if the student passes the West-B.
  • Bobby added that the writing is different. The West-B is not argumentative writing like you do in English 101-102, but now with the Common Core our students need to know how to write to get into education because they are going to be teaching the forms of writing, they are now accountable for themselves.
  • Connie agrees with Bobby, but she would like to see no grade lower than a C- in Basic and Breadth.
  • Barry pointed out that in #5 you wouldn’t need the 2nd and 3rd bullets, because students would have to show the equivalent for those courses, which they would almost certainly have if they have a bachelor’s degree, that would make it much less complicated. He also suggest separating theAdmission requirements and Student Teaching and Certification requirements,they should not be together. This can be discussed at the next Advisory Council meeting.
  • Kendal recommends keeping the English 101-102 and the Math course.
  • Ginni asked if the statement can be read as:
  • It was moved and seconded to accept the CTL-GPA Policy as amended. Motion passed unanimously.
  • #5 will read as follows:

Complete one of the following:

  • Prerequisite Courses: ENG 101 and 102, and of either MATH 101, 153, 154, 164, 170, or 172 (NOTE: No grade lower than a C accepted in the above courses.)
  • Barry shared that the course catalog says that in order to graduate you need a 2.5 or better in the Major, Minor and Professional Ed Sequence. The Registrar’s office is interpreting this as a 2.5 in each of those programs. Barry wonders what we would want to do now, to tell the Registrar which way to interpret that sentence.


Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Co-chair, Mark Oursland)

  • Motion was made and seconded to approve the below curricula per the recommendation of the Undergraduate Curriculum committee with the changes discussed. Motion passed unanimously.
  • Program and Narrative Change_Bachelor of Arts Spanish Teaching Major
  • New Course_SPAN 261
  • New Course_SPAN 262
  • New Course_SPAN 263
  • Title Change_SPAN 345
  • Title Change_SPAN 346
  • Prefix Change_WL 481
  • Prefix Change_WL 482
  • Prefix Change_WL 483
  • Program and Narrative Change_Bachelor of Arts Japanese Teaching Major – Large Plan
  • Program and Narrative Change_Bachelor of Arts Japanese Teaching Major – Small Plan
  • New Course_JAPN 361
  • New Course_JAPN 362
  • New Course_JAPN 363
  • Program and Narrative Change_Bachelor of Arts French Teaching Major
  • Program and Narrative Change_Bachelor of Arts Russian Teaching Major

Graduate Programs Committee (Chair, Kirk Mathias – green handout)

  • Motion was made and seconded to approve the below curricula per the recommendation of the Graduate Programs committee. Motion passed unanimously.
  • Program and Narrative Change_Admin./Certificate in Educ.: Program Administrator Cert. (Special Education)
  • New Course_EDAD 575 (Program Administration and Supervision)
  • Course Deletion_EDSE 585 (Administration and Supervision of Programs for Individuals with Disabilities)

Candidate Admissions, Recruitment, and Retention Committee (Chair Designee, Crystal Weddington)

  • The committee has received a Focus of Concern form for a candidate from our Des Moines campus. The committee will be meeting on Friday, November 9th from 12-2 p.m.

Diversity and Equity Committee (Chair, Cory Gann)

  • Fall meeting is scheduled for November 16th, and Bobby will report back to the CTL Advisory Council as the newly appointed D&E Representative.

Field Experience Office (Director, Gary Ballou)


Elementary Education Program (Chair, Ginni Erion)


Professional Education Program Coordinator (Program Coordinator, Barry Donahue)

  • Assessment Committee (Co-chair, Jim DePaepe)
  • Motion was made, seconded and unanimously passed to dissolve the Assessment Committee.
  • Professional Education Advisory Boards (Connie Lambert)
  • The next meeting of the Teacher Preparation PEAB is scheduled for November 30th, in SURC301 from 9:30-12 p.m.

ADJOURNMENT:Meeting was adjourned at 4:44 pm

NEXT MEETING: November 14, 2012

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