Agenda Request: Request Board Approval of the 2010 Board of County Commission Meeting Calendar

November 3, 2009

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Board of County Commissioners

Agenda Request

Date of Meeting: / January 20, 2015
Date Submitted: / January 6, 2015
To: / Honorable Chairman and Members of the Board
From: / Randy Merritt, District 2
Subject: / Request Board Approval of a Letter to FDOT Requesting that Landscaping is Included in the Plan for the Improvement of the US Hwy 319 Corridor

Statement of Issues:

This agenda item requests Board approval of a letter to FDOT requesting that landscaping is included in the plan for the improvement of the US Hwy 319 corridor. After conversations with officials with the FDOT, they indicated that they would entertain installing and maintain landscaping as part of the US Hwy 319 corridor improvements if Wakulla County requested it.


The Florida Department of Transportation is planning to add capacity improvements to the US Hwy 319 corridor. Part of the design of the intersections include concrete medians to separate different lanes of traffic. Instead of concrete in the medians, I suggest we request that the DOT landscape these medians to make the intersections more attractive. I would also ask that we request that DOT maintain the landscaping.


Landscaping is much easier to have installed as part of a construction design, rather than go back later and try to retrofit it. Therefore, I recommend staff send DOT a letter (Attachment #1) requesting landscaping be added to the plans for capacity improvements to the US Hwy 319 corridor.

Budgetary Impact:



1.  Approve the letter to FDOT requesting that they place and maintain landscaping to the capacity improvements planned for the US Hwy 319 corridor.

2.  Do not approve the letter to FDOT requesting that they place and maintain landscaping to the capacity improvements planned for the US Hwy 319 corridor.

3.  Board Direction.


Option #1


1.  Letter to FDOT