0 / 7:00 / 7:54
1 / 8:00 / 8:51
2 / 8:58 / 9:49
3 / 9:59 / 10:52
Tutorial / 10:59 / 11:28
4 / 11:35 / 12:26
Lunch / 12:26 / 1:01
5 / 1:08 / 1:59


/ 2:06 / 2:57
Boys V Basketball
Boys JV Basketball vs Inglewood
Girls Soccer @ El Segundo / 4:30
3, 4:30 / 1:30
1:00 / Cultural Awareness Day Committee, lunch - 3303

Spring Musical Audition workshop today in 6106. Sign up with Mrs. Orabuena or Mr. Rodich online. (Orabuena) 11/30

ICC mtg today @ lunch for Clubs participating in powder puff & holiday decorating. (Eriksen) 11/30

Next week is Spirit week & rally & powder puff gameon Fri. Here are the dress up days: Mon- Lazy Day; Tues- Sweater Day/Santa at lunch; Wed- Wacky/Mismatch clothes; Thurs- Character Day - dress up like your favorite character of any kind; Fri- RallyFri- wear class colors. (Eriksen) 11/30-12/2

STEM Club mtg, Thurs @ lunch in 6100. (Simpson) 11/29-12/1

Submit your art or writing to West’s Annual Literary Magazine, Arrowheads. Get a flyer in 5107. (Marsiglia) 11/28-30

There is a new bike rack inside campus by room 2119. Space is limited. (Knapp) 11/28-30

CSF members – support CSF at our Yogurtland fundraiser today from 4-7pm. (Hecht) 11/29-30

Apply to the Torrance Sister City Assn student exchange program to Japan. Get a flyer in the counseling office. Apps are due by Dec. 19.

Thurs is college swag day. Wear a piece of college swag, catch the attention of an administrator & be rewarded for your spirit. (Scheerle)


Students – remember the first two rows in the parking lot are for STAFF and VISITORS ONLY!! DO NOT park there.

It is your responsibility to clear your absence. Always bring a note to the attendance office the day you return or have your parent call on the day of the absence. Unverified absences become TRUANT after 48 hours and result in Saturday school.

If you ride a bike/skateboard to school, the only acceptable place to lock it up is in the large student parking in the racks. If you lock your bike up on the rail next to the stadium/band room, your bike lock could be removed. Do not lock your bike there.(Evans)

TUSD/West High School Student Dress Code policy says, “No hoods or hats are allowed to be worn on campus. Beanies will be allowed if student’s face is visible. Clothes shall conceal underwear at all times. See-through or fish-net fabrics, halter tops, off-the-shoulder or low-cut tops, bare midriffs are prohibited. Swimwear, pajamas, nightgowns, and oversized clothing are not appropriate school wear. Students are subject to detention.”

If you are using your cell phone or headphones during class time, in or out of class, they will be taken without warning. (Kadono)

All students coming late to school who do not have their ID will be assigned detention. Be sure to carry your ID at all times.

Students are not allowed off campus to go to cars during the school day. If you forget something, you will have to turn it in after 3pm. (Evans)

Students please remember to use the crosswalk or cross at an intersection when leaving school. Jaywalking is dangerous.

Tardy sweeps will be randomly conducted. If you're late to class when a tardy sweep is conducted then you'll be assigned an hour of detention. Leaving class to go to your locker to get materials does not excuse your tardy - it means you went to class unprepared. Only students withwrittenorphysical passes from teachers will be excused. (Roulette)



For more information on THE ATTIC call (310) 782-8828.

THE ATTIC is accepting new memberships for the 2016-2017 year for $10. Join us for weekly tournaments, movie Tuesdays, Basketball and rounds of pool

Looking for volunteer hours? Join the S.P.I.N. Club. Meetings are the first Wed of each month at 5pm at THE ATTIC (Must be an ATTIC member).