New ProgramCover Sheet
Use this form to propose a new program. /
New Program
Program: / Effective Term:
(must be a future term)
Career:□ Undergraduate
□ Graduate
Course Number:
Submission Date:
Submission from: / Required: Academic Support Resources (ASR) Needed
□ Libraries
□ Computer Lab
□ Digifab Lab
□ Goldstein
□ Imaging Lab
□ Other Technology
□ Workshop
□ ASR Support not needed.
  1. Please complete attached Program and Curricular Approval System (PCAS) template.
  1. Summarize advising support needed.
Departmental Faculty Vote:Ayes ______Nays ______Abstain ______

Program and Curriculum Approval System (PCAS) Template

Step 1: General Information

Institution / University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (UMNTC)
Campus / Twin Cities (UMNTC)
Program type
Program title (short)
Program title (long)
Program short description
Effective term
Additional terms
Stakeholder colleges / College Budgetary% Degree Granting Approver Admin Acad Plan
Design 100 Yes Yes Yes
Departments / Design, Housing, and Apparel
First term admitting students
Catalog description
Field of Study
Program contact internet ID
Program contact e-mail address
Program contact full name
Program contact campus mail address
Program contact phone number

Step 2: Narrative

Brief summary or overview of reason for the proposed new program or rationale for change
Sites beyond home campus where this program will be delivered / None.
External accrediting agency / N/A
External accrediting agency address / N/A
External accrediting agency phone number / N/A
External accrediting agency URL / N/A
Review frequency by the agency / N/A
Scheduled review date / N/A
Academic Exchange or Articulation Agreement / N/A
Program delivery
1. Mission, priorities, & interrelatedness
2. Need & demand
3. Comparative advantage
4. Efficiency, effectiveness, & use of resources
5. Program quality & assessment
Program development --Complete as many segments of this form as are relevant for your program. All responses should reflect ONLY new or additional resources required to mount the program, or new revenues to be gained from the program. The year-by-year responses should reflect cumulative (additive) information, that is, each year should show the total for that stage in the program, not just the total for the year.
Budget and planning
Expanded budget and planning

Step 3: Admissions Requirements: Requirements for admission to a major or program

Minimum number of courses or credits to be completed before admission
Are any students usually admitted to pre-major status before admission to this major?
Is there a preferred minimum GPA above 2.0 for students already admitted to the college and now seeking entry into the major?
Is there a preferred minimum GPA above 2.0 for students transferring from another U of M College?
Is there a preferred minimum GPA above 2.0 for students transferring from outside the University?
Explanation of other requirements to be completed before admission
List required courses to be completed prior to admission to this program.

Step 4: Program Requirements

Program length in credits
How many semesters of a second language or equivalent proficiency are required for this degree?
Does this program require a second language?
Other requirements, if applicable
Required courses for all students in this program
Focus course groups:
  • Title for this set of focuses

  • Level of focuses

  • Description for this set of focuses

  • Focus requirements

Step 5: Sub-plan Requirements

Is a sub-plan required for this program?
Current sub-plans:

Step 6: Sample Plan(s)

Program Sample Plans

Step 7: Checkpoint Chart(This is a system-generated chart. No data required.)