Cheshire Army Cadet Force
Fox Barracks, Liverpool Road, Chester, CH2 4BU
:Civil : 01244 390252 / 07909 538490
:DFTS : 94555 2739
:Civil : 01244 390252
See Distribution:
28 August 2013
A.JSP 535 – Cadet Safety Precautions
B.Army Code 71462 – the Cadet training Manual Vol 1
C.Army Code 71101 – the Cadet training Manual Vol 2
D.Army Code 71101 – ACF APC Syllabus
E.Dale Camp Standing Orders
F.Commandants Training Directive 2013
H.Cheshire ACF Standing Orders
1.Senior Company Cheshire ACF will be running a residential APC revision and testing board at 3 Star Level over the Weekend 25-27th October 2013 at Fox Barracks, Chester as a continuation from the teaching and testing phases from the 3 Star training wing at annual camp 2013 at QEB Strensall.
2.The aim is to revise and test the Counties 3 Star training Cadets on the following APC subjects as at reference D:
- Fieldcraft – Orders process only
- Drill and Turnout – Revision and assessment
- Physical Recreation – Achievement of standards only
These subjects have been prioritised having undertaken a training gap analysis of the 3 Star Training cadets following the updates from Annual Camp 2013 and by targeting these subjects the maximum training value can be achieved on the weekend.
Dependant upon CFAV and cadet participation plus individual success from the gap analysis there is potential for up to 170 individual APC subject passes at 3 Star.
3.Fox Barracks, Liverpool Road, Chester CH2 4BU
4.Command Appointments are listed below:
Exercise Director – Col IG Holmes
Senior Planning Officer – Maj D Seddon
OC Event – Capt Binks
2IC Event – 2Lt Story (TBC)
The following staff are required to act as DS for the course. Any staff who are unable to attend are to inform OC Senior Company and CTO ASAP so that replacements can be found.
Other nominations from interested instructors should be made to the undersigned via the chain of command. The quantity of staff required for the event will depend upon the final cadet bids from each company.
Staff are encouraged to attend from all companies on this and other Senior Coy events there will be opportunities for staff to practice and develop their own areas of skill / expertise to enable Senior Coy to develop a pool of quality instructors that may be called upon as the need arises.
Rank / Name / Det / Coy / RemarksCapt / Binks / HQ / HQ / OC Senior Coy
RSM / Boulton / HQ / HQ / Sunday Only
SSI / Thomas / Warrington / C Coy / CQMS
SSI / McMurdock / Wilmslow / B Coy / IC D&T & PT
2Lt / Story / Ellesmere Port / A Coy / IC Orders
SMI / Ellis / Abbots Park / A Coy / Orders / Drill
SSI / Seddon / Penketh / C Coy / Orders / Drill
SSI / Thomas / Warrington / C Coy / Advance Party
IC events once attendance is confirmed are to create a detailed training package for their individual area of responsibility in line with the published block training programme at Annexe A. A detailed training programme will be produced once meal timings and cadet numbers are finalised.
Pre Course Training / Assessments
5.Coy Commanders and DC’s are to ensure that the cadets who are nominated to attend the weekend have been given the opportunity in detachment to consolidate any learning required on the APC subjects listed in paragraph 2. This is particularly pertinent to the orders phase as this is an area that some cadets have historically failed to understand fully.
Detachment staff are to provide suitable advice to the cadets on the creation of a basic orders model kit to be brought on the course. It remains the responsibility of each Det / Coy to facilitate the onward learning of the senior cadets in support of Senior Coys ME.
Coy Commanders / Staff Officers are to ensure that each cadet attending from their Company is listed on an AF 7557 detailing that they have completed the participation phase of the Physical Recreation assessment as detailed in Reference D. This may be forwarded electronically to OC Senior Coy and may be retrospective following on from pre annual camp activities. Without this confirmation the cadet will be unable to pass the entire of the Physical Recreation module on the weekend. This requirement works in support of Reference A Section 3.
Cadets are to be advised to work on and improve their physical fitness for all Senior Coy events within their own physical and prevailing health constraints due to the physical nature of the training.
Nominations & Bids
6.There are a maximum of 18 female cadet and 36 male cadet residential places on this event due to accommodation restrictions at Fox Barracks. Coy Commanders / Staff Officers are requested to prioritise the bids for this event against the learning outcomes specified in paragraph 2 on a training need basis.
In the event that this event is over subscribed then selection will be based upon the number of attendances in 2013 made by the cadet at Det parade nights and Coy events.
Cadets who bid for the event but do not return paperwork or attend the weekend without prior notification will be recorded on Westminster. This non-attendance may be used as a future selection criteria for senior cadet courses / national competitions.
Should any cadet have been granted an extension by the Cmdt to remain past their 18th Birthday then they are eligible for the weekend on the basis that they do not stay overnight. To this end they must be ‘self lift’ to and from the training location and OC Senior Coy advised accordingly on the Bid Form.
Should there be any SCIC or 4* Cadets that wish to attend the weekend in order to refresh and revise the orders process as part of their onward learning within the organisation then Coy Commanders may bid for places accordingly on cadet merit. Due to potential numbers restrictions these bids will be of a lower priority in relation to the above criteria.
Coy Commanders / Staff Officers should submit bids for the weekend, these must be submitted to Miss V Shaw at Headquarters by 16September 2013 using the Bidding Form at Annexe B.Bids may be submitted electronically to expedite the process. The minimum number of cadets to run the weekend is 10.
Visitors / PRO / Media
7. Visitors to the event are encouraged and should contact OC Senior Coy to make suitable arrangements.
The PRO is requested to attend the event if available in order to maximise both the internal and external publicity opportunities presented or nominate a deputy.
Lt Bebington is requested to publish the C95a and PARQ on the CACF website – Senior Coy page in .pdf format. An abridged version of Sections 2, 3, 5, 8 & 9 of this admin order should be published alongside the downloadable forms so that the cadets are aware of the salient points of this instruction at the earliest opportunity.
DC’s are to highlight to all senior cadets that the weekend forms are downloadable as well as in paper copy should replacements be required.
Dress / Pers Equipment
8.The dress for instructors and cadets will be;
a.Training Dress: MTP (Adults) / DPM (Cadets), Boots Combat High, Regimental Headdress, PT Kit with serviceable training shoes are required. Warm kit advised.
b.Evenings: (Adults) Dress for the bar and mess in the evenings will be shirt / polo shirt and trousers (no jeans) or female equivalent. Cadets to bring appropriate casual clothing.
Notebook & A4 Pad, pen, ruler and pencil are required for all training. If cadets have Nyrex orders books / Aide Memoirs these will assist in the cadets learning and are to be brought. Cadets will bring a basic model kit with them.All personnel will bring necessary wash kit and personal administration items required for a residential testing board to include personal first aid kit, boot polish and brushes, small padlock, sewing kit, clothes brush, spare uniform / clothing, underwear, socks, towel, bootlaces.
The QM is requested to provide suitable bedding for cadets and staff.
Key Timings / Transport
9.Cadets and staff are to organise their own transport to and from County HQ. Main body staff are requested to parade Fri 25 October at 1845hrs with cadets to have arrived by 1900hrs. It is anticipated that the cadets will be released at approx 1500hrs Sun 27 October 2013.
The MTO is requested to make available 1 x Van and 1 x Minibus
10. All meals will be taken in The Dale Barracks Cookhouse. Payment will be by pay as you dine. The QM is requested to facilitate this rationing. The QM is requested to confirm meal timings as soon as possible to enable the detailed training programme to be determined.
The QM is requested to provide hot drinks via the Cookhouse - Dale Camp.
The QM is requested to provide Bar and Naafi facilities upon handover of Fox Barracks.
Pay / MMA
11.The CEO is requested to provide PTD’s & MMA for this training event for all staff upon submission of the relevant paperwork to Miss V Shaw in line with the current policy on PTD’s.
12.The QM is requested to supply the kit and equipment as per Annex C.
Cost / C95a
13.Miss V Shaw is requested to prepare and provide C95a & PARQ forms as per the approved bidding list to each Det that has provided bids to enable the Det Commanders sufficient time to issue and collect the forms for the C95a and monies deadline.
Det Commanders are to ensure that Westminster is updated with any relevant medical conditions disclosed upon the C95a and PARQ forms.
The cost of the weekend will be £10. Coy Commanders / Staff Officers are requested to collate C95a forms and provide payment by cheque to County HQ by 14October 2013 latest. There will be no refunds for non attendance by cadets. Miss V Shaw is requested to collate returns and populate Westminster.
Any cadet who does not return their C/95A form to comply with the above date will not be eligible to attend the weekend.
Recording of Results
14.All results of summative assessments will be recorded on Westminster and a paper copy held by OC Senior Coy. Partial passes / failures will also be recorded to show cadet participation and improvement. A summary of APC results will be published to Coy Commanders once the results have been collated.
15.This is the first of the Senior Coy events that Cheshire Army Cadet Force has run with a view to working in support of the new County structure, feedback from both cadets and Companies will be essential in the future development of Senior Company and its role within CACF.
There will be a full de-brief at the end of the event by all staff to capture any organisational learning points that may prove useful to future training events.
OC Senior Company
For Commandant
- Block Training Program
- Bidding Form
- Stores List
Distribution (Email and Post):
Action Internal:
OC A Coy
OC B Coy
OC C Coy
OC D Coy
CTO & CTO Cadets (Designate)
All Staff Officers
All DC’s
All named staff
Miss V Shaw
Lt Bebington – Media Ops
Information Internal:
Dept Comdt
Annexe A – Block Training Programme
AM Trg Period / PM Trg Period / Eve Trg PeriodFriday / Adv Party / Adv Party / Admin / Orders Revision
Saturday / PT Test / Orders / D & T Revision / Orders Assessment
Sunday / D & T Assessments / Admin Phase
PT Assessment:
As per Reference D Annex D & E
Orders Revision - As per Reference B Chap 6 Sect 18
Orders Assessment – As per Reference D para 0526 c
Drill & Turnout:
Revision – As per Reference D para 0504 dependent upon prevailing skill level within the squads.
Assessment – As per Reference D para 0506
Routine Timings:
Timings to be confirmed once meal timings are determined by the QM.
Revaille – 0630hrs
Breakfast – 0715hrs
Room Inspection – 0815hrs
AM Trg Period – 0830–1145hrs
Lunch – 1200-1300hrs
PM Trg Period – 1315-1645hrs
Dinner – 1700-1800hrs
Eve Trg Period – 1815-2000hrs (Fri until 2100hrs)
Training Ends – 2000hrs
Lights Out – 2300hrs
Annexe B – Bidding Form
To:County HQ (Attn: Miss V Shaw)
From: ______(Detachment/Company)
I would like to bid for the following Cadets to attend the 3* Testing Board weekend Friday 25 October 2013 to Sunday 27 October 2013
PLEASE RETURN TO: County HQ by 16th September 2013. Please note Nil Returns are also required.
No / Rank / Det / Initials / SurnameSigned ______
Name ______Date ______
Annexe C – Stores List
The following stores list will be confirmed by IC activities as at para 4 of this instruction once attendance is confirmed.
Drill & Turnout Phases
4 x Standards
4 x Buckets
4 x Pairs White Gloves
8 x Sticks / Canes or suitable substitutes
Irons – If Available
Ironing Boards – If Available
PT Phase
5 x Footballs
10 x Roll Mats
10 x Small Objects suitable for Bailey Bridge Tests (See Ref D Annexe D)
20 x Marker Cones
Orders Phase
1 x Powerpoint Projector with USB / Monitor Cable
1 x Laptop and ancils
1 x Extension Cable
White board Pens – Assorted Colors
2 x Flip Chart Pads, Holders and assorted marker pens x 10
2 x Mine Tape (1 Orange 1 White)
1 x Ream A4 Paper
1 x Box Pencils
1 x Box Pens
2 x Roll String (1 Green 1 White)
10 x OG Ponchos
10 x OS Maps of Dale Trg Area (General)
10 x Prints of Dale Trg Area (Detail)
10 x Compass
2 x Jerry Cans
2 x Norwegians
Plastic Cups
2 x First Aid Kits
1 x Stretcher
Toilet Rolls
Bin Bags
Brew Kit – Staff
Bedding as per final accepted numbers
2 x Training Manual Module Complete
Naafi & Bar Facilities
Gortex Jackets – Cadets and Adults