Minutes of the meeting of Starcross Parish Council held in
Starcross Pavilion, Starcross on Monday 11 April 2016at 7.45pm

Present:Cllrs Cadbury (Chairman),Chadwick,Chase, Debenham, Gardner, Greenhough, Hopper, Lovell,Rastall and Stanley

Also present:Toby Russell (Community Helipads Development Officer, Devon Air Ambulance Trust)andSuzanna Hughes (Clerk)

The Chairman introduced TobyRussell (Community Helipads Development Officer, Devon Air Ambulance Trust), who gave a presentation about the Trust’s desire to extend their flying hours to include night flying from October 2016. He informed members that the Trust is looking to develop a network of night time landing areas and is looking to identify communities which have appropriate sites and are willing to invest in the necessary floodlights. Appropriate sites will be a minimum of 50m x 50m and it would be necessary to install a 10m column with 2 LED column lights which would illuminate the area. This could be powered via mains electricity supply (230v standard home wiring) or solar power which would incorporate one or two solar panels secured to the top of the lighting column and a set of batteries to power the lights. The lighting will include a remote switching system operated by SMS. The cost would be £4,500 - £5,000 plus installation costs which are estimated at £1,500 - £1,800. As it would be funded by the community, it would become a community asset. If a site is agreed, the Trust would carry out a survey. If it is decided that this option was not feasible, another option would be to use a site as a practice area where the costs would be reduced.

110416.01 Apologies for absence

  • Cllr P Burrows
  • Pauline Bloomfield (Dawlish Town Council)
  • PC Rob Harvey

110416.02Ratification of Minutes

Members present received the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 14 March2016.

It was agreed unanimously by those members present and voting that these minutes be signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record of that meeting.

110416.03Matters Arising

Councillors were invited to raise matters arising which are not covered under agenda items listed below, or lead Councillors’ reports.

No matters were raised.

110416.04Declarations of Interest and Requests for Dispensation

Members were reminded of their responsibility to continually update their Notice of Registerable Interests and invited to state whether they have any interest in the items to be discussed during this meeting in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct. Unforeseen requests for a Dispensation to be considered at this point only if there was no way a member would have been aware of such before the meeting.

There were no declarations of interest or requests for dispensation.

110416.05Open Forum (Part 1)

No matters were raised.

110416.06Crime Report

PC Rob Harveysent a written report as follows:

Reported crimes from 14/03/16 – 11/04/16

Starcross(6 crimes)

-Domestic assault between siblings – Offender Cautioned

-Historical sexual assault dating back to 1990’s – Enquiries ongoing

-Domestic criminal damage – Offender charged

-Burglary to shed – Suspect arrested and bailed. Enquiries ongoing and suspect responsible for series of burglaries.

-Attempt burglary to shed – Same venue as above and enquiries as above.

-Criminal damage to vehicle – Tyres let down on a vehicle. Suspected domestic related but no evidence.

Cockwood(0 crimes)

Cofton (0 crimes)

Other matters

Two suspects for the recent spate of shed breaks have been arrested and are currently on police bail for further enquiries. Please remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities or vehicles.

110416.07Finance and Governance

7.1Financial Reports

Members received financial reports for April (attached).

It was unanimously agreed by all members present and voting that the payments as listed be approved and cheques signed.

7.2Having accepted a quotation from Tamar Security for a maintenance contract for the Pavilion intruder alarm for £97, it was agreed to sign the annual maintenance contract with Tamar Security for the intruder alarm commencing 4 April 2016.

7.3Finance Committee Report:

Cllr Hopper advised that in order set up the online banking, an amendment to the resolution made

in March’s meeting regarding the mandate with NatWest was necessary. He advised that it was

necessary to amend the resolution to delete Suzanna Hughes and replace with Megan Debenham,

so as to read as follows:

Megan Debenham, James Hopper and Andrew Cadbury are authorised to complete and sign the

National Westminster Bank plc Bankline Mandate for provision of internet banking services and toaccept the Bankline Terms on behalf of the Parish Council. Chairman’s signature required.

This was agreed by all members present.

7.4Cllr Hopper advised that the deadline for Rural Aid applications is 6 May. Cllr Chadwick suggested that an application is made in order to develop raised beds on one of the allotment plots to provide access for disabled people. It was agreed that Cllr Chadwick should pursue this and put forward an application on behalf of the Parish Council.


8.1 New Planning Applications/Appeals:

No new planning applications were received.


8.1.115/03503/FUL - Staplake Mount, Starcross

Provision of a new standby generator and fuel tank enclosed with a timber fence

Members noted that TDC has granted conditional planning permission.

8.3Planning and Development Committee Report:

The Chairman reported that the Planning and Development Committee had met on 23 March to discuss an application to prune two evergreen oaks in the car park associated with Courtenay Mews, The Strand. (16/00725/TPO). He advised that the Committee had raised no objections. A copy of the minutes had been circulated to all members.

He also advised that the Committee had reviewed its Terms of Reference and had made one amendment removing the statement referring to the Pavilion project which was now complete.


9.1Members received a proposal that Starcross Parish Council agrees to maintain, in perpetuity, a planter (to be provided and installed by DCC) as a traffic safety measure at the junction of Bonhay Road and The Strand. This was unanimously agreed.

9.2Members received an email complaining about the hedges on the north side of Generals Lane and to the east of the sports field which are overgrown. It was agreed that these are the responsibility of DCC and therefore the clerk should refer the matter to DCC Highways Officer, Jamie Hewitt.

9.3Following Toby Russell’s presentation at the start of the meeting concerning the community helipad, whilst there were some concerns regarding the cost of installation, it was agreed that the proposal should be explored and therefore included on the agenda for the next meeting for further discussion.

9.4Community Committee:Report

No report.


10.1A proposal from Cllr Chadwick that the Parish Council requests Steel Innovations Ltd to quote for installing combinations locks to the main gates of Starcross Allotments to improve the security of the site was deferred.

10.2Members received and noted the annual play inspection reports.

It was agreed that Cllr Hopper would look at the goal post (General’s Lane) which had been identified as corroded and requiring descaling back to good metal and coating with lead free paint.

Whilst it had not shown up as an issue on the inspection reports, Cllr Rastall advised that she and her partner had taken the roundabout off as it appeared loose but were unable to improve it. It was therefore agreed to ask M&D to look at it and advise.

10.3Recreation Committee:Report

No report

110416.11Youth Club

11.1Members received the contracts of employment for Charley Stone, Becky Osborne and Kim Mather, as drawn up. Members’ attention was drawn particularly to a change in the hours which have been increased from 4 to 4 ½ hours per week for the Leader and 3 to 3½ hours per week for each Assistant. The contracts and increased hours were accepted and it was agreed that the individuals should now be issued to the individuals concerned to take effect from 1 April 2016.

11.2Youth Club Committee:Report

Cllr Chadwick advised that the Youth Club continues to thrive. Membership during term time is around 30. The senior club is less successful and the Youth Club committee has taken steps to encourage new membership.

Cllr Hopper informed members that, he had passed all responsibility for the Youth Club’s finances to the Youth Club Leader and Cllr Chadwick who will forward to the Clerk detailed income and expenditure reports at the end of each month from which the VAT will be calculated and managed.

110416.12Non-Committee Items

12.1Members received details from TDC about traffic management arrangements during BBC Radio 1’s Big Weekend. It was agreed to establish whether the route from Powderham Church to Starcross would be accessible to cyclists during the Big Weekend.


There were no items of correspondence.

110416.14Open Forum (part 2)

There were no items raised.

110416.15Items for future meetings


110416.16Date of next meeting

The next meeting of the Parish Council (the Annual Meeting of the Council) is to be held on Monday 9 May2016 commencing at 7.45pm in Starcross Pavilion, Generals Lane, Starcross.

The meeting closed at 9.16pm.


Chairman of the Parish Council DATE: 9 May 2016

Note: In cases where a document or paper is referred to on the Agenda or the Minutes, this document will be available EITHER on the Parish Council website or on request from:- The Clerk to the Council, 16 Westwood Cleave, Ogwell, Newton AbbotTQ1`1`2 6YE. 01626 330311