Connel Community Council
Minutes of the Meeting of Connel Community Council
held in Connel Village Hall on Tuesday, 8 January 2013 at 7.30 pm
1. Present
CC Sandy Dunlop (Chair), CC Les Stewart (Secretary), C.I. Brian Auld, CC Helen Long, CC John Anderson, CC Jim Grout, CC Mike Harrison, CC Sam Leddy, Kenny Ferguson, Murdoch MacKenzie, Stephen Thomas, Jane Wilkinson, Derek Wilkinson, Henry Woodman, Jonathan Davies, Jean Clark, Cllr. Iain Angus MacDonald, Cllr. Elaine Robertson, Councillor Duncan MacIntyre (CC = Community Councillor).
Apologies: PC Alison Simpson, (Strathclyde Police), Cllr. Louise Glen-Lee, Helen Anderson, CC Harry Powell.
2. Police Report
C.I. Brain Auld gave a full report on the Police Statistics for the last two months. (Details on the Community Council website.) There had been 6 Speed Checks during the period for the Connel area but no drink driving incidents had been discovered. The Chief Inspector talked briefly about the Community Resilience and Emergency Planning for Community Groups and said that PC Karen Watson was attached to the Council to assist communities with their planning. A Police survey had been carried out into the main concerns the public had.
Referring to Traffic Control protocols between Transerv Scotland and the Police, Brian said that this was a difficult one to resolve. The Police are responsible for accident management but Transerv are the body who direct traffic through alternative routes.
Les said that the Speed Limit Review which threatened to increase speeds in villages (Taynuilt, Loch Awe and Connel) is still under review and “increases are not being promoted at present”.
3. Minutes of last Meeting on 13 November 2012
The minutes had been circulated and were approved.
Proposed by John Anderson and seconded by Jim Grout.
Les thanked Helen Anderson for taking the Minutes at the last CC Meeting in November.
Sandy explained that there had been a meeting of Community Councillors, only, (to discuss planning applications.) Les had prepared a minute of this meeting; it had been circulated and was approved. Proposed by Sam Leddy and seconded by Jim Grout.
4. Matters arising
a) The issue of Traffic control protocols had been discussed under Police Matters.
b) The issue of illegal advertising boards has been on the Agenda for over two years. Attempts to devise a protocol between Transport Scotland and the Council appear to have come to nothing. The item will be removed from future agendas.
c) Les said that the Forestry Commission had delivered a Picnic Table (self-assembly!) to the Falls of Lora site this morning and we expected Geo. Leslie to arrive later in the week to dig a hole to embed the table. Glensanda’s offer of 20 tonnes of granite chips remains and we plan to use the chips to make a few small paths in the area.
5. Treasurer’s Report
Lorne Nelson said that the Community Council had over £1100 in the bank. Lorne suggested that we look for ways in which to spend part of this fund. Suggestions were invited from the audience.
To be carried forward to the next meeting.
6. A85 Roads
Les said that he had been in touch with Transerv regarding a number of problems in the village.
It had taken several attempts to get Transerv to react but, finally, they did deal with the items raised.
However, although Transerv suggest that the road opposite to old Police Station no longer “ponds”, the heavy rain over the last few days has still resulted in sizeable puddles at that location. Secretary will write again to Transerv.
Other, new problems have arisen: the junction of Deirdre Road and the A85; potholes outside the old Loch Etive Hotel; various holes at Achaleven. Secretary to take up with appropriate authorities.
Les described the ways in which individuals can report road or pavement failings via websites. He said that his experience had been quite good and encouraged people to use these avenues. (Details on the CC website - under ROADS).
Cllr Duncan MacIntyre reminded us that the Trunk Roads will shortly have a new operator under BEAR. He suggested that we ask Jim Smith, Head of Operational Services, Argyll & Bute Council, to come and talk to us, so that we can maintain the kind of good relations we have developed in the past with Transerv. Secretary to arrange.
7. Plans and Planning:
a) There were no planning applications affecting the village.
b) Wind Turbine Applications - Kilvaree and Cuil Uaine
Lorne Nelson spoke against these applications, citing the proximity to the unspoiled Black Lochs area and the visual intrusion on an otherwise pristine landscape.
Les confirmed that the Community Council had objected to the applications and he read the letter to the Planners. Initially, the deadline for comments had been 31 December 2012 but the Planners had agreed, exceptionally, to extend the period until 31 January 2013. In speaking to the Planners, Les had learned that they were overwhelmed with Objections/Comments to a large number of differing applications throughout the county. This had created a large backlog which meant that the websites were not up to date. Les felt that this was misleading, since a casual observer might think that a very small number of published objections meant little or no opposition, whereas, in fact, there were many objections/comments waiting to be processed. He suggested some kind of numbering system to, at least show, what volume was being received. Cllr. Iain MacDonald will discuss this with Planners.
Murdoch Mackenzie said that Mac Armstrong was organising a petition against the wind turbine development.
Sandy reminded us that a petition only counts as one objection. Les said he would speak to Mac about this.
Cllr MacDonald explained that following a current survey of the proliferation of wind farms, there was the possibility that certain areas/scenic glens might be declared off limits for new developments.
Jim Grout said there were 236 turbines working in Argyll & Bute.
c) Fish Farm Application - Loch Etive - Dawnfresh Seafoods Ltd
Sandy had had a call from Mr Gideon Pringle of the Fish Farm company asking for an opportunity to talk to the meeting to-night. We declined to accede to his request and he subsequently e-mailed the secretary to say that he was disappointed and frustrated that objectors were now not willing to meet him to discuss the issues. He went on to say that the development is very important for the business’ survival. The company’s accounts show net worth of £9.3 mn; assets worth £13.2 mn and liabilities of £7.3 mn. as at 30/3/2011.
Les explained that Connel CC had not yet formally objected to this development as we had not had a meeting to
fully discuss the proposals. Those present agreed that an objection should be submitted now ( with one abstention.)
Iain MacDonald said that the final Local Development Plan would soon be out for consultation (from end January). The consultation period will be for 3 months and input from Community Councils is expected. There will be paper copies in the Council Offices in Oban and at the Library. Otherwise, it will be available on the Council website.
8. Community Emergency Planning
Already discussed under Police Report, but Cllr Elaine Robertson said that Morag Brown (A&B Council) would be happy to come and talk to us about the project. Les wondered if it might be an idea to set up a list of the most vulnerable people in the village so that help could be delivered quickly in case of need. He said he was happy to do that but someone else would need to take on the management. Sandy said we were lucky in Connel as it was a village where residents looked after each other.
Secretary to invite Morag Brown to a meeting.
9. Connel Community Questionnaire
Les said he had not progressed this. He had received the Oban Community Action Plan which had been prepared by Oban CC following their Community Questionnaire. The Oban survey asked only three questions:-
1. What do you like about Oban? 2. What do you dislike about Oban? 3. What would make Oban a better place to live, work or visit?
It was agreed that we would devise a survey with these questions but add a question about the Community Council. Who are we; what do we do? Could we do other things for the community?
10. A.O.C.B
The Secretary mentioned that Community Councillors are being invited to training sessions in Oban (Corran Halls) on 30 January 2013 7-9 pm and/or 31 January 2013 2.30 - 4.30 pm.
Community Councillors to contact Les to arrange for a place.
Sam Leddy had attended the Meeting of the OLI Public Partnership Forum and gave a full report on everything that had been discussed ranging from Patient Transport, Air Ambulance, new GP Contracts, the Day Hospital and much more. The next meeting will be at the Hospital on 4 February at 6.30 pm. Meetings are open to the public.
In view of the fact that the Referendum on Independence for Scotland is less than 18 months away, Les suggested that it might be helpful if the Community Council organised one or two meetings where people could listen to various points of view. He said that it would be preferable if speakers were not party members but were drawn from the general public, who had done their research and who had made their decision.
It was agreed that this would be worthwhile and Les is to organise. These would be meetings held separately from the normal CC Meetings.
Date of Next Community Council Meeting - Tuesday, 12 March 2013 at 7.30 - Connel Hall