Appendix 4

Statutory & Mandatory Training

Request for Exemption from Attendance on Trust courses

In order to comply with statutory requirements and governance arrangements the Trust has determined a number of courses where it is mandatory for all or specific groups of employees to attend. Records of attendance to enable the Trust to monitor compliance rates will be maintained and reported upon on a quarterly or more frequent basis. It is, however, recognised that there are circumstances in which certain individuals are deemed to be an expert in the subject area or have attended courses external to the organisation e.g. via Trade Union activity or through completion of professional qualifications where the statutory/mandatory subject area has been covered in some depth.

To avoid unnecessary time out of the workplace and duplication of learning individual employees may request exemption from attendance on certain of the Trust’s mandatory training programmes where it is deemed that this is the case. It must be noted, however, that this is the exception rather than the norm.

This form must be completed by any individual who considers s/he should be exempt from attendance on one or more of the Trust’s statutory or mandatory training courses. The request must be authorised by the individual’s line manager who will be accountable for confirming that the details provided are correct.

Completed forms should be sent to the Learning & Development Manager who will check the information provided and determine whether exemption will apply. Where the request is accepted the Trust’s training database will be updated to reflect that the individual is compliant.

Name of Applicant:………………………………………………………………….

Job Title:……………………………………………………………………………..



Contact Number:………………………………………………………………….…

Managers name:……………………..………………………………………………

Managers Job Title:………………………………………………………………….

Please complete the table overleaf stating clearly and in full the name of each course for which exemption is requested, the reason for your request and giving details of any relevant qualification held.

Please provide copies of course attendance certificate, programme, content and learning outcomes

Course Title / Reason for Exemption request* e.g. course attended, professional expertise in subject area / Relevant qualification/s held / Date achieved

Please explain how you have maintained your skills/knowledge over the last 12 months

Applicants signature:……………………………………….Date:…………………..

Line Manager’s Signature………………………………….Date:………………….

Please send completed form to the Learning & Development Manager, South Staffordshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Crooked Bridge Road, Stafford, ST16 3NE

Office Use only