Computer Generated Art Competition
30 Points
The Goal
To experiment with computer graphics algorithms while exploring concepts of programming using turtle graphics.
The Rules
You must create your own drawing using any of the turtle graphics concepts described in the JavaScript/Turtle Graphics Labs. You are encouraged to experiment with as many or as few of the ideas as you like, such as variables, functions, loops and branches. But you must produce a unique drawing.When you’re finished, your drawing will be posted to your website along with the source code that produced it. On the last day of class, we will have a digital art reception and competition where all submitted works will be judged by all the students in class. The winner will receive a small prize.
What to do
- Start by dowloading the file Project2.htm. Right click on the link Project2.htmwhich is on the CSIS1 web page. Then Choose File>Save Target As and save the file either on your U: drive (on campus) or My Documents folder (at home).
- Make sure you also have a copy of file turtle.js in the same folder (download if necessary).
- Open your local copy of Project2.htm in Internet Explorer. You should get a blank web page. Choose View>Source to bring up the same file in notepad for editing.
- Before starting, make sure you enable debugging:
a) In Internet Explorer, click Tools>Internet Options
b) Click on the Advanced tab
c) Click the box to "Display a notification about every script error" - Also, in Notepad, click Format and make sure Word Wrap is NOT checked
- Start coding in JavaScript/Turtle Graphics, using any techniques you like to draw the picture that will make you famous.
- When you are finished, do a screen capture (see instructions at end of document) to save your picture. Save it as file project2.jpg (MUST be lower case, no spaces)
- Make a copy of your Project2.htm file, rename it as project2.txt (MUST be lower case, no spaces), then OPEN file project2.txt and delete the first few lines up to but not incliding the line that starts //------PUT ALL YOUR FUNCTIONS HERE------
- Upload files project2.txt and project2.jpg to your website, public_html folder. That’s it! Congratulations.
Instructions for doing a Screen Capture
a) Bring your Internet Explorer window to the forefront and then press Alt – PrtScr
b) Open Adobe Photoshop
c) Click Edit>Paste
d) save the file as project2.jpg Use the highest quality JPG format.
Instructions for Uploading your Files
a) Open Internet Explorer and visit the URL ftp://terra.mpc.edu
b) Choose File>Login As and enter your userID (mpc01cXX) and password
c) Open your public_html folder
e) Copy the files from your local computer and paste into public_html
f) Check the ArtGallery link near the top of the CSIS1 webpage to see if your picture and code are visible.