Personality p.

Instructor: instructor email:

Virtual office hours:

Course Introduction: The asynchronous organization of this fully online course means that students can determine the times and places to meet most of the performance requirements of the course. Satisfactory experience with an online course is facilitated by effective skills in time management, reading comprehension, and formal writing.

Course Description

A review of classic theories and modern research associated with major personality theorists that examines the range of perspectives and assessment methods used by personality psychologists to examine human personality.

Learning Objectives: After completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Define personality and explain the personality concept in psychology;
  • Describe the primary research methods used in studying personality;
  • Define the psychoanalytic approach;
  • Identify personality dispositions/traits;
  • Reflect on the role of pain and suffering in personality;
  • Summarize the key theories of Freud, Adler, and Jung;
  • Define what is meant by an objective personality test and list at least 2 common ones;
  • Explain the benefits of projective personality testing and identify at least 3 common ones;

Required Text

  • Shiraev, E. E. (2016) Personality Theories: A Global View. Los Angeles: Sage.
  • Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed) Washington, DC: APA.

Supplemental Readings

There are also videoclips, power point slides, and activities posted on a companion web site each week to assist you in comprehension and to help you more fully enjoy the weekly material.

College E-mail Account

  • ALL e-mail communication from the instructor will be sent to your college e-mail address, so it is recommended that you check this account frequently.
  • You can access your college e-mail account by clicking on the E-MAIL link at the top of every page on the college web site.

Personal computer problems

Should you experience a personal computer failure during the course, all assignments should be postmarked by the deadline and mailed to me at: ------


  • The course will utilize SacCT, an online LMS (learning management system).

To access this course on SacCT you will need access to the Internet and Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari). To ensure that you are using a supported browser and have required plug-ins please run the Check Browser from your SacCT course. Refer to the SacCT Browser Tune-up page for instructions.

You will use your Saclink account to log into the course from the SacCT Login page (

Technical Assistance

If you need technical assistance or to report a problem with SacCT you can:

  • Visit the SacCT Student Resources Page
  • Review SacCT Student Tutorials
  • Visit the SacCTStudent FAQ’s Page
  • Submit a SacCT Problem Form

Week 1 / Week 2 / Week 3 / Week 4 / Week 5 / Week 6 / Week 7
Discussions / 1 and 2 / 3 and 4 / 5 and 6 / 7 and 8 / 9 and 10 / 11 and 12 / 13
Quizzes / 1 / 2 / 3
Papers / 1 / 2
Final project / 1 / 2

Course Design

Modules/Weekly units

The course will be set up in 14modules (WEEK 1, WEEK 2, etc.) found under the modules link on your main page. Each weekly unit will be available to you at the beginning of the week. All course assignments will be compiled in each weekly section, including textbooks readings, supplemental materials, learning units, discussion board activities, and more. Each activity should be completed in the order it is presented and all assignments should be completed and delivered by the due date.

Our course will consist of

Course Content

  • Note: each week you have an assigned chapter to read. This chapter is also supplemented with a companion web site which includes
  • powerpoints
  • class activities
  • web activities
  • discussion questions


  • Discussion board – 40%

oWe will engage indiscussions each week (you can post your initial reaction to one of the questions or to the chapter itself at any time before the due date)

oThe Discussion Board postings will facilitate collaboration as you will be required to respond to the postings of two of your classmates (within 3 days) each week.

  • Research papers – 20%
  • Benefits of Solitude
  • Wholeness paper


  • Quizzes –– 25%
  • quiz one
  • final test
  • Individual project – web page – 15%

Grading Weights

At the end of the semester, I will total all points you have earned, and assign a letter grade:

100-93 (A); 92-90 (A-); 89-87 (B+); 86-83 (B); 79-77 (C+);

76-77 (C); 72-70 (C-); 69-67 (D+); 66-63 (D); and below 62 (F).

Lateness policy: points will be deducted for late assignments and latework

File Formats for online course

Office 2007 files may not be readable in Canvas. If submitting files, save the files in .rtf or Office 97-2003 (.doc) format only.

Formatting of Written Assignments

All written course assignments must utilize APA formatting and must be written and saved in Microsoft Word. A cover page includes 3 double-spaced lines centered on the page (the title, your name, ----- University. Use headers to indicate abbreviated title and page numbering. Name the file using this format: DoeJ_paper1.doc.

Double space all documents and indent a half inch for all paragraphs on all applications. Set your margins to one inch on all sides (top, bottom, left and right). Your font size should be size 12 and suggested fonts are Garamond, Times New Roman, and Palatino. For emphasis, use italics instead of underlining! Page numbers are required (upper right hand corner) on all pages including the cover page. Use the Insert Page Number feature of your word processor. When quotes or citations are used, a Reference page is required.

Online Discussion Forums -- Students participate in a Discussion Board forum each week

  • Participation in discussions is a 2-step process.

oYour initial reaction to the chapter or one of the questions posted by the instructor is due by Thursday.

oResponding to 2 other students by Sunday is a requirement

  • Your initial reaction to the Discussion Board should be approximately two paragraphs (paragraphs are considered to be 50 – 75 words in length) in length. Responses to students should be approximately 1 paragraph.
  • Your weekly discussion grade is based on 1 point for challenge, 2 points for initial reaction, and 1 point for responding to 2 team mates. Deductions include .2 for no references/support (where is this found in your book or on line), - .2 for weak title (subject area), -.5 for a day late, -.2-.9 lacking in quality.
  • It is suggested that you create your posting in Microsoft Word so that you can save and spell check before posting to the Discussion Board.
  • Occasionally the LMS system is off-line for a brief period. Students should re-try submission at a later time. Postings should only be e-mailed as a last resort.

Assignment directions follow:

Individual Project – Web Page

This is an individual project to be turned in on week 7 of the term. Think about printing a newspaper of yourself in all your glory (this course is personality – so tell us how each of the theorists would describe you). You will need to have at least 10 articles in your newspaper. One Headliner on who you are (background) and then One section about yourself within each theory (8 theories = 8 sections) and a closing section on your future plans.
In today’s technological society, instead of a newspaper (i.e....sports page, front page news, obits, cartoons, letters to the editor, etc), we will go digital. . . so . . .build a web page. If you already know how to do a web page, go for it. You may make a free web page with your email server. However, the easiest way for beginners is to use blogger ( or webspawner ( where they walk you through building a web page step-by-step.
Be sure to include the following:
FRONT PAGE; headliner (all about you)
ONE SECTION/poge:for each theory = 8 PAGES. For instance:
Theory: Existentialism
Theorist: Viktor Frankl
Focus: freedom to choose and develop
Strengths (I like…): looks at the meaning of life and my purpose on earth
Weaknesses (I dislike…): focuses on existential anxiety (feelings of dread and panic)
Personal example: Jane believes in focusing on the positive in life. She believes we are elements of change and can make a difference. For example, when she sees or hears something good about a person. She calls them to pass along the compliments. She has often said that parents only get telephone calls that start with "are you the parent of . . ." when someone is calling to complain. She believes and lives her beliefs by calling parents with "good news" whenever she sees or hears something good about their child.

CLOSING: My journey points me toward . . . (looking ahead)
Scoring rubrics:

Front page -- headliner, all about you / 1.5
psychoanalytic page -- theory, theorist, focus, strength, weakness, personal example / 1.5
New wave page -- theory, theorist, focus, strength, weakness, personal example / 1.5
humanistic page -- theory, theorist, focus, strength, weakness, personal example / 1.5
trait page -- theory, theorist, focus, strength, weakness, personal example / 1.5
cognitive page -- theory, theorist, focus, strength, weakness, personal example / 1.5
behavioral page -- theory, theorist, focus, strength, weakness, personal example / 1.5
clinical page -- theory, theorist, focus, strength, weakness, personal example / 1.5
adjustment page -- theory, theorist, focus, strength, weakness, personal example / 1.5
closing page -- my future journey / 1.5