November 22nd, 2016
Creston School Library
Call to Order
Chairman Eric Nelson called the meeting to order at 6:01pm with the flag salute.
Members Present: Member Absent:
Eric Nelson Jamie Nelson
Pat Rosman
Pia Odegaard
Kathleen Strozyk
Dr. William Wadlington, Superintendent
Lindsay Brashears, Recording Secretary
Aherron Nestor, Business Manager
Introduction of Guests
Pat Rosman moved to approve the agenda; Kathleen Strozyk seconded; the motion carried.
Approval of Minutes
Pia Odegaard moved to approve the amended minutes; Pat Rosman seconded; the motion carried.
Consent Agenda
Pat Rosman removed 10b (School Bus Purchase) off of the consent agenda and Pat Rosman moved to approve the amended consent agenda; Kathleen Strozyk seconded; the motion passed.
*General and ASB Fund Vouchers: Totaling $24,116.23
*Payroll: Totaling $140,993.74.
*Acceptance of resignation of the Junior High Head Track Coach—Christy Wyborney
*Approval of Rich Jaeger—Volunteer Junior High Girls Basketball Coach
*Approval of Codie Soule—Volunteer High School Boys Basketball Coach
*Approval of Dakota Niewald—Volunteer High School Wrestling
Fiscal Report
October revenues totaled $187,140.83, and October expenditures totaled $191,664.35.
Extracurricular Contracts
Pat moved to approved the extracurricular contracts for James Nee, Gregg Arden, and Justin Schmierer as the Junior High Girls Basketball Coach; Pia Odegaard seconded; the motion carried.
Executive Session
An executive session was not requested.
Uniform Replacement Contribution
Mr. Gaub and Mr. Wadlington are having Darin Reppe revamp the uniform replacement cycle.
Report from WSSDA Conference
Pia Odegaard and Kathleen Strozyk reported on their recent trip to WSSDA 2016 in Spokane.
Wildcat Co-Op Report (Fall)
Northwest Leadership Associates
Pia Odegaard moved to approve Northwest Leadership Associates for the Superintendent search in the amount of $9200 split 50/50 with Wilbur; Pat Rosman seconded; the motion carried.
School Bus Purchase
Pat Rosman would like to get more information on how and where we can sell old buses. Auctions? Mr. Wadlington will talk with Brent and do some research.
Pat Rosman moved to approve the school bus purchase; Pia Odegaard seconded; the motion carried.
Junior High Principal Report
Glenn Arland reported that there are new tables in the foyer donated by the PTO. He also reported on the Veterans Day assembly that the Junior High organized. He also informed the board about Junior High discipline. He also talked about Junior High sports and the bi-county Academic Contest participants.
Superintendent Report
Dr. Wadliington reported that the carpet project in COMPLETE! He also stated that Allison Schroeder’s teacher experience will end during Christmas Break. He reported that we received the modified Best First Year teacher support grant for Peter O’Bannan and Michaela Nelson to fund conference attendance and establishing collaborations at the school, local, regional, state, and national level. He also informed the Board that the Subaru has been repaired, returned and is in use. The school ordered and received three water fountain/bottle stations to replace the old gymnasium drinking fountains. Dr. Wadlington also reported that we are collaborating with Rural Allicance for Student Success for a K-3 Mathematics Initiative (Fall 2016); Denise Arland is the lead teacher.
Pat Rosman moved to adjourn at 6:49pm; Pia Odegaard seconded; the motion carried.
Next Scheduled Board Meeting: Thursday, December 22nd, 2016 in the school library at 6:00pm.
Eric Nelson, Chairman Pia Odegaard
Pat Rosman, Vice Chairman Kathleen Strozyk
Jamie Nelson Dr. William Wadlington, Superintendent
These minutes, Superintendent’s Report, annual budget, and other documents are available at http://www.creston.wednet.ed