Vigo Parish Council ~ Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 15th September 2014




Present: / Cllr Pat Banks (in the Chair); Cllr Sue Connor; Cllr John Goodban; Cllr Roland Graves;
Cllr Jim Haslem; Cllr Marc Hogwood; Cllr Colin Talboys; Cllr Alan White;
Mrs Joanne Glass (Clerk)
In Attendance: / Mr Mike Germain (prospective Vigo Councillor); Cllr Bryan Sweetland (KCC);
Ms Mandy Cason (KCC Community Warden); Jessica Talboys (Vigo Services).
Apologies for Absence
Mr Adam Holloway (MP); Cllr Derek Shelbrooke (GBC); Cllr Lesley Boycott (GBC).
Declarations of Interest
Cllr Talboys , Cllr Goodban and Cllr White declared interests in some of agenda items. The Declarations of Interest Book was signed accordingly.
Questions from the Press and Public
Reports from Gravesham Borough & Kent County Councillors for the Parish Area
WATERLOW ROAD / ERSKINE ROAD SURFACE. These roads had been resurfaced. The surface appeared to be sticking this time, and wasn’t constantly “shedding” as it had done previously. However, it was noted that one section in Waterlow Road had not been resurfaced at all; it was not clear why this was the case. Some Councillors felt the surface was not as good as expected. VPC would inform Cllr Sweetland of any further issues.
Cllr Sweetland noted that the Kent Association of Local Councils (KALC) had made a request that Parish Councils representation at Joint Transportation Boards (JTB) be increased to two members who should be permitted voting rights. Under the current JTB constitution the one Parish representative may speak but has not voting rights. KCC has approved an initial proposal for voting rights for one Parish member and are now asked to consider proposals for a second voting attendee. This proposal would go to Council week commencing 15th September. Cllr Sweetland was in favour of the proposal, but was under the impression that Gravesham Borough Council were opposed. Cllr Sweetland noted that votes were not often taken at JTB meetings (it was primarily an advisory board).
Cllr Sweetland was organising a trip to a local waste and recycling plant, to enable Councillors to see how the operation was run. Cllr Sweetland would email the Clerk with further details.
[Action: Cllr Sweetland / Clerk]
Cllr Sweetland noted that KCC Members Grants were available for grants of up to £3000. It was agreed that once again it would be useful to utilise the grant by having a day or two of Highways “Gang Work” carried out, for clearing path edges etc. The Clerk would liaise with Mrs Talboys to provide a list of work (and the amount of hours the work would likely take) and email this to Cllr Sweetland who would then consider funding the work from his Members Grant.
[Action: Clerk / Mrs Talboys]
It was noted that the GBC CAN Grants were still available via Cllr Shelbrooke and Cllr Boycott. It was suggested that the Gravesham Access Group may be eligible for a grant with regard to disabled access to the Trosley Country Park. Cllr Talboys would mention this at the next Trosley Liaison Group Meeting. It was also noted that the Village Hall Management Committee may be eligible to apply for funding for new LED lighting in the hall (so far only the lights in the small hall, small hall stair well and library cupboard had been replaced). The Clerk would liaise with the Hall Manager regarding this.
[Action: Clerk]
Cllr Sweetland noted that Kent County Council were considering major budget cuts, and by doing so were looking at ways to carry out existing services in a different manner. There would shortly be a consultation published regarding a proposed reorganisation of the Community Warden Team. This would be received by Parish Councils within the next 3 – 4 weeks. Cllr Sweetland would be happy to go through this proposal with Parish Councils when the consultation was published. It was proposed that the scope of the work carried out by the Community Wardens would change.
Cllr Sweetland also noted that the provision of library services may be looked at, with a possible creation of a “libraries trust”.
Cllr Sweetland handed out a supply of leaflets entitled “Find out what you can do online” – the idea being to encourage residents to use the Internet for frequently asked questions etc., which was a much more cost efficient way for Borough and County Councils to provide advice.
Reports from Kent Community Wardens
Mandy Cason reported that the Lego Club (Tuesdays, Vigo Library) continued to thrive, along with the weekly Talk Time Sessions.
A film night had been held on 29th September for the local youth, with the youth workers helping to co-ordinate the event.
Mandy Cason would like to set up a support café in the village hall for people suffering from alzheimers and dementia. There are similar café’s in other areas. The Alzheimer and Dementia Support Group would assist with setting up and organising, however volunteers would be needed locally. There would also be the cost of hall hire and teas, coffees etc. Ms Cason was intending to approach St Marys Church Stansted for financial support; if this was not forthcoming then she would liaise with the Parish Clerk. Vigo Parish Council were supportive of the idea in principle.
GRAFFITI ON HIGHVIEW GARAGE DOORS (CORNER OF ERSKINE ROAD AND COMMORITY LANE). Ms Cason was looking at getting the Community Pay Back Team to clean / paint this area. It was noted that the cost of the paint would have to be met, should the garages require more than just cleaning. Ms Cason would speak to the garage owners regarding this. It was also suggested that the Pay Back team could deal with the graffiti on the teen shelter and ball park.
[Action: Ms Cason]
Ms Cason had asked the Clerk to invite Council Members to attend a visit at the Force Control Centre, to see how 999 calls are dealt with. The Clerk had emailed all Councillors – Cllr Connor, Cllr White and Cllr Graves were interested in attending and had given their availability. The Clerk would liaise with Ms Cason regarding a suitable day.
[Action: Clerk]
It was noted that three trees (of significant size) had been cut down near the ball park on Friday 5th September. The criminal damage had been reported to Kent Police by Cllr White (ref 06/0998 and XY/31796/14). Mr Perry (Vigo Services) had cleared up the debris. PC Deacon had visited and spoken to Cllr White regarding the matter on Sunday 7th September 2014.
It was agreed it would be useful to put a note in the Vigo Journal regarding “cold callers”. There had been recent incidents where local residents had felt pressured by callers claiming to be Tree Surgeons who said that trees on the residents’ property needed to have work carried out. It was noted that all trees in Vigo were subject to Tree Preservation Orders and as such all tree work was subject to approval by Gravesham Borough Council. The Clerk would put this in the Vigo Journal.
[Action: Clerk]
The New Local Policing Model had been published by KALC and emailed to all Councillors.
Details of the location of each Police Contact Point stop (time, date and location) had been sent to the Clerk and forwarded onto all Councillors.
Co-Option of Councillor
Following the resignation of Cllr Ross, the casual vacancy for Vigo Parish Council had been advertised. One formal application had been received, from Mr Michael Germain (a Vigo Resident). Therefore at the Full Parish Council Meeting on 15th September, by unanimous vote, Mr Germain was duly co-opted to Vigo Parish Council. The Clerk provided Cllr Germain with a copy of the Parish Code of Conduct. The Clerk also provided Cllr Germain with a Declaration of Pecuniary Interest Form for completion by the next Council meeting in October. Cllr Banks formally welcomed Cllr Germain to Vigo Parish Council.
[Action: Cllr Germain]
To approve the minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 21st July 2014
Minor typographical errors had been noted and amended. The minutes were agreed and signed by Cllr Banks having been accepted as an accurate record of the meeting.
Matters Arising from the Full Council Meeting (not covered under Agenda Items)
PUBLICATION OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS. The new website is up and running. Scanned copies of Councillors DPIs would be put on the site as soon as possible.
[Action: Clerk / Cllr Banks]
20 MPH SPEED LIMITS OUTSIDE VIGO SCHOOL. The Clerk had not looked at this yet, but would do so as soon as possible.
[Action: Clerk]
FACEBOOK PAGE. Pending the purchase of a new office PC.
[Action: pending new office computer]
WEBSITE: Cllr Banks reported that this was now up and running.
Minute Actions carried over from the Annual Meeting on 19.05.14
REVIEW OF FEES AND CHARGES: Clerk to pass to Policies Working Party
REVIEW OF STANDING ORDERS AND FINANCIAL REGULATIONS: Clerk to put this on a forthcoming Full Council Agenda
REVIEW OF ASSET REGISTER (INCLUDING HEALTH AND SAFETY OF ASSETS): Clerk to put this on a forthcoming Full Council Agenda.
RISK ASSESSMENT REVIEW: Clerk to put this on a forthcoming Full Council Agenda.
REVIEW OF COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE: Clerk to pass to Policies Working Party.
[Action: Clerk]
NOTICEBOARD GUIDELINES. The Clerk had not yet drafted a journal article regarding the guidelines for using the noticeboard, but would do so as soon as possible.
[Action: Clerk]
TRENCHES / BOMB HOLES NEAR VILLAGE GREEN. The Clerk had responded to all those who had contacted the Parish Council with their views.
It was not clear if Cllr Talboys had spoken to Trosley Country Park regarding their Risk Assessments for the similar undulating areas in the Country Park. The Clerk would chase this up.
[Action: Clerk / Cllr Talboys]
Neighbourhood Plan Report
ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOUR. The local PCSOs had not yet contacted the Clerk.
[Action: ongoing]
TREE PRESERVATION ORDERS. The Clerk had emailed Ms Hobbs on 21st July 2014 for an update. No response had been received as yet.
[Action: ongoing]
Feedback from the informal confidential consultation with key stakeholders had now been taken account of and the draft Plan updated. Two versions of the Plan were put to the Council for them to decide which they wished to take forward. A summary of the main changes had been provided. It was agreed to seek advice from the Parish Council Solicitor before making a decision about policy D1 and D2. It was thought that the Solicitor may need to refer to a legal expert in planning. Vigo Parish Council agreed to keep policy D2 in the draft plan, subject to legal advice. This was proposed by Cllr Graves, agreed by all.
Parking Policy. Although a rural village, Highview (as a road with high density housing) made Vigo rather unique. It was also noted that the infrequent bus service made car ownership a necessity in many cases.
The Parish Council were also asked to comment on and approve draft leaflets, posters and response forms in respect of the Pre Submission Consultation. These were noted and approved.
Local Authority Planning Applications and Projects / Covenant 3 Applications
PLANNING WORKING PARTY. This would be set up as and when there were a significant amount of planning applications received more than a week before the Parish Council meeting (as yet this had not been the case).
A number of Covenant 3 applications (some of which were for retrospective permission) were discussed.
The Clerk would inform the residents of the results of the discussions.
GBC 20140636: ROSE SMALL HOLDINGS: Reduction and retention of concrete hard standing. The Clerk had emailed Gravesham Borough Council to object to this application as agreed.
GBC 20140869: 2 CHURCHSIDE: Erection of single storey rear extension with three roof lights in a pitched roof. The plans were inspected and discussed. There were no objections to this application. The Clerk was to respond accordingly, asking GBC to inform the resident they should seek Covenant Approval from the Parish Council.
[Action: Clerk]
GBC 20140501: 28 TIMBERBANK: Erection of detached garden shed in the rear garden. Vigo Parish Council felt there was an issue with the depth of the pitch roof; overall the height of the building would be acceptable if it had a flat roof. The Clerk was to respond to GBC accordingly; the Clerk would also ask GBC to inform the resident they should seek Covenant Approval from the Parish Council.
[Action: Clerk]
GBC 20140737: 17 CHURCHSIDE: Erection of single storey rear extension to form dining room and conversion of the rear part of existing garage into a utility room. Vigo Parish Council were concerned about the loss of parking provision, however, as long as the resident was still able to park a vehicle in the remaining garage space, Vigo Parish Council would have no objections. The Clerk was to respond to GBC accordingly; the Clerk would also ask GBC to inform the resident they should seek Covenant Approval from the Parish Council.
[Action: Clerk]
GBC 20140571: 34 TIMBERBANK: Conversion of integral garage into habitable accommodation. It was noted that this integral garage was not part of the original building, it was part of an extension that had been added to the side at a later date. This property had allocated parking en-bloc. Due to the nature of this integral garage, there were no objections to the application. The Clerk was to respond to GBC accordingly.
[Action: Clerk]