RIVERS, STREAMS AND FLOODPLAINS EVALUATIONWisconsin Department of Transportation

Factor Sheet C-2

Alternative / Total Length of Center Line of Existing Roadway
Length of This Alternative
Yes No None identified

1. Stream Name: ______

2. Stream Type: (Indicate Trout Stream Class, if known)


Warm water

Cold water

If trout stream, identify trout stream classification: ______

Wild and Scenic River

3. Size of Upstream Watershed Area: (Square miles or acres)


4. Stream flow characteristics:

Permanent Flow (year-round)

Temporary Flow (dry part of year)

5. Stream Characteristics:

A. Substrate:

1. Sand

2. Silt

3. Clay

4. Cobbles

5. Other-describe:

B. Average Water Depth: ______

C. Vegetation in Stream


Present - If known describe:

D. Identify Aquatic Species Present:

E. If water quality data is available, include this information:

F. Is this river or stream on the WDNR’s “Impaired Waters” list?


Yes - List: ______

6. If bridge or box culvert replacement, are migratory bird nests present?

Not Applicable

None identified

Yes – Identify Bird Species present

Estimated number of nests is:

7.Is a Fish & Wildlife Depredation Permit required to remove swallow nests?

Not Applicable


No - Describe mitigation measures:

8. Describe land adjacent to stream:

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9.Identify upstream or downstream dischargers or receivers (if any) within 0.8 kilometers (1/2 mile) of the

project site:

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  1. Describe proposed work in, over, or adjacent to stream. Indicate whether the work is within the 100-year floodplain and whether it is a crossing or a longitudinal encroachment: [Note: Coast Guard must be notified when Section 10 waters are affected by a proposal. Also see Wetland Evaluation, Factor Sheet C-1, Question 8.]

11.Discuss the effects of any backwater which would be created by the proposed action. Indicate whether the proposed activities would be in compliance with NR 116 by creating 0.01 ft. backwater or less:

12.Describe and provide the results of coordination with any floodplain zoning authority:

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13.Would the proposal or any changes in the design flood, or backwater cause any of the following impacts?

No impacts would occur.

Significant interruption or termination of emergency vehicle service or a community's only evacuation route.

Significant flooding with a potential for property loss and a hazard to life.

Significant impacts on natural floodplain values such as flood storage, fish or wildlife habitat, open space, aesthetics, etc.

14.Discuss existing or planned floodplain use and briefly summarize the project's effects on that use:

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15.Discuss probable direct impacts to water quality within the floodplain, both during and after construction. Include the probable effects on plants, animals, and fish inhabiting or dependent upon the stream:

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16.Are measures proposed to enhance beneficial effects?

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Yes. Describe: ______

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