Title: The susceptibility of Asian, European and North American Fraxinus species to the ash dieback pathogen Hymenoscyphus fraxineus reflects their phylogenetic history

Journal: European Journal of Forest Research

Authors: Lene R. Nielsen1*, Lea V. McKinney1, Ari M. Hietala2, Erik D. Kjær1

Affiliations: 1. Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen, Rolighedsvej 23, 1958 Frederiksberg C, Denmark, 2. Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, Pb. 115, NO-1431 Ås, Norway.

*Correspondence author: Lene Rostgaard Nielsen:

S2 Table. Average amount of H. fraxineus DNA in pg per ul DNA extract from real-time PCR reactions based on necrotic tissues collected from a subset of grafts (13 samples) after direct inoculations. Both positive and negative reactions are listed for the 13 graft samples. Clades: F: Fraxinus, O: Ornus, M: Melioides. LD: low detection.

Species / Clade / Accession No. / Type / Pg per ul
DNA extract / St. dev
F. sieboldiana / O / 1977 0178-3 / Twig / -
F. excelsior / F / #33 (-2) / Twig / 108.92 / 13.58
F. excelsior / F / #13 (-4) / Twig / 0.13 / 0.03
F. ornus / O / 1954 0264-1 / Twig / 162.02 / 2.17
F. albicans / M / 1985 0373-3 / Twig / 1.39 / 0.38
F. americana / M / 1976 0238-1 / Twig / 0.95 / 0.45
F. latifolia / M / 1985 0735-3 / Twig / -
F. pennsylvanica / M / 9925.0847-1 / Twig / 77.65 / 1.39
F. pennsylvanica / M / 1936 0501-1 / Twig / 67.80 / 13.23
F. pennsylvanica / M / 1936 1185-2 / Twig / 12.25 / 0.38
F. profunda / M / 1971 0339-4 / Twig / -
F. velutina / M / 9925 0869-1 / Twig / -
F. velutina / M / 1971 0399-4 / Twig / 143.48 / 19.79