INSTRUCTOR: Samuel Frederick / TUTORIAL HOURS: 8 am – 8:45 am
(Tues, Wed, Thurs)
PHONE: 512-594-1257






To helps students progress from a basic understanding of a concept to conceptual fluency, and then to proficiency with that concept. This proficiency with key concepts prepares students for successful entry into Algebra and future success in mathematics.

To support students who may struggle with a traditional approach to mathematics. TransMath helps students master key math concepts while building skills that they need to progress.

Creating Conditions for Successful Learning

Research shows success in math class depends very much on two factors: the amount of time spent working on the material, and the student’s beliefs about mathematics and what it means to understand and do mathematics. With this in mind, here are some suggestions:

  1. Be in class, every class, and be on time.
  2. Be prepared to participate in group work and discussions every day so that class time is not wasted, and
  3. Spend at least 1 hour every day, not including class time, working on homework assignments, and studying.
  4. Realize that mathematics is not just a set of procedures, and that mathematical concepts involve a lot of thinking and reasoning. Consequently, being able to execute procedures accurately is only one part of doing well in this class.
  5. Realize that success in mathematics is less about “ability” and more about willingness to think and to work hard to make sense of things.

Classroom Norms

Here are some rules to help you navigate experiences in a math class.

  1. Never call out an answer until the person leading the classroom has given permission. Raise your hand.
  2. This is a safe environment. That means that you should feel free to ask a question or offer an opinion or an answer, and no one will make fun of you for what you say.
  3. If you are working with classmates, work with them. Do not wait and hope that others will do your work for you, and do not move on to other assignments while your classmates are struggling to understand the current one.
  4. Be considerate of others. In addition to the ways to be considerate listed above, do not dominate group or class discussions. Remember that everyone needs an opportunity to share his/her ideas.
  5. The most important rule for this class is RESPECT THE RIGHTS OF YOUR FELLOW STUDENTS. Therefore, no disruptive behavior will be permitted during class time.

Method of Evaluating Outcomes

Evaluations are based on homework, class participation, quizzes, workbook completion and scheduled examinations covering students' understanding of the topics covered.


Updated Every Tuesday

Major Grades
(Summative) / Minor Grades
Category Weight 80% / Category Weight 20%
  • Tests
  • Homework
  • Quizzes
  • Class Participation
  • Unit Completion (workbook)

Parents as Partners

Family involvement is an essential element for a student’s success in mathematics. Be positive and support homework, don’t do it for them. Think of yourself as a guide rather than your child’s teacher. You can help by asking questions and listening. You may also help by visiting the online resources and encouraging your child to take advantage of the tutorials, interactive activities, and other online resources listed above.

Year At A Glance Bundle Focus – Algebra 2Modified
Bundle / Big Idea/ Instructional Focus
1 / Students will be able to solve one-step equations including inequalities. Students will be able to solve problems involving ratios and proportions.
2 / Students will be able to identify independent and dependent variables. Students will be able to solve two-step equations including inequalities. Students will be able to solve multi-step equations involving the distributive property and involving variables on both sides of an equation.
3 / Students will be able to discuss and recognize functional notation. Students will be able to complete a table from a function, determine a function when given a data table, use patters to create a table and use equations to solve. Students will be able to graph from an equation to see a function and identify slope and intercepts.
4 / Students will be able to make predictions from a graph of linear functions and determine if an equation or graph is a function or not. Students will be able to identify domain and range and identify parent functions. Students will be able to find the equation from a graph of a line that is translated.
5 / Students will be able to determine linear functions when given a slope and a point, when given two points, and when given the x and y intercepts.
6 / Students will be able to solve equations involving percents including calculating sales tax, tip and total amount due
7 / Students will be able to use key words to dissect word problems and use that important information to write equations. Students will be able to identify parts of a coordinate graph and plot points.
8 / Students will be able to determine and graph linear functions as well as linear inequalities. Students will be able to graph to find the solution to systems of equations and linear inequalities. Students will be able to use substitution to find the solution for a system of equations.
9 / Students will be able to identify and sketch parent functions and quadratic functions. Students will be able to identify domain and range. Students will be able to determine solutions of a quadratic from a graph, determine effects of change on quadratics and analyze and draw conclusions of quadratic equations.
10 / Students will be able to identify and calculate slopes of parallel and perpendicular slopes. Students will be able to identify equations and graphs involving zero and no slopes. Students will be able to change word problems into functional equations.
11 / Students will be able to use proportions and rates to solve for a variety of equations.
12 / Students will be able to use patterns to generate law of exponents. Students will be able to simplify equations involving square roots and squared units.
2013-2014 / Year At A Glance Bundle Focus – Algebra 2 RES
August 2013 / Begin BOY Testing
Notes: / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Bundle Projects:
1 / 2 / Writing Inventory ELA 1-4 due 10/4
5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16
19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23
26 / 27
First Day of School
Introductions – Begin BOY Assessments / 28
Introductions – Begin BOY Assessments / 29
Introductions – Continue BOY Assessments / 30
Introductions – Continue BOY Assessments
September 2013 / 9/16/13 BOY Testing Due
Notes: / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Bundle Projects:
Labor Day No School / 3
Bundle 1 – Solving one-step equations / 4
Bundle 1 – Solving one-step equations / 5
Bundle 1 – Solving one-step equations; setting up and solving ratios / 6
Bundle 1 – Solving one-step equations; setting up and solving ratios
Bundle 1 – Solving one-step inequalities / 10
Bundle 1 – Solving one-step inequalities / 11
Bundle 1 – Solving one-step inequalities; setting up and solving proportions / 12
Bundle 1 – Solving one-step inequalities; setting up and solving proportions / 13
Bundle 1 – Simplify algebraic equations
Easy CBM Week / 16
Bundle 1 – Simplify algebraic equations; prepare for Bundle 1 Assessment / 17
Bundle 1 Assessment; Bundle 2 - begin reviewing independent and dependent variables / 18
Bundle 1 Assessment – Bundle 2 - begin reviewing independent and dependent variables / 19
Bundle 2 – Identify independent and dependent variables ; begin two-step equations / 20
Bundle 2 – Identify independent and dependent variables; begin two-step equations
Bundle 2 – Solve two-step equations / 24
Bundle 2 – Solve two-step equations / 25
Bundle 2 – Introduce distributive property into multi-step equations / 26
Bundle 2 – Introduce distributive property into multi-step equations / 27
Bundle 2 – Begin solving multi-step inequalities
Bundle 2 – Begin solving multi-step inequalities
October 2013 / 10/16 PSAT (Alg II, Geom)
10/16 Eng I DA#1
Notes: / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Bundle Projects:
Easy CBM Week / 1
Bundle 2 – Solve multi-step inequalities; solve with variables on both sides / 2
Bundle 2 – Solve multi-step inequalities; solve with variables on both sides / 3
Bundle 2 – Review and take Bundle 2 Assessment / 4
Bundle 2 – Review and take Bundle 2 Assessment
Bundle 3 – Discuss function notation; complete a table from a function / 8
Bundle 3 – Discuss function notation; complete a table from a function / 9
Bundle 3 – Determine function when given a data table / 10
Bundle 3 – Determine function when given a data table / 11
Bundle 3 – Use patterns to create a table and use equation to solve
Columbus Day No School / 15
Bundle 3 – Use patterns to create a table and use equation to solve / 16
Bundle 3 – Use equation from table and graph to see the linear function / 17
Bundle 3 – Use equation from table and graph to see the linear function / 18
Bundle 3 – Discuss slope and intercepts
Easy CBM Week / 21
Bundle 3 – Discuss slope and intercepts / 22
Bundle 3 – Review and Bundle Assessment / 23
Bundle 3 – Review and Bundle Assessment / 24
Bundle 4 – Make predictions from a graph of linear functions. / 25
Bundle 4 – Make predictions from a graph of linear functions.
Bundle 4 – Determine if an equation/graph is a function or not / 29
Bundle 4 – Determine if an equation/graph is a function or not / 30
Bundle 4 – Discuss the terms of domain and range / 31
Bundle 4 – Discuss the terms of domain and range
November 2013 / 11/12 Alg I DA#1
Notes: / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Bundle Projects:
Bundle 4 – Review domain and range; discuss parent functions
Bundle 4 – Review domain and range; discuss parent functions / 5
Bundle 4 – Find new function when graph is translated (change slope or y-intercept) / 6
Bundle 4 – Find new function when graph is translated (change slope or y-intercept) / 7
Bundle 4 – Review and Bundle Assessment / 8
Bundle 4 – Review and Bundle Assessment
Bundle 5 – Determine linear function when given slope and a point / 12
Bundle 5 – Determine linear function when given slope and a point / 13
Bundle 5 – Determine linear function when given slope and a point / 14
Bundle 5 – Determine linear function when given slope and a point / 15
Bundle 5 – Determine linear function when given two points
Easy CBM Week / 18
Bundle 5 – Determine linear function when given two points / 19
Bundle 5 – Determine linear function when given two points / 20
Bundle 5 – Determine linear function when given two points / 21
Bundle 5 – Determine linear function when given the x and y intercepts / 22
Bundle 5 – Determine linear function when given the x and y intercepts
Bundle 5 – Review and Bundle Assessment / 26
Bundle 5 – Review and Bundle Assessment / 27
Thanksgiving Holiday / 28
Thanksgiving Day / 29
Thanksgiving Holiday
December 2013 / 12/2-5 EOC Eng I, II Retest
Notes: / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Bundle Projects:
Bundle 6 – Discuss percents and how to solve a simple percent problem / 3
Bundle 6 – Discuss percents and how to solve a simple percent problem / 4
Bundle 6 – Discuss tax used in every day life and how to apply it to solve a problem; calculate sales tax / 5
Bundle 6 – Discuss tax used in every day life and how to apply it to solve a problem; calculate sales tax / 6
Bundle 6 – Calculate tax and tip for final restaurant bill / Eng IV Writing Inventory due 12/20
Easy CBM Week / 9
Bundle 6 – Calculate tax and tip for final restaurant bill / 10
Review for Midterms / 11
Review for Midterms / 12
Review for Midterms / 13
Review for Midterms
Review for Midterms / 17
Review for Midterms / 18
Midterms / 19
Midterms / 20
Early Release
Winter Break / 24
Winter Break / 25
Christmas Day / 26
Winter Break / 27
Winter Break
Winter Break / 31
Winter Break
2013-2014 / HS Course Name
January 2014 / 1/21-2/3 Eng I, II, III Mock EOC
Notes: / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Bundle Projects:
New Year'sDay / 2
Winter Break / 3
Winter Break / Eng I, II, III Writing Inventory due 2/3
Work Day / 7
District PD / 8
Bundle 7 – Discuss and identify key words / 9
Bundle 7 – Discuss and identify key words / 10
Bundle 7 – Dissect word problems to find important information / Eng IV Writing Inventory due 2/24
Easy CBM Week / 13
Bundle 7 – Dissect word problems to find important information / 14
Bundle 7 – Use key words and information from word problems to write equation / 15
Bundle 7 – Use key words and information from word problems to write equations / 16
Bundle 7 – Use key words and information from word problems to write equations / 17
Bundle 7 – Use key words and information from word problems to write equations
M L King Day No School / 21
Bundle 7 – Use key words and information to write inequalities from word problems / 22
Bundle 7 – Use key words and information to write inequalities from word problems / 23
Bundle 7 – Once identifying equation, solve for the question given from the word problem / 24
Bundle 7 – Once identifying equation, solve for the question given from the word problem
Easy CBM Week / 27
Bundle 7 – Discuss and identify parts of a graph; plot points / 28
Bundle 7 – Discuss and identify parts of a graph; plot points / 29
Bundle 7 – Review and Bundle Assessment / 30
Bundle 7 – Review and Bundle Assessment / 31
Bundle 8 – Review of determining linear functions; graph linear functions
February 2014 / 2/25-2/28 Alg I, II, Geom DA#2 Mock EOC
Notes: / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Bundle Projects:
Eng I, II, III Writing Inventory due 2/3
Bundle 8 – Review of determining linear functions; graph linear functions / 4
Bundle 8– Review of determining linear functions; graph linear functions / 5
Bundle 8 – Review of determining linear functions; graph linear functions / 6
Bundle 8 – Review of determining linear inequalities; graph linear inequalities / 7
Bundle 8 – Review of determining linear inequalities; graph linear inequalities / Eng IV Writing Inventory due 2/24
Bundle 8 – Review of determining linear inequalities; graph linear inequalities / 11
Bundle 8 – Review of determining linear inequalities; graph linear inequalities / 12
Bundle 8 – Discuss Systems of Equations; graph to find solution / 13
Bundle 8 – Discuss Systems of Equations; graph to find solution / 14
Bundle 8 – Find solution to a system of inequality equations
Easy CBM Week / 17
Presidents' Day PD Day / 18
Bundle 8 – Find solution to a system of inequality equations / 19
Bundle 8 – Find solution to a system of inequality equations / 20
Bundle 8 – Use substitution to find solution for system of equations / 21
Bundle 8 – Use substitution to find solution for system of equations
Bundle 8 – Review and Bundle Assessment / 25
Bundle 8 – Review and Bundle Assessment / 26
Bundle 9 – Review and sketch parent functions / 27
Bundle 9 – Review and discuss parent functions / 28
Bundle 9 – Discuss the equation for quadratic equations; sketch the quadratic
March 2014 / 3/31-4/3 Eng I, II, III EOC
Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Bundle Projects:
Eng IV Writing Inventory due 4/16
Bundle 9 – Discuss the equation for a quadratic equations; sketch the quadratic / 4
Bundle 9 – Discuss domain and range and what it means for a quadratic function / 5
Bundle 9 – Discuss domain and range and what it means for a quadratic function / 6
Bundle 9 – Determine solutions of a quadratic function from a graph / 7
Bundle 9 – Determine solutions of a quadratic function from a graph
Spring Break / 11
Spring Break / 12
Spring Break / 13
Spring Break / 14
Spring Break
Bundle 9 – Determine the effects of change in a quadratic equation / 18
Bundle 9 – Determine the effects of change in a quadratic equation / 19
Bundle 9 – Analyze graphs and draw conclusions of quadratic equations / 20
Bundle 9 – Analyze graphs and draw conclusions of quadratic equations / 21
Bundle 9 – Review and Bundle Assessment
Easy CBM Week / 24
Bundle 9 – Review and Bundle Assessment / 25
Flex Day / 26
Bundle 10 – Discuss parallel and perpendicular lines / 27
Bundle 10 – Discuss parallel and perpendicular lines / 28
Bundle 10 – Discuss slope of parallel lines; find slope of a line that is parallel
Bundle 10 – Discuss slope of parallel lines; find slope of a line that is parallel
2014 / 3/31-4/3 Eng I, II, III EOC
Begin EOY Testing
Notes: / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Bundle Projects:
Bundle 10 – Discuss slope of parallel lines; find slope of a line that is parallel / 2
Bundle 10 – Discuss slope of parallel lines; find slope of a line that is parallel / 3
Bundle 10 – Discuss slope of perpendicular lines; find slope of a line that is perpendicular / 4
Bundle 10 – Discuss slope of perpendicular lines; find slope of a line that is perpendicular / Eng IV Writing Inventory due 4/16
Easy CBM Week / 7
Bundle 10 – Discuss what zero and no slope look like; what are the equations / 8
Bundle 10 – Discuss what zero and no slope look like; what are the equations / 9
Bundle 10 – Calculate the better deal / 10
Bundle 10 – Calculate the better deal / 11
Bundle 10 – Change word problems into functional equations and solve
Bundle 10 – Change word problems into functional equations and solve / 15
Bundle 10 – Review and Bundle Assessment / 16
Bundle 10 – Review and Bundle Assessment / 17
Flex Day / 18
Good Friday No School
Bundle 11 – Review proportions and rates / 22
Bundle 11 – Review proportions and rates / 23
Bundle 11 – Mixture activity / 24
Bundle 11 – Mixture Activity / 25
EOY Assessments
EOY Assessments / 29
EOY Assessments / 30
EOY Assessments
2014 / 5/5-5/16 STAAR EOC
5/30 EOY Testing due
Notes: / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Bundle Projects:
EOY Assessments / 2
EOY Assessments
EOY Assessments / 6
EOY Assessments / 7
EOY Assessments / 8
EOY Assessments / 9
EOY Assessments
Bundle 12 – Use patterns to generate law of exponents / 13
Bundle 12 – Use patterns to generate law of exponents / 14
Bundle 12 – Simplify equations involving square roots / 15
Bundle 12 – Simplify equations involving square roots / 16
Bundle 12 – Simplify equations involving squared units
Bundle 12 – Simplify equations involving squared units / 20
Bundle 12 – Review and Bundle Assessment / 21
Bundle 12 – Review and Bundle Assessment / 22
Final Exam Review / 23
Final Exam Review
Memorial Day No School / 27
Final Exam Review / 28
Final Exam Review / 29
Finals / 30
2013-2014 / HS Course Name
2014 / Important Information
Notes: / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Bundle Projects:
Finals / 3
Finals / 4
Work Day / 5 / 6
9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13
16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20
23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27