Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Trust
Trust Board Meeting
Executive Summary
Report/Paper: / RNOH Clinical Partnership Model UpdateDate: / 23 October 2008
Purpose of Paper: / The purpose of this paper is to provide the Trust Board with:-
- an indicative draft contractual, financial and operational model for discussion and agreement;
- a summary of the next steps in the partnership discussions with Barking, Havering & Redbridge NHS Trust (BHRT)
Summary of Paper / The paper proposes the outline contractual, operational and financial flows structure of a possible clinical partnership model and provides a brief update of the next steps being taken in the BHRT partnership project.
Action Required by the Board: / The Trust Board is asked to
- consider and comment on the proposed draft summary partnership model outlined in this paper.
- endorse the proposed approach to taking the BHRT project forward.
Recommendation from Legal Advisors (if applicable): / N/A
Author and position of Report/Paper / Rob Hurd, Finance Director
(Attached Report by Finnamore Management Consulting)
Lead Director / Rob Hurd
Links to Assurance Framework and Local Performance Targets: This paper/report links to the following principal objectives and local performance indicator targets: - (please tick as appropriate)
Principal Objective / YesObjective One
Capital investment to improve-Patient and staff environment/Health and safety /Investment required to sustain business activity/Energy measures/Risk management/Backlog maintenance/Fire precautions.
Objective Two
Develop and implement robust recruitment and retention measures.
Performance Indicator Target link: 7a, 7b,
Objective Three
Effective governance (corporate and clinical) arrangements that reflect current Trust business.
Performance Indicator Target link: 7a
Objective Four
To be an effective, efficient and safe provider of orthopaedic and musculo-skeletal services.
Performance Indicator Target link: 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 7a, 7b
Objective Five
To achieve planned financial targets and maintain liquidity
Performance Indicator Target link: 3, 6a, 6b, 7b
Objective Six
Develop and implement the modernisation plan – bringing about changes in clinical practice and organisation to increase productivity. Begin to implement new model of care.
Performance Indicator Target link: 2a, 2b, 2c, 3, 8a, 8b, 8c, 8d / √
Objective Seven
To achieve full compliance with the national waiting list targets.
Performance Indicator Target link: 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3, 8a, 8b, 8c, 8d
Objective Eight
Develop and implement a cohesive and integrated IM&T strategy.
Objective Nine
Redevelopment of the RNOH Stanmore campus to provide a modern healthcare building.
Performance Indicator Target link: 5
Objective Ten
To achieve Foundation Trust status
Performance Indicator Target link: 4, 5 / √