Self-Assessment: Multi-Classroom Leader Training
Use this self-assessment to reflect on your knowledge and skills as you prepare for your MCL role. This tool will give you an overall look at the key objectives of the MCL training and allow you to reflect on your adult leadership skills. Use the scale below to reflect on your development throughout the training. Complete the self-assessment before the training starts, after relevant sessions, and once you have completed the training.
Scale: 1=Strongly Disagree2=Disagree3=Neutral4=Agree5=Strongly Agree
Initial Rating / Post-Session Rating / End-of-Training RatingDay 1
Defining the MCL Role
I have a clear understanding of the expectations of my MCL role.
School and District Support
I have an understanding of the current level of shared leadership at my school.
I/my school team has an action plan to implement a system of support for me in my MCL role, including school and district support resources.
Launching Leadership
I have ideas and tools for how to establish team norms and facilitate a successful team launch with my teachers.
Delivering Effective Feedback: Growth vs. Fixed Mindsets
I am confident in my ability to provide developmental feedback to help my team improve their instruction.
I understand how to adjust my feedback and support based on my team teachers’ mindsets.
Day 2
What to Coach: Instructional Excellence
I have a working definition of instructional excellence that I will use to establish norms with my team teachers on what great teaching looks like.
I have tools to help me prioritize the components of excellent teaching to determine the highest-leverage action step for my team teachers.
How to Coach
I understand the difference between feedback and coaching.
I have tools that I can use to informally, yet purposefully, observe my team teachers’ lessons.
I have a clear framework for facilitating a coaching conversation with my team teachers.
I feel prepared and confident in my ability to facilitate a coaching conversation with my team teachers.
Co-Teaching and Modeling
I feel comfortable using the six types of co-teaching models.
I feel confident in my ability to co-plan with a team teacher for co-teaching a lesson.
Day 3
Situational Leadership
I understand how to diagnose team teachers’ needs based on their skill and will.
I can adjust my support and team leadership according to my teachers’ skill and will.
Building Effective Working Relationships
I feel confident in my ability to identify how others are best influenced and adapt my style to lead effectively.
Finding Time for Collaborative Learning
I have a clear plan for how I will spend my time supporting students and teachers in my MCL role.
I have sufficient school-day time to fulfill the expectations of my reach-extended MCL role.
90-Day Planning
I have long-term and short-term goals to address areas of need for my students.
Summative Reflection: End-of-Training
I am leaving this training with clear next steps to prepare for the beginning of the school year.
I am leaving this training with frameworks and tools that will help me to be successful in my MCL role.
After the MCL training, I feel more prepared and supported in my new role than I did before.
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