This is aMemorandum ofAgreement (MOA)between the[first party]andthe[second party]. When referred to collectively, the[first party]andthe[second party]arereferred toas the “Parties”.
1. BACKGROUND:[Ifthereis aneed to discuss background, do so here. Normally, thereis no need to discuss thebackground orprovidejustification fortheMOA, particularlyifbetween DoD Components.Occasionally, however, thereis adesireto explain theneedfortheMOA; particularlywhereit is not self-evident from thePurposeorit is with a Federal agency.]
2. AUTHORITIES:[Statethelegal authorityuponwhich the reimbursableMOA is based, such as theEconomyAct, oranyotherlegal orsignificant authoritythat authorizes anysuch actions associated with this MOA. Ifthereis aneed to discuss the authorities oftheparties, do so here. This is onlynecessarywheretheauthorities oftheparties arenot obvious, orwhereit is desirable to specifyaspecific authoritythatgenerated theneed fortheagreement, e.g., aCongressional direction. This paragraph is rarelyneeded between DoD Components. Iftheotherpartyis a federal agencyand insists on statingwhat it believes to beits own authority,prefacethatassertion with “The[party]asserts the followingauthority:” TheDoD has no obligation to agreewith such assertions of authoritybyother federal agencies.]
3. PURPOSE:[StatethepurposeoftheMOA here. Always usethis paragraph.]
4.1. The[first party]will—
4.1.1. [insert as manyresponsibilities as necessarybut ensure all thespecific requirements ofthepartyarelisted]
4.2. The[second party]will—
4.2.1. [insert as manyresponsibilities as necessarybut ensure all thespecificobligations
4.3. Both parties will—
4.3.1 [insert as manyresponsibilities as necessarybut ensurethat theyapplyto bothparties]
5. PERSONNEL:Each Partyis responsiblefor all costs ofits personnel, includingpayand
benefits, support, and travel. Each Partyis responsible forsupervision andmanagement ofits personnel. [Forshared supervision ormanagement, explain theprocess to accomplish that.]
6.1. POINTSOFCONTACT:The followingpoints of contact (POC)will beused bythe Parties to communicatein theimplementation ofthis MOA. Each Partymaychangeits point of contact upon reasonablenoticeto theotherParty.
6.1.1. Forthe[first party]— Positionand phonenumberofPrimaryPOC: Position and phonenumberofAlternatePOC:
6.1.2. Forthe[second party]— Positionand phonenumberofPrimaryPOC: Positionand phonenumberofAlternatePOC:
6.2. CORRESPONDENCE:All correspondenceto besent and notices to begiven pursuant to this MOA will be addressed, ifto the[first party],to—
6.2.1. [insert mailingaddress]
and, ifto the[second party], to—
6.2.2. [insert mailingaddress]
or as mayfrom timeto timeotherwisebedirected bytheParties.
6.3. REVIEWOFAGREEMENT:This MOA will bereviewedannuallyon oraround the anniversaryofits effectivedate for financial impacts and trienniallyin its entirety.
6.4. MODIFICATIONOFAGREEMENT:This MOAmayonlybemodified bythewritten agreement oftheParties,dulysigned bytheirauthorized representatives.
6.5. DISPUTES:Anydisputes relatingto this MOA will, subject to anyapplicablelaw, Executive Order, Directive, orInstruction, be resolved byconsultation between theParties orin accordance with DoDI4000.19.
6.6. TERMINATIONOFAGREEMENT:This MOAmaybeterminated byeitherPartyby giving at least 180 days [forMOAs involvingreimbursement; use anyappropriatenumberofdays forMOAs not involvingreimbursement]written noticeto theotherParty. TheMOAmayalso beterminatedat anytimeupon themutualwritten consent oftheParties.
6.7.TRANSFERABILITY:This Agreement is not transferableexcept with thewritten consent of theParties.
6.8.ENTIREAGREEMENT:It is expresslyunderstood and agreed that this MOA embodies the entireagreement between theParties regardingtheMOA’s subject matter.
6.9.EFFECTIVEDATE:This MOA takes effect beginningon thedayafterthelast Partysigns.
6.10. EXPIRATIONDATE:This Agreement expireson . [insert adate]
6.11. CANCELLATIONOFPREVIOUSAGREEMENT:This MOA cancels and supersedes the
previouslysignedagreement between thesameparties with thesubject ______, Agreement # ______and effectivedateof ______. [Useonlywhen needed to cancel aprevious agreement]
[IftheMOA provides forthe reimbursement forsupplies orservices byonePartyfortheother
Party, includesection 7]
7. FINANCIALDETAILS[includein all reimbursableMOAs]
7.1. AVAILABILITYOFFUNDS:This MOA does not document theobligation of funds between theParties. Anyobligation of funds in support ofthis MOA will be accomplished usingaMilitary Interdepartmental PurchaseRequest, DDForm 448 [or equivalent form ifwith anotherFederal agency]. Theobligationof funds bytheParties issubject to the availabilityof appropriated funds pursuant to theDoD Financial Management Regulation.
7.2. BILLING:The[first party]will bill the[second party]on amonthlybasis in accordance with theprocedures ofthebillingparty. Arecordofthetransaction will besent to the[second party]within 30 days afterthemonth in which thetransaction occurred.
7.3. PAYMENTOFBILLS:The[second party] payingofficewill forward payments, alongwith a copyofbilled invoices,to the[first party]within30 days ofthedateofinvoice. Bills rendered will not besubject to audit in advanceofpayment.
7.4. FINANCIALSPECIFICS:SeeAttachment/Appendixfor all otherdetails and information on the reimbursablesupportidentified in paragraph 4.
7.5. ECONOMYACTDETERMINATIONANDFINDINGS:IftheMOA is being entered into under 31 U.S.C§ 1535, as amended (theEconomyAct),both parties agreethat the requirements listed in paragraph (a)oftheEconomyAct havebeen met. [Add the followingsentenceifthesupplieris a DoDComponent] TheSupplierhas determined that the capabilities existtorenderthe requested support without jeopardizingits assigned missions. [Add the followingsentenceonlyifa separate, written EconomyAct determination andfinding(DF)is required] Anyrequired EconomyAct DFhas been completed.
AGREED:[Approval Authoritysignatureswill neverbe aloneon ablank page]
Forthe[first party]— Forthe[second party]—
(Date) (Date)
[usesamesubject and agreement number(s)from theoriginal MOA titlesection] Financial details forareimbursableMOA
1. Reimbursablesupport: [list sub-paragraphs from section 4 that specifythe reimbursablesupport]
2. Estimated amount offunds to be reimbursed: $______,
Appropriation: ______FY ______.
3. Business PartnerNetwork (BPN)Number(ifrequired)Supplier ______, Receiver ______.
4. Financial Points ofContact:
5. [Add anyotherfinancial information that is required bythe FMRoranyother reference, oris
desired to beincluded intheMOA but is not included in the format oftheMOA elsewhere]