

Use your notes and textbook pages 484 – 495 to complete the following.

1. Give three types of environments in which archaebacteria are found.

2. In what three ways do eubacteria obtain nutrients?

3. How does a bacterium’s cell wall protect it?

4. Where is the genetic material of a bacterium found?

5. What structure do some bacteria use to move?

6. Identify the type of bacterial reproduction described. Use these choices:

binary fission, conjugation.

______a. bacterium with a new genetic makeup is produced

______b. circular chromosome is copied

______c. genetic material is transferred through a pilus

______d. two identical cells are produced

______e. sexual reproduction occurs

7. Scientists think the first bacteria on Earth were

a. aerobic b. anaerobic c. fatal d. oxygen-dependent

8. Bacteria that are obligate anaerobes release energy from food by

a. cellular respiration b. using oxygen c. using nitrogen d. fermentation

9. As an endospore, a bacterium

a. produces toxins b. dries out c. causes disease d. is protected

10. Botulism is caused by endospores of C. botulinum that have

a. been killed b. produced toxins c. germinated d. reproduced

11. Nitrogen is important because all organisms need it to make

a. proteins b. ATP c. DNA d. all of these

12. The process by which bacteria use enzymes to convert nitrogen gas into

ammonia is called

a. nitrogenation b. atmospheric separation

c. nitrogen fixation d. eutrophication

13. Bacteria return nutrients to the environment by breaking down

a. dead organic matter b. inorganic materials

c. enzymes and sugar d. nitrogen in legumes

14. Bacteria are not used to make

a. vinegar b. jams c. cheese d. yogurt

15. Bacteria are responsible for the following diseases

a. strep throat and tetanus b. gonorrhea and syphilis

c. tuberculosis and diptheria d. all of these

16. For each pair of words below, circle the word that applies to bacteria

a. unicellular multicellular

b. prokaryote eukaryote

17. Where do Eubacteria live?

18. Why are bacteria so successful at surviving? What adaptations do they


19. Label the attached diagram of bacterial structure and explain the function or

purpose of each part that you label.

20. Complete the section assessment questions #1 – 4 and #6 pg. 495. Put

your work on the back side of the diagram page.