Sports Impact statement- 2017-18- Tregolls Academy
Areas of focus / Sustainability/
Evidence / Action plan / Use of funding / Funding breakdown / Autumn Term
Impact on provision / Spring Term
Impact on provision
Key indicator 3
To improve the quality of teaching of PE to be consistently outstanding. / -Drop-in monitoring of PE lead
-Formal lesson observations
-Pupil conferencing / Ensure all learners are accessing high quality PE lessons
PE Curriculum reviewed and re-written to meet the needs of pupils / -Specialist PE lead
-Plymouth Argyle specialist coach
-PE lead to attend CPD to enhance role and then inform others in staff meeting. / -Use of PPA/sport release time for feedback on lesson development
-UPS 3 PE Specialist / Lesson monitoring – A broad and balanced PE curriculum that is meeting the needs of pupils. / Cricket coach delivering
Lessons alongside staff.
Brazilian Jujitsu with
Specialist instructor leading
has been built
Into UKS2 PE curriculum.
Key Indicator 3
To provide high quality CPD for all teaching staff to ensure longevity in outstanding teaching of PE / -Conferencing with teachers to review their confidence
-Team teach sessions with PE lead / CPD for teachers allows for the sporting achievement gap between more able and less able to close / -Specialist PE lead
-Plymouth Argyle specialist coach / -Leadership time to allow for teacher conferencing (half day once per half term) / Regular team teaching of lessons resulting in confidence gained by teaching staff spoken with. / Audit of staff strengths and
areas for development within
PE has been implemented
to provide suitable needs led
CPD. Staff have reported
greater confidence in delivery
of Hockey, Basketball and
Key Indicator 5
To provide high quality sports coaching in preparation for competition / -Monitoring of achievement at competitions/festivals
-Informal observations by DHT of the sports coaching top-up for competitors
-Talent identified early and nurtured / Pupils/teams taking part in competition achieve a top three finish in 50% of entered competitions / -Specialist PE coach
-Use of DHT coaching skills Necessary equipment and
kit purchased, i.e shin pads,
High Five bibs and posts. / -Leadership time (one hour per week) to monitor sports coaching and follow up on achievements
-Equipment where necessary
-Transport costs where necessary / LB Timetable and extra- curricular programme recently amended to better accommodate pupil preparation for events. / Pupils are invited to clubs
to enhance their skills and
knowledge of rules. Also
additional practices are
organised prior to an event.
Students feel more
Prepared for competitions..
Key Indicator 1& 2
To provide high quality break and lunchtime sporting activities using sports leaders to assist. / -Regular monitoring of lunchtime activities by the DHT
-Paired coaching with DHT / All childdren have access to a range of sporting activities suited to their preferences / -Specialist PE coach
-Use of DHT coaching skills
-Elite development programme
-Wake and Break programme
- New lunchtime playground equipment / -£24,000 (overspend on PE specialist of £84000)
-DHT leadership time. 30mins 4x per week / Sports Leaders are actively involved in provision of various physical/sporting activities at lunch time and break time. / Various active areas are
working with the use of new
equipment. Sports Leaders
are taking ownership of
active areas showing greater
confidence and self esteem.
Sports Leaders are viewed as
positive role models and
other children are inspired
to lead.
Key Indicator 4 & 2
To improve the attendance in after school clubs for historic non-attenders, with a focus on PP children / -PP report on
-participation in competitions and events attendance
-Regular updates on Website and local news thus raising the profile of PE and sport.
-Lunch time sport events regularly promoted / To close the gap between PP childrenn and others – supporting learners to achieve / -Specialist PE lead
-Plymouth Argyle specialist coach
- Yoga Instructor / £24,000 (overspend on PE specialist of £84000) / Lots of events attended this term as documented on website.
Many children involved in lunchtime activities / A wide range of clubs on
offer and many new events
i.e Table Cricket, High Five,
Swimming Gala, Cricket
More children taking part in
Competitions as a result of
attending clubs.
50% of those taking part in
Competitions during the
Autumn term were
Pupil premium children.
Extra- curricular sports
notice board is regularly
Continue to promote healthy eating choices / -Audit of lunchboxes by all staff due to all children eating together
-Audit of tuck shop for healthy choices
-Close monitoring of the school’s meal offer / Childrend who may be deemed inactive are supported with making improved choices for healthy eating and lifestyle / -tTuck shop purchases/salad bar
-Head chef liaison
-School display / £50 per week in cost of tuck shop / Staff eating with children and sharing information with other staff. / Change 4 life literature
shared with parents and
Family Snack Challenge.
What percentage of your Year 6 pupils could swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres when they left your primary school at the end of last academic year? / 80%
What percentage of your Year 6 pupils could use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke] when they left your primary school at the end of last academic year? / 80%
What percentage of your Year 6 pupils could perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations when they left your primary school at the end of last academic year? / 80%
Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to provide additional provision for swimming but this must be for activity over and above the national curriculum requirements. Have you used it in this way? / No
Key Indicators - The Department for Education vision is that all pupils leaving primary school are physically literate and have the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport. The objective is to achieve self-sustaining improvement in the quality of PE and sport that delivers high quality provision of a balanced and holistic PE and school sport offer.
There are 5 key indicators that schools should expect to see improvement across:
1· the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity - the Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that all children and young people aged 5 to 18 engage in at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day, of which 30 minutes should be in school
2· the profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement
3· increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
4· broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
5· increased participation in competitive sport
Tregolls School, an Academy: report to Governors- impact and spend on Sport Premium funding Premium amount: £16,000