May 24, 2013

Dear Parents,

In an effort to promote summer reading and to encourage students to interact with technology through literature, we are giving students an option to keep their Kindles over the summer break. The summer recommended reading lists will be posted on our school website and most titles have been added to our electronic library. We currently have over 1,000 titles available to our students and our e-library will continue to grow over the summer.

The Amazon Kindle is a convenient, lightweight reading device that can hold up to 3,500 books. Users can highlight passages, take notes, and look up words in the dictionary. Student use is a privilege and students must show extra care, respect, and responsibility. Each Kindle with the cover is valued at $100.00; for this reason, we are requiring parent permission before it can be checked out to a student over the summer. There is no summer warranty; if a device is broken, families will be responsible to pay for the replacement. A student/parent agreement is attached to this letter. If you are interested in this beneficial summer reading opportunity, please complete the attached form and return it to Ms. Steele by Friday, May 31st.

If you have any questions regarding the Kindles, you may contact Ms. Steele at or 561-297-6978.


Ms. Brittany Steele

Reading Coach

FAUS Student Kindle Agreement-Summer 2013

Student Section: In addition to the following terms, the ADHUS Computer Agreement and Technology Policy* also apply. I agree to take care of the FAUS Kindle while it is checked out to me. I agree to return the Kindle, in good condition, to Ms. Steele the week of August 19th, 2013.

I will not...

o  Throw, drop, or damage the Kindle in any way

o  Remove the Kindle from its protective case

o  Give the Kindle to another student for his/her use

o  Download, purchase, or change the content loaded on the Kindle

o  Eat or drink around the Kindle

o  Put anything on top of the Kindle

Student name ______

Student signature ______

Date ______

FAUS Parent Kindle Agreement-Summer 2013

Parent/Guardian Section: I am authorizing the use of a FAUS Kindle by my son/daughter/foster student. I understand that it is to be used as a tool for reading and learning and that my student will comply with the ADHUS Computer Agreement and Technology Policy * as well as this Kindle User Agreement. I will help ensure the safe and timely return of the Kindle during the week of August 19, 2013. I also understand that I am financially responsible if the Kindle is stolen, or for any, willful, malicious, or accidental damage to the Kindle, which includes any charges resulting from unauthorized content downloaded to it. I agree to give my child permission to check out a Kindle from the Florida Atlantic University School’s Reading Department.

I accept financial responsibility to replace the Kindle if it is lost, stolen, or damaged (willfully or accidentally.)

o  The replacement cost of the Kindle is $100.00.

o  Please take a moment to read through the Student Agreement with your child.

Parent/Guardian Name (please print)______

Parent/Guardian Signature______Date ______

Email ______Phone [home/cell] number ______