Respiratory System

What are the membranes of the pleural cavity?

What are the lobes of the lung? The fissures? The borders?

What is a lobule?

Know the structures in the nasal cavity

Know the divisions of the pharynx

Know the parts of the larynx including the epiglottis and cartilages? How does the larynx work in breathing and swallowing?

How do the vocal cords generate sound?

What are the muscles of inspiration and expiration?

How do you inhale? How do you exhale?

Be able to describe the divisions of the bronchial tree down to the alveolar sacs and ducts

What are the two types of alveolar cells and what do they do?

Be able to understand and describe external and internal respiration

How is breathing regulated – what brain stem areas are involved?

What is hemoglobin made of?

What is partial pressure?

How is CO2 carried in the body?

How is O2 carried in the body?

Know and be able to define the respiratory volumes

Circulatory System

Know the chambers and valves of the heart

Know the great vessels of the heart

Know the coronary arteries and their major divisions. Know the corresponding veins

Know the order of the conduction system of the heart – the SA and AV nodes, the bundles of His, the Purkinje fibers

What & where are the three layers of the heart? Epi-, myo- and endocardium

What two layers make up the pericardium?

Where is the heart located?

What is the fossa ovalis?

Be able to trace the flow of blood from the entrance to the right atrium to the exit from the left ventricle – be sure to know all valves involved

What are the two circulatory circuits in the body?

Be able to describe the stages of a typical EKG – what does the P, QRS and T waves represent?

How is heart rate controlled? What region of the brain is responsible?

What are the three layers of an artery or vein? How do arteries and veins differ in these layers? How do they differ from capillaries?

How do veins prevent backflow?

How is blood moved through veins?

What is systole & diastole?

What is the pulse?

What are the three major sections of the aorta?

What are the three major divisions off the aortic arch?

What are the major branches off of the descending aorta? The ascending aorta?

What are the major divisions off of the external carotid? The celia trunk? The superior mesenteric artery? The inferior mesenteric artery?

What arteries supply the arm? The leg? What veins drain these limbs?

What are the two major veins leading to the right atria called?

What forms the superior vena cava?

What are the major veins that lead into the inferior vena cava?

What makes up the hepatic portal vein?

Excretory system

What are the major regions of the kidney?

What is a renal column? A renal pyramid? A renal papilla?

Trace the flow of forming urine from its filtration from the glomerulus through the nephron.

Know the structures that collect the urine from the nephrons and form the renal pelvis

Trace the flow of blood from the renal artery into the glomerulus and back into the renal vein

Where is sodium reabsorbed? Where is water reabsorbed?

What are the functions of the excretory system?

Digestive system

Be able to trace the path of food from the mouth to the anal canal

Know the accessory organs of the digestive system

Know the major four tissue layers of the digestive tract

What is a bolus? What is chyme?

What kind of digestion occurs in the mouth, the stomach, the small intestine?

What enzymes are released in the mouth? What do they digest?

What is saliva made of?

What are the three major salivary glands?

What types of teeth do we have and what do they do?

Describe the structure of a tooth.

What are the phases of deglutition (swallowing).

What is the function of the esophagus? What is peristalsis?

What are the functions of the stomach?

Know the regions of the stomach. What are the major sphincters? What/where are rugae?

What are the muscle layers of the stomach?

What arteries supply the stomach?

What enzymes are found in gastric juice? What do they digest?

What are the divisions of the small intestine? What sphincters divide the small intestine from the stomach and from the large intestine? What are the parts of an intestinal villus?

What is the function of the small intestine? What/where are the plia circularis? What enzymes are found in “intestinal juice”? What do they digest?

Where is the cecum?

What are the divisions of the large intestine? What are the flexures of the large intestine? What are haustra? Epiploic appendages? What are teniae coli?

What are the parts of the pancreas? What are the arteries the supply the pancreas? What is the function of the pancreas in terms of digestion? What enzymes are found in pancreatic juice? What do they digest? What is the hepatopancreatic ampulla? What is it composed of?

What is the function of the gallbladder?

Know the regions of the gallbladder and its duct

What are the lobes of the liver? Where is the falciform ligament?

What are the functions of the liver? What cells produce bile? What is bile composed of? Be able to trace the flow of bile from the liver and gallbladder into the duodenum together with the pancreatic duct.

What is the function of the large intestine? What is the purpose of the tenaie coli? The haustrae? What is the caecum? How is the flow of chyme controlled as it enters the large intestine? What is the function of the E.coli found within the LI? What is the composition of feces?

Digestive Enzymes – what do they digest?


Salivary amylase

Salivary lipase

Gastric Juice


Gastric lipase

Pancreatic juice

Pancreatic amylase

Pancreatic lipase







Intestinal juice/brush border enzymes





Enterokinase – activates trypsin




Reproductive system


What three hormones regulate male reproduction? Where are they made?

What are the basic functions of testosterone

What are the three reproductive glands? How do they connect to the urethra?

What is semen?

What are the reproductive ducts?

What are the parts of the testis including the tunics? What is the function of the testis? Which cells are responsible for production of sperm?

Which cells are responsible for the production of testosterone?

Be able to trace the path of a spermatazoa from the testis to the urethra

What are the three divisions of the urethra?

What are the two types of erectile tissue?

What is the acrosome of a sperm?


What three hormones regulate female reproduction?

What are the basic functions of estrogen, progesterone?

What structures produce estrogen and progesterone?

Know the development of the follicles and corpus luteum in the ovary. What follicle ovulates the oocyte?

What are the three layers of the uterus? What is the function of the endometrium? Where is the fundus? Where is the cervix? Where is the fornix?

Trace the path that an ovulated oocyte will take to the uterus. What are fimbrae? What is the infundibulum?