1. Who, according to the name of the US sitcom, was ‘Married... with Children’?
  2. True or False:Del Boy of Only Fools and Horses, drove a Reliant Robin.
  3. In the biblical story, which king tried to hold back the tide?
  4. What does the E stand for in the wrestling acronym WWE?
  5. Mezcal is a generic term for what spirit? Is it (a) Tequila (b) Ouzo or (c) Absinth?
  6. What does the P in the company name UPS stand for?
  7. The clothing retailerPrimark, started in which country?
  8. Famous for her diaries, in what country was Anne Frank born?
  9. Which fish is used in the Scandinavian dish Gravlax?
  10. Top 5:Countries with the Largest Air Forces
  11. Which writer wrote the books Mansfield Park in 1814 and Emma 1815?
  12. In which decade was the tie-break introduced into Wimbledon?
  13. Which4 letter word can go after CREDIT, CLUB and PLAYING?
  14. What did broadcasting legend James Alexander Gordon read every Saturday for 40 years?
  15. Which movie character has been named Empire magazine’s greatest movie character of all time? Is it, (a) James Bond, (b) Indiana Jones or (c) Batman?
  16. Who am I: Born in 1926 I am an English broadcaster and a former senior manager at the BBC, having served as controller of BBC Two and director of programming for BBC Television in the 1960s and 1970s. I am the only person to have won BAFTAs for programmes in each of; black and white, colour, HD, and 3D. I am widely considered a national treasure in Britain and in 2002 I was named among the 100 Greatest Britons in a UK-wide vote. My older brother is a famous film director and producer.
  17. Complete the sequence, WH, PT, JP, TB, PD, CB, SM, PM, CE, DT, MS ??
  18. LYRIC:We were born and raised in a summer haze, bound by the surprise of our glory days.
  19. From which fish is the delicacy, caviar obtained?
  20. Name the Band/Artist: "Cha Cha Slide (Part 2)" – March 2004
  1. Which ocean is also the name of a Sky TV channel?
  2. True or False:Chewing gum contains rubber.
  3. Stolichnaya is a famous brand of which spirit?
  4. In a TV advertisement for what brand, does a bearded man buy a sub-standard parachute after the store keeper throws in a clock-radio to sweeten the deal?
  5. Urophobia is the fear of what? Is it (a) Western countries, (b) Fish eggs or (c) Wee-ing?
  6. What name, often used to refer to the overall British governmental administration, is the road from Trafalgar Square to Chelsea?
  7. Which popular cocktail is made of 2 parts Coffee liqueur and 5 parts Vodka?
  8. In the Only Fools and Horses episode where Rodney gets married, Del Boy reveals Rodney’s middle name. After which London football club is he named?
  9. What connects the last 3 answers?
  10. 100PS: Name another way of saying ‘naked’.
  11. In which decade was the first breathalyser test administered?
  12. How is the Gravelly Hill Interchange on the M6 motorway more commonly known?
  13. Which 4 letter word can go after BLACK and before TABLE?
  14. Which two footballers had a hit with Diamond Lights in 1987?
  15. The name of what, originates from a Mayan name which translates as ‘Bitter Water’? Is it (a) Coffee, (b) Ketchup or (c) Chocolate?
  16. GTY: WH Smith withdraws vinyl records from stock due to a sharp decline in sales; Neil Kinnock resigns as leader of the Labour Party and Whitney Houston spends 10 weeks at No.1 in the UK with “I Will Always Love You"?
  17. According to recent survey what do Brits most like to brag about? Is it (a) Losing weight, (b) Finding a bargain or (c) Their sex lives?
  18. A study by genetic researchers at the University of Vermont, found that people with what eye colour are more likely to become alcoholics? Is it, (a) Blue, (b) Brown or (c) Green?
  19. Which University has relaxed its rules regarding transgender people attending formal dinners in the news recently? Was it Oxford or Cambridge?
  20. Anag: (i) Sex Sheet Hints.(ii) Whale NoelCLUE: Scary Movies
  1. Al Bundy.
  2. False (It was a Reliant Regal Supervan).
  3. King Canute.
  4. Entertainment.
  5. (a) Tequila.
  6. Parcel. (United Parcel Service).
  7. Ireland.
  8. Germany.
  9. Salmon.
  10. (1) USA (2) Russia (3) China (4) India (5) Japan.
  11. Jane Austen.
  12. 1970s (1971).
  13. Card.
  14. The classified football results.
  15. (c) Batman.
  16. David Attenborough.
  17. PC. (Peter Capaldi – The Doctors) .
  18. Someone like you by Adele.
  19. Sturgeon.
  20. DJ Casper.
  1. Atlantic.
  2. True (Butyl rubber)
  3. Vodka.
  4. Volkswagen (Golf).
  5. (c) Weeing.
  6. Whitehall.
  7. Black Russian.
  8. Charlton.
  9. Famous Jacks.
  10. (1) Nude (2) Bare (3) Starkers (4) In the Buff (5) Birthday Suit
  11. 1960s.
  12. Spaghetti Junction.
  13. Bird.
  14. Glenn Hoddle and Chris Waddle.
  15. (c) Chocolate.
  16. 1992.
  17. (b) Finding a bargain.
  18. (a) Blue.
  19. Cambridge.
  20. (i) The Sixth Sense.(ii) Halloween.
Picture Round 1 / Picture Round 2
  1. Edward Woodward
  1. Lenny Henry

  1. Maggie Smith
  1. Rupert Grint

  1. Marilyn Monroe
  1. Chris Tarrant

  1. Cher
  1. David Tennant

  1. Earwig
  1. Spray can nib

  1. Fleetwood Mac
  1. Bending your ear

  1. Rouble
  1. Juicy Fruit

  1. Ever Decreasing Circles
  1. Bet Victor

  1. Lithuania
  1. Lord of the Rings

  1. Tootsie
  1. Tie

  1. Elm
  1. Sock

  1. The Wallace Monument
  1. Green with envy

Picture Attributions: East Coker elm, 2 by Ptelea - Own work; Forficula auricularia by I, ArtMechanic; Lenny Henry in The Comedy of Errors 2011 by Johan Persson; Rupert Grint by John Griffiths from London, United Kingdom; The Doctor and I! (3758956651) (cropped to Tennant) by Rick Marshall; Wfm wallace monument cropped by Finlay McWalter cropped by No name is good name - File

Chocolate giants, Thorntons have agreed a takeover by rivals Ferrero Rocher. How many millions of pounds is it worth? £112m

A new record was set by Pete Wellman at the National Nettle eating championships after he ate how many feet of nettles in an hour? 96

In which year did the Spanish Armada, under the command of the Duke of Medina Sidonia, famously set sail for England? 1588

Blossom the world’s tallest cow died last week. How tall, in inches, from hoof to shoulder was she? 76

In a recent survey, what % of workers admitted that they had bunked off work in order to watch an important football match? 13%

A Rebuilt Gulf War Tornado fighter jet has gone on sale on Gumtree. For how much? £20,000

On average, how many people die each year playing Twister? 78

