·  110-A: Removal of US Troops from Iraq


·  Why should we remove our troops from Iraq?

·  Why should we not remove our troops from Iraq?

·  3 best reasons

o  most important, significant, relevant or strongest, most persuasive, argumentative


·  Short, simple, clear

·  Topic + Main Idea

·  US Troops Should Be Removed from Iraq

·  Reasons not to Remove US Troops from Iraq


·  Introduce the idea

o  current event or hot-button topic

o  epochal moments in our lives

o  of recent news concerning the issue (actions, statements, bills, proposals)

o  “everybody” or “most college students” or “most in the 18-20 demographic”

·  segue to this issue

o  this issue

o  this epoch

o  this proposal

o  “some,” “others”

·  introduce your position

o  your side

·  * “Tip your hat” to other, less significant, minor reasons

o  Some reasons we should remove/not remove our troops from Iraq include ….

o  This will force you to answer, “Why these three reasons?” in your Thesis

o  “Because” they are the most important, most significant, most relevant reasons


o  Topic + Main Idea + Support

o  However, the three most important reasons US troops should be removed from Iraq involve ….

o  US troops should not be removed from Iraq because _____, _____, and ______.


·  Each paragraph = 1 reason

·  Paragraph structure:

·  (1) Name the reason –

o  Use a strong Topic Sentence

o  Enumerate the reason – use transitional expressions

o  Look back and look forward (mention the previous reason/s and then the one for this paragraph)

·  (2) Briefly explain the reason

o  “In other words” or “That is to say” or “Put simply”

·  (3) Illustrate the reason with specific examples or instances

o  “For instance” and “For example”

o  Use only specific, clear, relevant/germane examples

·  (4) Warrant/justify the example

o  Repeat the reason (reword the Topic Sentence)

o  Conclude the paragraph (Clincher Sentence)

o  Perhaps segue to the next reason


·  Repeat –

o  Ideas from the Introduction

o  Tip your hat again to the minor reasons

o  Main ideas & reasons

o  Thesis

·  Take full advantage of your last chance to “sell” (argue, persuade)

·  End with an appropriate Clincher Sentence


·  Include all the resources you consulted for this project

·  Not only those you have cited in the paper

·  Use proper MLA format

·  List items alphabetically (no numbers)

·  Use Reverse Indentation

·  WC page:

o  Its own, separate page

o  Continue the header

o  The words “works consulted” =

§  Capitalize the “w” and the “c”

§  Centered

§  No bold

§  No underline


§  No quotation marks