Christmas Services 2016: God's great plan unfolds

Sunday 27th November: Surprise, Surprise!

11am Morning Worship

Sunday 4th December: A Song is Sung

11am Morning Worship with Communion

Tuesday, 6th December: Rotary Carol Concert, 7.00pm at QPC

Sunday 11th December: ‘A Sermon is Heard

11 am Morning Worship with Sunday School

Sunday 18th December: A Son is Promised

11am Please come and join us for our Morning Worship

4pm “Messy does Christmas” Messy Church at the Priory

Monday 19th December

7pm Local Scouts invite us to join them at QPC in welcoming the annual Peace Light, which has come all the way to

Queensferry from Bethlehem!

Mulled wine/juice and mince pies to follow.

Christmas Eve:

11.30pm Watchnight Service

(Mulled Wine & Mince Pies served afterwards)

Christmas Day:

11am Christmas Day Joint Service

at Queensferry Parish Church

bring along your latest gifts – yes, children and adults!

Sunday 1st January: ‘Days of New Beginnings’

11am Morning Worship

All Welcome!

The excitement of Christmas is always best experienced as you observe children approach the door behind which are the “presents”. We all will perhaps recall our own childhood excitement, frustration, anticipation and then wonder as the signal was given and we were “good to go” and discover the treasures awaiting us. All that stands between you and the treasure is some well-crafted wrapping paper and then all is revealed.

No doubt for many of us the great search has begun – what will I buy for X/Y/Z? With every present we gift, we hope that the reaction is one such as children display on their Christmas morning moments. We want to buy something that's just right for the one we're choosing for. A treasure that they'll treasure.

Many years ago, Jesus described the treasure that our faith is. In Matthew 13:44 we find him speaking of discovering the treasure of treasures …..“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.”

So this year, in the midst of all your treasure hunting for family and friends, why not take some time out, come and join us at Dalmeny or Queensferry Churches and discover the greatest ever treasure – it’s something just specially chosen for you – it's a perfect gift, it's just what you've always wanted and needed, it's something that will last for ever – and best of all this treasure is free!

We look forward to welcoming you to our Christmas season of events.

Every blessing,

Rev David Cameron


Dalmeny Kirk and Queensferry Parish Church

qpcweb.org.uk 0131 331 1100

Scottish Charities SC010971 & SC002329

www.dalmeny.org and www.qpcweb.org


Christmas Services 2016: God's great plan unfolds

Sunday 27th November: Surprise, surprise!

10am All-age Service – Luke 1:5-25

11.30am Morning Service

Sunday 4th December: A Song is Sung

10am All-age Service with Communion – Luke 1:57-80

11.30am Morning Service with Communion

4.00pm Messy Church at the Priory

Tuesday, 6th December: Rotary Carol Concert, 7.00pm

Sunday 11th December: A Sermon is Heard

10 am All-age Gift Service – bring a toy for a child in need

11.30  am Morning Service – Luke 3:1-20

Sunday 18th December: A Son is Promised

10 am All-age Service with Nativity Play

11.30  am Morning Service with lessons and carols

4pm “Messy does Christmas” Messy Church at the Priory

Monday 19th December:

7pm Local Scouts invite us to join them at QPC in welcoming the annual Peace Light, which has come all the way to

Queensferry from Bethlehem!

Mulled wine/juice and mince pies to follow.

Christmas Eve: Countdown Time

6.30pm start for our Early Evening All-age Service

11.30pm Watchnight Service, with carols beforehand – come early!

Christmas Day:

11am Christmas Day Service – bring along your latest gifts –

yes, children and adults!

Sunday 1st January: ‘Days of New Beginnings’

11am Joint All-age/Traditional Service:

Join us for coffee and cake in the St Andrew Hall