11JANUARY 2005


The Annual Meeting for the Vernon Court Homeowners Association was held at the PennfieldMiddle School’s library.

  1. Call to Order – The meeting was called to order. All those in attendance introduced themselves.
  2. Announce a Quorum – A quorum was present with 17 households in attendance and another 7 represented by proxy. 48% of the community was represented. A quorum requires 25% of the community.
  3. Financial Report
  4. 2004 – The financial statement for 2004, which was mailed on November 27, 2004 to all homeowners, was briefly reviewed. The total balance as the end of October is $47,095.24. Homeowners are reminded that the Association is required to carry a balance for the maintenance of the community, including up-keep of the roads.
  5. 2005 Budget – The 2005 Annual Operating Budget was reviewed. This was also part of the November 27, 2004 mailing. Expenses noted were the additional fee for the management company and $2,000 expense to add a French drain behind units 153-159.
  6. 2004 Overview
  7. Rules & Regulations –
  8. Discussion of the communities’ dissatisfaction of how the creation of the Rules & Regulations was handled. Any comments or concerns should be forwarded to Reeves Miller. Reeves will compile and transfer to the Board to address.
  9. Detailed discussion about how Rules & Regulations would affect homeowners. Example: what are the consequences of having a violation, such as a basketball backboard or hammock, continue without correcting. Especially when the homeowner has been allowed to do so prior without complaints.
  10. Point was brought up to add a statement/caveat to say “you can do something with board approval”. Have a time constraint on approvals so Board can decide if a rule is working.
  11. It was decided to post a list of rules on the web for voting by the community. (See IX Open Discussion) Attendees brought up the rules that concern them and they will be posted:
  12. II.B.8 – No detached flagpoles, basketball backboards, or the like, will be permitted for more than 3 days.
  13. II.D.18 – All draperies, curtains, Venetian blinds or other window treatment, visible from the outside, must be white or off-white. No stained glass, plastic sheeting or colored glass coating is permitted.
  14. II.D.14 – No items, including but not limited to swing sets, hammocks, badminton sets, shall be placed in the Common and Limited Common areas in excess of 3 days.
  15. II.B.9 – No hot tubs, spas, whirlpools, plastic pools, or inflatable pools are permitted on any Unit, Common or Limited Common areas. Caveat – board my approve any of these items for deck placement.
  16. II.C.8 –Unit owners are responsible for watering grass, shrubs, and trees during a drought or periods of limited rainfall unless prohibited by law.
  17. II.C.11 –Annual or perennial planting in the front of the house may be done at the discretion of the owner (original THP bushes and trees may not be removed).
  18. II.G.4 – No other signs of any kind, including but not limited to political signs, shall be displayed in public view on a Unit, Common or Limited Common Areas. (Real estate signs)
  19. New Rule – Hazardous Materials are not permitted to be disposed of illegally.
  20. Bush Plantings – Numerous bushes were replaced due to their untimely demise.
  21. Update of Adjacent Lot – No additional information has been obtained since the April meeting held on 13 April 2004. The Association was approached about allowing a new single home to be built in the wooded lot behind the mailboxes which would require tearing up our road to tie into the sewer system. The Association declined. No other correspondences have occurred since that time.
  22. Picnic–The annual Vernon Court Picnic was a success. Good times were had by all who attended.
  23. 2005 Changes & Planning
  24. Introduce Reeves Miller, Property Manager, North Penn Real Estate – Reeves Miller was introduced as the property manager. All issues and concerns should be forwarded to his office.
  25. Announce Clarke’s Landscaping (new snow removal & landscaper) – Clarke’s Landscaping was awarded the snow removal and landscaping contract for 2005. Any issues or concerns with their performance should be forwarded to Reeves Miller’s office.
  26. French Drains behind 153-159 Vernon Court - Kevin from THP was contacted about the backyard area behind units #153 - 159. The area does not drain properly and has been a problem since the units were built. Kevin’s recommendation was to install a French drain and regrade the back yard, including adding berms, to redirect the water from the units and decks. The work was estimated to cost $2000 and will be scheduled for spring 2005.
  27. Driveway & Road Maintenance – Community was reminded that it is responsible for maintaining the roadways and therefore is required to have sufficient reserves for said maintenance.
  28. Dues Coupons – Dues coupons were mailed. Two items to note, the monthly fee is now $90/month and the mailing address has changed. The coupon book contains both.
  29. Committee Discussion – Discussed the formation of various committees to tackle the issues of the community. All committees will report to the Board who will have final decision.
  30. Carol Johnson volunteered to head a Communication Committee to keep the community informed of issues. Email would be the preferred communication tool due to its cost effectiveness. Please email Carol Johnson,, to get your name on the email list.
  31. Bylaw Changes
  32. Reduce Number of Board Members from 5 to 3 – After lengthy discussion and the lack of 5 willing volunteers, the attendees unanimously voted to reduce the number of Board members from 5 to 3.
  33. Change Quorum from 25% to 20% - The attendees unanimously voted to reduce the quorum from 25% (12.5 homeowners) to 20%(10 homeowners).
  34. Election of New Officers
  35. Nominations & Elections – Homeowners were nominated, and then a vote was taken to elect new Board members. The new elected members are: Kim Abbott #153, Christine Federmeier #163 and Carol Johnson #104.
  36. Open Discussion
  37. A motion was unanimously carried to have the community vote on the Rules that the attendees felt were most offensive (See IV.a.iv 2004 Overview – Rules & Regulations). The majority of the voters will rule. The Communication Committee will ensure the entire community is aware of the vote.
  38. Concern about knowing when open positions for board members or subcommittee are available.
  39. Adjournment