Appendix 2


New Council Housing Development at North Drive, Troon

May 2016



Section One: Project Details*

Name of Project / New Council Housing at North Drive, Troon
Lead Officer (Name/Position) / Heather Anderson
Housing Policy and Strategy Manager
Project Development Team (Names/Positions) / Heather Anderson
Housing Policy and Strategy Manager
John McCallum
Housing Capital Co-ordinator
Critical friend (s) / Chris Carroll
Private Sector and Landlord Registration Officer

*Policy could include strategy, project or application: see guidance attached.

What are the main aims of the strategy? / The aim of the project is to increase the number of affordable homes in Troon to address demand
What are the intended outcomes of the strategy? / The intended outcomes of the project are that:
·  People will have more access to affordable, ground level amenity accommodation in the Troon area.

Section Two: What are the Likely Impacts of the Strategy?

Will the strategy impact upon the whole population of South Ayrshire or particular groups within the population (please specify / The strategy will affect:
·  People in housing need.

Considering the following Protected Characteristics and themes, what likely impacts or issues does the strategy have for the group or community.

List any likely positive and/or negative impacts

Protected Characteristics / Positive and/or Negative Impacts /
Issues relating to people of any racial group, ethnic or national origin, including gypsy travellers and migrant workers / No specific impact is anticipated as access to the new properties will be based on housing need with no relevance to an applicant’s race.
Issues specific to women or men / No specific impact is anticipated as access to the new properties will be based on housing need with no relevance to an applicant’s sex.
Issues relating to disabled people / It is anticipated the project will have a positive impact on people with disabilities who are in housing need as the new development will provide ground level, housing to amenity/lifetime home standard.
Issues relating to a particular age group e.g. older people or children and young people / It is anticipated that this project will have a positive impact on older council tenants who may downsize to one of these more manageable properties.
Religion or Belief
issues relating to a person’s religion or belief (including non-belief) / No specific impact is anticipated as access to the new properties will be based on housing need with no relevance to an applicant’s religion or beliefs.
Sexual Orientation
Issues relating to a person’s sexual orientation i.e. lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, heterosexual / No specific impact is anticipated as access to the new properties will be based on housing need with no relevance to an applicant’s sexual orientation.
Marriage and Civil Partnership:
Issues relating to people who are married or are in a civil partnership. / No specific impact is anticipated as the new properties will be allocated on the basis of housing need with no relevance to an applicant’s marital or civil partnership status.
Gender Reassignment
Issues relating to people who have proposed, started or completed a process to change his or her sex. / No specific impact is anticipated as the new properties will be allocated on the basis of housing need with no relevance to an applicant’s gender.
Pregnancy and Maternity
Issues relating to the condition of being pregnant or expecting a baby and the period after the birth. / No specific impact is anticipated as the new properties will be allocated on the basis of housing need with no relevance as to whether an applicant is pregnant or not.
Multiple / Cross Cutting Equality Issues
Issues relating to multiple protected characteristics. / It is anticipated that this project will have a positive impact in relation to the following cross-cutting issue:
+  Improved affordable housing options for people with mobility issues and older people who are in housing need.
Equality and Diversity Themes Particularly Relevant to South Ayrshire Council
Issues and impacts affecting people’s health / This new accommodation may impact positively on health of applicants in housing need and those with mobility issues.
Human Rights:
Issues and impacts affecting people’s human rights such as being treated with dignity and respect, the right to education, the right to respect for private and family life, and the right to free elections. / This project may impact positively on Human Rights issues by increasing the potential to access affordable housing.
Impacts relating to living and working in a rural community / No specific impacts are anticipated in relation to this project in terms of rurality.
Issues relating to poverty and social exclusion, and the disadvantage that results from it. / This project may impact positively on issues relating to poverty by increasing the availability of affordable housing for rent.

Section Three: Evidence Used in Developing the Strategy

Involvement and Consultation
In assessing the impact(s) set out above what evidence has been collected from involvement, engagement or consultation?
Who did you involve, when and how? / ·  South Ayrshire Housing Need and Demand Assessment and Local Housing Strategy focus and steering groups.
·  Local Housing Strategy community consultation events – variety of information and discussion sessions carried out throughout the community.
Data and Research
In assessing the impact set out above what evidence has been collected from research or other data. Please specify what research was carried out or data collected, when and how this was done. / The need for more affordable housing in Troon is clearly demonstrated through the Council’s Housing Need and Demand Assessment (2015) and in the South Ayrshire Local Housing Strategy (2011 – 2016).
Partners data and research
In assessing the impact set out above what evidence has been provided by partners. Please specify partners / Housing Market information and income information provided by the Scottish Government to support the development of the South Ayrshire Housing Need and Demand Assessment.
Gaps and Uncertainties
Have you identified any gaps or uncertainties in your understanding of the issues or impacts that need to be explored further? / No gaps identified in relation to this project.

Section Four: Detailed Action Plan to address identified gaps in:

a) evidence and

b) to mitigate negative impacts

No / Action / Lead Officer(s) / Timescale

Section Five - Performance monitoring and reporting

Considering the strategy as a whole, including its equality and diversity implications:

When is the projected intended to come into effect? / Site start estimated for October 2016
When will the project be reviewed? / October 2017
Which Scrutiny Panel will have oversight of the strategy? / Leadership Panel

Section 6

South Ayrshire Council

Summary Equality Impact Assessment Implications & Mitigating Actions

Name of Strategy: New Council Housing Development at North Drive, Troon.

This strategy will assist or inhibit the Council’s ability to eliminate discrimination; advance equality of opportunity; and foster good relations as follows:

Eliminate discrimination
The project will help to eliminate discrimination against people in housing need with mobility issues by increasing the availability of suitable and affordable amenity housing.
Advance equality of opportunity
The project will help to advance equality of opportunity by increasing housing options for local people in housing need.
Foster good relations
The project will help to foster more supportive relations between the Council and local people in housing need.
Summary of Action Plan to Mitigate Negative/ Enhance Positive Impacts
Actions / Timescale
Work with Contractor to submit planning application for the development. / October 2016
Construct 13 x 1 bed bungalows on site at North Drive, Troon / October 2017
Signed: David Burns Head of Service
Date: 20.5.2016