Parent Life’s Coffee & S’Mores

This is a great way to let people “See the Story” of Parent Life and raise money for camp!

The event takes place at a Parent Life Ministry Site on a normal Parent Life group night.
Girls (teen parents) set-up and interact with the guests while children in the nursery. Then, after the first part of the program, teen parents and leaders can step out and participate in usual group led by volunteers.

Coffee and S’mores desserts are set out for guests to enjoy while a slideshow loops with pictures from Parent Life activities and camp!!

Adult Leaders, staff and girls spread out among tables leaving room for guests at the tables. Discussion questions are at every table to aid interaction!

Program: We had a leader who had been in Parent Life when she was a teen mom, share her story. She then introduced the teen parents who were in attendance. She asked them to share why they keep coming back to Parent Life. The girls and leaders then went to “regular group”. The PL Director shared the mission of Youth for Christ and shared about Parent Life and the value of camp with the guests still in the room. An adult leader who also is a significant donor, shared a story of one of her girls and then why she is committed to giving her time, talents and finances.

PL Director (or even YFC ExD) concludes with a clear ask for financial support for camp scholarships and potential monthly donors.

TIMELINE For Fund-Raiser

3 months out

·  PRAY!

·  Set date

·  Print Invitations

·  Parent Life ministry team meets to plan and assign tasks.

·  Gather photos or video for a “camp” promo to show at event

·  Biggest job is to get guests there – helping team understand the vision of bringing new people in contact with the ministry. Invite, Invite, Invite!

1 month out

·  PRAY!

·  Create program agenda

·  Plan décor.

·  Check in with team on invites & RSVPS

·  Create slide show or video to show at event (check with YFC Camp for available promos)

·  Create discussion questions for tables

·  Decide who will do the “ask” and make sure it’s rehearsed.

1 week out

·  PRAY!

·  Confirm girls (teen parent workers)

·  Confirm Guests Consider bringing teen parents to YFC office and making phone calls and using a script. “Hi, this is Tonya for Parent Life calling to say thanks for your RSVP to our Coffee and Smore’s Event! I’m calling to confirm your reservation and answer any questions about the evening. We are looking forward to seeing you! Thanks again!”

·  Bake Desserts and gather supplies for smore’s—you can pre-make or create on site.

·  Create and print response cards and info for tables.

·  Buy paper products

·  Collect “campy” stuff for decorations (sleeping bags, laterns, flashlights, porta cribs and teddy bears!)

Event Day

·  Set up tables

·  Pick up teen parents

·  Set tables

·  Decorate

·  Set out coolers of water and soda

·  Start coffee

·  Place desserts on tables with reponse cards and Parent Life info

·  Fire up slide show and background music, run through interviews with the girls, normal weekly set up for Parent Life group.

·  Buy pizza for leaders and girls to eat before event.

·  PRAY!!!!!

This event works great with a small group. Guests loved the opportunity to meet the girls and see the kids. We raised half of what is needed to bring the girls and their kids to camp!