Application Form ofThe Research Fellowshipfor International Young Scientists(for recommendation)

The Research Fellowshipfor International Young Scientists Application Form (for recommendation)

Applicant’s Name
Host Institution
Title of the project
Proposed stay at the host institution / From (MM/DD/YY) to (MM/DD/YY)


Applicant’s information
Surname / Middle name / Given name
Gender / Date of birth / Nationality
Highest academic degree
Current employer (if any)
Current position (if any)
Contact information in your country
Office / Home
Host institution’s information
Host institution
Address / Postal Code
Host researcher / E-mail
Tel. / Fax

Application Form ofThe Research Fellowshipfor International Young Scientists(for recommendation)

Personal Background

Please provide information according to the following outlines:
1.Education(indicate from the latest one):
Name of University/Institution, Location(city,country), Degree, Field, From-to
2. Previous employment (indicate from the latest one)
Name of employer, Location (city, country), Previous employment position, Field, From-to (MM/DD/YY)
3.Academic profile and achievements obtained in the past
(No word limits to the description but a concise and comprehensive style preferred)
4.Ttles of other funds for which you are now applying
5.List of major publications
Authors (all), Title, Journal, Vol., No., pp. - , month, year
6. Academic awards
If applicable, please specify the title, organization and date.
7. Previous academic experience and awards in China
a. Previous academic experience in China: Yes, No.; If yes, please specify the name of the university or institution, and the period of your stay.
b. If you have been awarded research program(s) either as PI or group member by Chinese funding agencies (including NSFC), please specify: title of this program, Grant number, position (PI or member), duration of program, year to start

Research Plan

Your research plan at the host institution if the application is approved


Abstract(limited to 800 words):
Keywords(limited to 5 keywords,separated by;):

Application Form ofThe Research Fellowshipfor International Young Scientists (for recommendation)

Budget Planning (Unit: 10,000 yuan)

1.The budget can be made in reference to that of NSFC’s General Programs. Please refer to your host institution for regulations and stipulations issued by National Natural Science Foundation of China on budget and expenditure.
2.Unexpected or unpredictable expenses are excluded in the budget.
3.Budget of 50,000 yuan and up for single item in equipment purchase is required to be addressed specifically one by one in the description below the budget table.
Subjects / Expenditure
经费经费 / Remarks
1. Expenses for Research Activities / 0.0000
(1) Research & Operation / 0.0000
a. Test/Calculation/Analysis
b. Power Consumption
c. Conference & Travel
d. Publications
e. Other (specify in Remarks if any)
(2) Materials & Supplies / 0.0000
a. Materials, Reagent, Consumables
b. Other (specify in Remarks if any)
(3) Facilities & Equipment / 0.0000
(4) Lab Modification
(5) Collaboration by Contract
2. International Cooperation * / 0.0000
(1)Academic Activities Abroad
(2)Local Expenses for International Experts
3. Allowance for Student(s)
4. Overheads
Total / 0.0000
Research Fund(s) from Other Sources / Grants in China
Total / 0.0000

* No more than 15% of the total budget.

Please specify each item of 50,000 yuan and up for equipment purchase (indicate the equipment and budget):


I hereby declare that all the statements and information given above are true.

If the Scholarship is awarded, I will be in line of my duty as a PI to conduct the proposed research project stated in this application and comply with NSFC’s regulations and rules.



The following documents must be attached when submitting this application to your host institution:

1. A copy of agreement signed between applicant and the host institution on local expenses, research facilitating guarantee, intellectual property, applicant’s commitment on working stay in China and other issues concerned;

2. A copy of applicant’s doctoral degree diploma;

3. Copies of two recommendation letters (at least one from researcher outside China);

4. Copies of the first pages of up to 5 representative publications.