NENA Public Education & PSAP Training Committee
Scopes/Goals/Direction/Status – UPDATED 9/30/17

GROUP NAME: Public Education & PSAP Training Committee (PEPTC)
STRUCTURE: The PEPTC operates within the NENA Development Group under the direction of the Development Steering Council.
SCOPE/GOAL: This Committee’s purpose is to provide resources and share information regarding 9-1-1 education, including public education and PSAP training, in various forms. The principal objective of this committee is to develop consistent materials and messages as an informational resource for the emergency communications community. The PSAP training function of this committee also works closely with other NENA Committees to identify and create training needed; and makes recommendations to the NENA Educational Advisory Board on topics and issues that may benefit from development of a NENA education course.
DIRECTION: The Public Education & PSAP Training Committee providesresources and expertise for the NENA staff, the Board, and other organizations for certain projects, taskforces, etc. involving 9-1-1 related communications, marketing, and training.
CURRENT STATUS as of09/30/2017:
All Public Education & PSAP Training Committee members are currently involved in one or more of the working groups described in greater detail below.
  • NG9-1-1 Education & Training
  • 20160513_ISF Standards for College Degree Programs Related to 9-1-1 (Tech and Ops)
Sonya Clauson, ENP: 832-237-9911
Sandy Beitel, ENP: 815-732-1119
GROUP NAME: NG9-1-1 Education & Training Working Group
STRUCTURE: The NG9-1-1 Education & Training Working Group operates under the Public Education & PSAP Training Committee.
SCOPE/GOAL: This work group’s purpose is to provide resources and share information regarding NG 9-1-1 education, including public education and PSAP training, in various forms. The principal objective of this committee is to develop consistent materials and messages as an informational resource for the emergency communications community.
DIRECTION: The NG9-1-1 Education & Training WG is meeting regularly and collaborating with various groups including PSAP Ops committee, Education Coalition, FCC and others to create specific materials, messages and training information for 9-1-1 representatives to use when educating certain communities about NG9-1-1, and texting.
CURRENT STATUS as of09/30/2017:
9-1-1 Authorities Guide to NG9-1-1
  • WG continues to work to review and finalize the draft document.
Sherri Griffith Powell, ENP: or 512-969-9617
GROUP NAME: Standards Related to 9-1-1 Professional Education
STRUCTURE:The Standards Related to 9-1-1 Professional Education operates under the Public Education & PSAP Training Committee and PSAP Operations Committee.
SCOPE/GOAL: This work group’s purpose is to provide guidance to educational institutions which provide 9-1-1 related courses, degrees, or other programs.The principal objective of this committee is toprovide critically important guidance to those institutions interested in starting programs to training persons with the required knowledge to work on 9-1-1 Systems. This will help ensure that programs provide a basic level of knowledge and skill, no matter where they may be located.
#1 goal/objective/deliverable: Identify existing relevant curriculum, standards, resources, and other sources that provide this type of training; determine what they teach and identify common trends and links
#2 goal/objective/deliverable: Identify additional areas that should be covered as part of an ANSI standard for both types of education program along with supporting documentation.
#3goal/objective/deliverable: Provide ANSI Accredited Standard on college curriculum for 9-1-1 (ops/tech)training and education
#4 goal/objective/deliverable: Provide ANSI Accredited Standard on high-school curriculum for 9-1-1 training and education
DIRECTION:Standards Related to 9-1-1 Professional Education WG will begin to meet regularly. The WG will include various participants from the 9-1-1 industry and will collaborate with exiting educational programs that could be used as a model.
CURRENT STATUS as of 09/30/2017:
The working group continues to meet on a bi-weekly basis, schedules permitting. We have collected sufficient information and are in the process of developing the STA document. We are revising the working draft to provide a clear path for non-experts to develop an in-house program. The focus continues to be High School and post high school criteria. Preparations are ongoing.
  • The group has broken down into sub-groups focused on building out appendices for the document to include suggested curriculum and other related content.
  • attempting to find a new meeting time that works better for the group but still actively working on the draft
  • WG Continues to Draft outline for NENA Standards for 9-1-1 Professional Education
Jared has agreed to tackle QA and Roles and Responsibilities, Tami Chamberlain to work with Jared., Heather will embrace Interpersonal Relationships, Deidre takes on Technology
Tammy Smith answers Call Processing, Kelly to look at Stress Management
Veronica will looking after On The Job Training
Crystal Ayco, ENP: or 206-999-9831
John Ferraro, ENP: r 847-590-3407
Eric Parry, ENP: r 801 833-2486

Old Documents to Review:

REF / SMS Text to 9-1-1 Resources / 2014/05/14
REF / NENA Recommended NG9-1-1 Public Education Plan for Elected Officials and Decision Makers
  • What is the Future of 9-1-1- PowerPoint for Elected Officials & Decision Makers
  • Brochurefor NENA - NG Generic
  • Sample Governors Goals Brochure fromNCTCOG
/ 2013/09/24
REF / Wireless 9-1-1 Consumer Education / 2011/05/09
REF / Number Portability Consumer Education / 2011/05/09
REF / Public Education Funding & Resources / 2001/06/27
REF / Basics of Public Education / 2001/06/27
REF / Public Education Clearinghouse Form / 2001/06/27

Review STAT webpages to ensure current and accurate.