Chapter 7 Study Guide

1. Magnification is the enlargement of an object.

2. What is the function of carbohydrates that stick out from the outer surface of the plasma membrane? They help the cell

identify chemical signals

3. Bacteria are examples of prokaryotes.

4. Which diagram shows a cell in a hypotonic solution?

5. The structure most responsible for maintaining cell homeostasis is the plasma membrane

6. Which is present only in eukaryotic cells? Nucleus

7. Which type of cellular transport does not require an input of energy? facilitated diffusion

8. What feature of eukaryotic cells has enabled them to develop more specific functions than prokaryotic cells? organelles

9. Which is not a part of the cell theory?Cells are produced spontaneously as an organism grows.

10. At what point in the process of diffusion is dynamic equilibrium reached? when there is continuous movement but no change

11. Which component of the plasma membrane contributes to the fluidity of the plasma membrane? cholesterol molecules

12. What kind of an instrument is used to produce an enlarged image of a specimen? microscope

13. Which is not a factor that affects the rate of diffusion? conductivity

14. A plasma membrane is made up of a(n)phospholipid bilayer

15. A plant cell is placed in a hypotonic solution. What will happen to the plant cell? It will swell.

16. What part of the plasma membrane makes it difficult for water-soluble substances to move freely in and out of the cell? the nonpolar tails in the middle of the plasma membrane

17. Which type of transport requires energy input from the cell? active transport

18. Which statement is a fundamental principle of the cell theory? Living organisms are composed of cells.

19. All living things are made up of cells

20. What part of a cell do both prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells share? plasma membrane

21. Prokaryotes are organisms whose cells do NOT have (a) nucleus

22. Unlike animal cells, plant cells have cell walls

23. What is the magnification of a compound light microscope that uses a 10X lens in series with a 25X lens? 250X

24. The movement of particles from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration is diffusion

25. The release of wastes or cell products from inside to outside a cell is exocytosis

26. Water moves into a cell (ex. egg in water) placed in a(n)hypotonic solution.

27. Water moves out of a cell (ex. egg in syrup) if the cell is placed in a (n) hypertonic solution.

28. What did scientists observe using the earliest microscopes. tiny organisms

29. The process used by the plasma membrane to control what enters and leaves the cell is called selective permeability

30. The fluid mosaic model presents the modern view of a plasma membrane

31. What types of materials are expelled (released) from cells during exocytosis? large molecules such as hormones

32. Which type of transport requires energy? active transport

33. If you wanted to see a three-dimensional image of DNA from a live specimen, which type of microscope would you use? scanning tunneling microscope

35. The diffusion of water molecules through a selectively permeable membrane is osmosis