State of Alabama

Pike County

Brundidge, Alabama

The Council of the City of Brundidge, Alabama met in regular session on October 3rd, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall at which time and place the following members were present: Councilmembers Baxter, Griffin, Gaynor and Foster. Mayor Boyd called the meeting to order.

The minutes for the September 19th, 2017 council meeting were presented and upon a motion by Mrs. Baxter, second by Mr. Griffin, with all voting yea, the minutes were approved as presented.

Mr. Foster moved the council allow Dr. Antoinette Wilson use of Galloway Park Community Center on Monday afternoons for her mentoring program for children in Pike County. Mr. Gaynor seconded the motion and with all voting yea the motion carried.

Mr. Griffin moved the council authorize the continuation of the FY2017 budget until such time that the council adopts the FY2018 budget. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Baxter and with all voting yea the motion carried.

The Mayor and Council agreed to meet Monday, October 9th, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. to review the FY2018 budget.

Mr. Griffin moved the council approve the recommendation of Mayor Boyd for Waymond Rodgers to be appointed to the Library board to serve the remaining term of Mrs. Ann Andrews which expires May 2018. Mr. Foster seconded the motion. Voting yea Boyd, Griffin, Gaynor and Foster.

Mr. Foster moved the council approve the recommendation of Mayor Boyd for Jessica Collier to be appointed to the Planning Commission to serve the remaining term of the late Mrs. Dorothyrine Munningham. Mr. Griffin seconded the motion. Voting yea Boyd, Griffin, Gaynor and Foster.

There being no further business to come before the council, Mr. Foster moved the meeting be adjourned with a second by Mr. Griffin.

I, Britt Thomas, City Manager and Clerk of the City of Brundidge, Alabama do hereby certify the above is a true and correct copy of minutes of the Brundidge City Council, and I further certify the original of same is on file in the official minute book of the Council in my office located at 146 South Main Street, Brundidge, Alabama.


Britt Thomas
