ONLINE SESSION – 17. DEzember 2014

Meeting of Souls with Petra Ruether, Germany

Dear friends,

welcome here to our online meeting of SOULS, welcome all guys from around the world, welcome from USA, CANADA, POLAND, NORWAY, DENMARK, HUNGARY, NETHERLAND, SPAIN, COLUMBIA, UK ENGLAND, SWITZERLAND, AUSTRALIA and GERMANY.

WOW, so many different countries here…I am so happy!!!

Dear friends, before we start please look at your sitting posture. Would be nice to sit with a straight spine: like Bruno said; „with your both feet on the floor and with your head in heaven, building an energy channel can also sit in Lotus seat if you like, then you are touching with your basic chakra the floor.....please open your palms and put them upwards on your upper legs, your thies.

Now separate yourself completely of distracting thoughts, from thoughts of illness or trouble, sorrow and misery, LET IT GO, however you feel or however the situation you are going through recently, put it aside and detach from and give it into God’s hands. LET IT GO...and RELAX. (Pause)

Important is just to be present with your mind and ready to receive the DIVINE ENERGY, the energy of life coming directly from the Source of God, the healing current, which Bruno Gröning called „Heilstrom“. So let us ask fort he Divine Energy in humility and devotion, you can pray also...... (Pause)

Now I will play a relaxing music for tuning in....(MUSIC on )

FEEL now, feel the vibration of the coming energy ...

Now I would like to tell you about a man, the greatest friend I met 29 years ago, not personally in his body, because he had already left his body when I met him. How this happened I will talk about later.

Bruno Gröning was born at the 30th of May 1906 in Danzig Oliva, a city which still belonged to Germany at that time. Nowadays it belongs to Poland and is located at the Eastern Sea. Already since his childhood Bruno Gröning experienced at his own some special abilities which had a calming and healing influence on people and animals. Bruno Gröning lived and worked within the consciousness of Christ. He recognized the strong impact of negative thoughts on people and their surrounding. So he showed up a path, which is available to every person when this person is ready for it.

The knowledge and relevance of spiritual laws was very important to Bruno Gröning because being of Life could been lived and accomplished positively for the wellbeing of all human beings, all creatures and sentient beings.

During his lectures, BG pointed always to the strong forces of thoug hts and the great impact they have on our mental spiritual development.

He emphasized always the orientation towards GOD, the love towards God and that FAITH, TRUST and BELIEF towards HIM enables us, allows us to live a lucky and fulfilled, a satisfied life here on earth.

One of his mainly quotes was: “TRUST and have FAITH – the DIVINE Power helps and heals!”

It was important to Bruno Gröning that people are going through a positive mental and spiritual progress and a healing therefore is a natural side effect of this progress in life.

Unfortunately people reckoned and still reckon today that a healing of the physical body would be the most important.

BG always emphasized that one has ALWAYS should pay attention to his own body and take up regularly the DIVINE POWER, because the body is the vessel of our soul.

BG goal of life was TO GUIDE human beings back to GOD. He always mentioned:

“I am just the GUIDEPOST to people, a small tool of God, you can be that as well.!”


It happened in the year 1985:

When I met Bruno Gröning I was in a very desolate condition. I was very weak because of a severe drug addiction of heroine, tablets and other stuff, which I took, because I could not stand life and his challenges without taking in something. I started in the Seventieth when the Flower Power Movement was on it’s highest and all my friends took something to high up their life anyway. A few years later I was hopeless addicted to the most dangerous substance HEROINE. You all know that this can destroy body, mind and soul of a person. Additional I suffered from a severe Hepatitis ABC, which destroyed my liver systematically. I wanted to stop it all and made many withdrawel cures and two longtime therapies, which hold me clean for 2 years but afterwards the same circle started again. I wanted to live freely and then in 1981 I got a little baby my daughter JANIS– for which I hoped I could live and be a good caring mother…I don’t want to tell you here all the desperate details of my former life but I can tell you that all changed when I saw first time the picture of Bruno Gröning hanging at the wall of an aquainted lady. We lived in the same house – she lived under the roof in a small flat and I lived in the flat at the base. Once she invited me sometimes for a cup of coffee. So I looked into the eyes of Bruno Gröning the first time: And it was really mystic: His eyes followed me always – when I went to the right or to the left, he always looked at me. My neighbor asked me to visit a Community session, which took place every 3 weeks in Hamburg and I agreed. I wanted to know more about this man with the mystic eyes.

(Pause Music)

When this lady took me with her car to my first community hour I was very tensed. I was a little afraid of the coming situation, maybe I would been drawn into a sect or another addiction to a Guru or somewhat else. So I swear by myself: I won’t pay something, won’t subscribe something, I would be very carefully and listen to what they would tell me. When I arrived at the place of the session, we stepped into a simple living room of 2 girls, living there together and an elder woman arrived from the South, she was from Austria and traveled around Germany to speak about her healings she has received when Bruno Gröning still was alive. This was in Hamburg, Germany, and there have been just 7 persons present. This lady was very kindly and when she started to talk about their 3 healings from severe sicknesses I knew inside: THIS LADY doesn’t lie, she is telling the truth. When she told me about the phantastic healing of her liver disease I became very big ears. When the session stopped I had felt nothing but I had very strong headaches. My neighbor friend who has brought me to Hamburg was happy about my pains and I thought she was really out of her mind. She said, Petra you have REGELUNGEN, wow, wonderful, that’s such a good sign, you ‘ll getting healed…and so on. I couldn’t understand that really.

So, a deep friendship started and short time later I stood alone before the picture of Bruno Gröning and I said: Dear Mr. Gröning, I don’t know you, I don’t know who you really are and what are you able to do, but PLEASE, if it is possible by God, and if you can help me, if you are really the tool of God, PLEASE help me. My life is a mess, my body too, I want to be a good mother for my child, Please please help!!!!

And I got a book into my hands: Here is the truth at and around Bruno Gröning. I’ve read it and I felt: Everything is true, this man is a Saviour, this man healed thousands of people – why not me too???

And I read his quote:

"I can also guide evey human being,

that he is not yet able anywhere

to get into misfortune.

And this I'm doing at people, who say:

"I put my life into Thy hands,

guide me until my very end!"

In fact, I will guide this person only onto the good path

and there I hold onto him

so that he's never able to get on the evil path anymore."

I stood there and did it, I handed my life into Bruno Gröning’s hands. I said to him in thoughts: Dear Bruno, I want to change my life, when you can guide me to God, I’ll happily give my life into your hands. Please guide me until my very end!

And in fact. 2 months later – I was introduced in October 1985 – 2 months later in December - shortly before Christmas - I attended a Christmas Celebration in Hamburg. We listened to a tape of Bruno Gröning. I was very keen to listen to his voice and what he would tell there, but it was really strange: I became so tired that I slept on my armchair I was sitting in – and didn’t get anything of his words he told us on that tape. I woke up when the tape was finished and the music started to play. And then I felt it: The DIVINE POWER was floating through my body, I felt it like a warm wonderful, comfortable streaming through my veins, and I saw light light light everywhere around me. I couldn’t explain or even describe – it was WONDERFUL!!

I was such in a high mood when I came home that I didn’t need to take any pills or drugs to get to sleep, I slept calm and peaceful hours like in Heaven.

On the next morning I got all symptoms of a withdraw cure of drugs. I had pains in all bones, I was weak and had a diarrhoe , walking continuesly to the toilet where I was vomiting and then back to bed where I could sleep some hours again. And this was very different to any withdraw cure before. I went through a big Cleansing process for 3 days and 3 nights. AFTER that 3 days of Regelungen I WAS FREE!!!

I never took any drugs again, I have given my life into the hands of Bruno Gröning who is the servant of God. I received healing from Hepatitis ABC, which the doctor confirmed, and I got healing from bad eyesight also, I could take off my glasses now…and so much more happened in the following 29 years up to today, I will tell you everything step by step, because my life is a whole blessing of GOD and that I would like wish to everybody.

During the following years I wrote a book about my experiences and it was published in 1993.

(Pause – Music)

Later I got the approval by several doctors that I had recovered from Hepatitis ABC, and the C category is normally incurable. But the doctor said to me, this is a miracle and you are complete healthy, your liver is like one of a newborn baby. And that was true. I had received a new life.

I started through to organize my new life, was a good mother for my children, I worked and got all my things in order around me. Daily I was doing “Einstellen” and step by step everything got at the right place – my soul healed. But I was alone.

I was invited by a lady from Namibia – she had 3 children and she needed someone to help her. So I took my both kids and traveled to Swakopmund, where I cared for the kiddies….

I came into contact with an English Lady, she has two children and her 4-years old daughter Lucy suffered from Asthma disease since her first year of life. She got those attacks during nights and her Mom could only help her with an asthma inhaler. So I told her about Bruno Gröning and gave her a picture of him and she put it under the pillow of the child. Of course we prayed together for the child and her recovery.

3 days later I was walking at the beach and a holy mood was filling my heart. Suddenly I found 3 flamingo feathers on the sand. They were white with a touch of rosepink at the tops and a voice said to me: These feathers are like 3 wishes. You have 3 wishes for free.

Oh really? Oh my God! Is it true??? I could hardly believe this. I was amazed and full of joy. But why not??? What kind of wish should I take now? I thought and thought and the first what came into my mind was Lucy, the little girl with that Asthma suffering. I wished her health from the deepest of my heart. The second what I wished was a community of Bruno Gröning in Swakopmund, and the third wish? Yes, I was alone and still young, so I wished for myself the right life partner, a loving person sharing my life in love together.

What shall I say??? ALL 3 WISHES CAME TRUE!

Lucy slept in her 3rd night with the photo of Bruno under her pillow. Suddenly she came out in a rash on her skin, over and over full of pustles filled with pus. Her mom went to the doctor and he said, he never saw such a rash. They have been no chicken pox or any other kids sickness. So I have noticed and I knew that this rash was an emergence of Regelungen, all the given medication and toxics, the vasodilating drugs came out over the skin and that was good.

In fact: this appearance of the rash lasts exactly 17 days. I knew this because it started on the 1st Sept. 1988 and after 17 days all the pustles have been dried out and – what a wonderful side effect: THE ASTHMA WAS GONE!!!

You cannot imagine how happy mother and child was, and how happy I was!!! My first wish was fulfilled.

10 or 15 years later my second wish was accomplished: A community in Swakopmund was opened and I think there is one until today.

And my third wish??

YES, 5 years later a young man named Peter showed up. He helped me so much by running many communities for drug addicted people and we worked together very hard and instantly for 10 years to help those people in need, who are still suffered at addictions of every kind and form. We married 1996 and we are living happily together until today. A fairytale??? NO that is the ultimate truth!!

Pause – Music

- Bruno Gröning speaks from the tape of Christmas 1958 –

Directly translated by Petra

Now we can tune in together, doing Einstellen. Firstly tune in for yourself, for health, strength, joy and love, forgiveness to others. So, if there is someone you like to be helped and healed, you can pray now for.

Pause – Silence

Now let us pray for a better world, for love, PEACE and forgiveness in every heart, within families, between nations and countries. Let us pray especially for Syria, Iran and Iraque, Israel and Palastina, for Western and Eastern countries, South and North.

Dear GOD, Father and Mother of the UNIVERSE, please help us human beings to come into a vibration of LOVE and LIGHT, help us to recognize ourselves…

Dear Angels and Spiritual MASTERS and spiritual helpers, who are working for the higher consciousness of humankind, dear Bruno Gröning, greatest helper in the name of CHRIST, please help us to reach a higher level of loving vibration, let us work always in loving kindness, let us feel the peace of heaven, let us get aware of the Will of God, so that we can do and fulfill HIS will, not our will!!