Western Reserve Kennel Club

Cleveland, Ohio

May 2013


Many thanks to Dave Liebitzke and Georgeanne Doyle for a successful Puppy Match. Thanks also to all of you who helped make this a suc

cessful endeavor completed in a short time. Lilyan Allison spearheaded the raffle, LauraBeth Duncan the food sales and nonmember, Holly Everhart arranged Obedience and Rally. Dave will have a full report in May.

Nice job!

This upcoming meeting is an important one for the future of Western Reserve Kennel club. Why??? Because you will be electing those officers to help lead your Club for the following years. Look over the list and come prepared to nominate and/or accept a nomination for an office or the board.

The Committee for the Recommendation of donations has already met, and the list was discussed and adjusted at the April Board Meeting. Dottie Lehoty will be presenting the recommendations to the membership also at

this upcoming meeting. Another reason to be in attendance. Thanks again to LauraBeth Duncan, Frank Jansky and Dottie LeHoty for their work with this important function of our Club.

Ann Yuhasz is arranging with the Cleveland Public Library to get a list of the dog materials available. In case you weren’t aware, WRKC has one of the largest collections of dog material in the nation housed in the Cleveland Library. She is also looking at holding a possible meeting there in the summer so we can once again, learn about and view the dog collection in person.

Janet Latterner for the Summer Show, and Susan & Byron Gray will be gathering volunteers for he Puppy Match on Saturday during the Summer shows. These are fun events so try to help if you can. The more hands we have assisting, the faster we get finished. Janet will have more on the Summer Show and upcoming planning meetings.

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Attached are a list of meetings you may have attended and which will be necessary for the nominations in May. Start thinking of those members you would like to run the club in the future. If they don’ have the necessary meetings, make sure they attend. Reminder: if you want to nominate someone and they are unable to attend, you must have their willingness to serve in writing.

I think we are at the end of winter (but you never now in Cleveland). Come for an exciting night of nominations and information on vaccines, fleas and medical advances in treating joint problems from a drug representative of Zoetis. There are some absolutely fantastic brags—come hear them and congratulate the winners.

Bring a friend or two and expand our membership.




Georgianne and I want to thank everyone who pitched in on Saturday, April 13th. Your help did make a difference in making it a smooth event. From set up to clean up, it does take a “club to raise” (sic) a successful event. You did just that. There were 60 entries including 19 entered in Obedience/Rally. Thank you for caring.
As for Obedience, a special shout-out to Holly Everhart for handling entries, providing stewards and judges. Also, her 4-H group was invited. They sold good looking goodies for humans and canines.
Western Reserve members, you are the best!
/ News and Upcoming Events
Western Reserve Kennel Club, Inc. /

Our next membership meeting will be held on:

Date:Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Time:7:30 p.m.

Program: We will welcome Mr. Mark Grace from the Zoetis Drug Company, speaking about the latest drugs that are being used today.

Location: Brooklyn Heights Community Center on Tuxedo Road.

Upcoming Meeting Dates; Events and Programs:

Tuesday, May, 7, 2013

Nominations for WRKC Office – In order to be eligible to run for office, you must have attended at least 3 general meetings during the past year. A list of eligible members is attached to this notice. Note: If you can’t attend this meeting and wish to run for office, you must send a letter accepting the nomination to the meeting with the person who will be nominating you.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

WRKC Annual Meeting, Election of Officers and Awards Night! Come and join us for an important night for our Club with the election of officers to serve for the next year. Also, you know that Peg Gross will present the awards earned by our Club members and their dogs.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

WRKC Puppy Match at the Polo Field in conjunction with 2013 Chagrin Valley Classic Dog Show at the Polo Field.

Volunteers needed! Please contact Susan and Byron Gray to sign on to work this puppy match.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Our annual Summer Show is coming soon to the Cleveland Metro parks Polo Field. Pease contact Janet Latterner, Sandy Wolfskill or Donna Francis to see how you might help. Volunteers are needed!

General Business Minutes April 2, 2013

President Peg Gross, called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. This evening we welcomed Kristin Shaw who is an active member of University Hospital’s Pet Pals program with her therapy dog Ana-bell. She has had three dogs in the program and is a team leader and mentor. She assists with behavior screening of the dogs and is a very active member of their program visiting at Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital. Needless to say, Annabel was a huge hit with our members!

The minutes for the February 1 9, 2013 Board of Directors Meeting and the March 5, 2013 General Business Meeting were mailed to the membership.

13-02 Donna Francis made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected. Sandy Wolfskill seconded and the motion carried.

Member Junita Flinner asked that the attendance for those members eligible to run for office be updated for the next newsletter. This will be done. Member Sandy Wolfskill asked that in the future, if we don’t have the correct Treasurer’ report that we not publish the report.

Report of the President was mailed with the newsletter. Other than what was in her letter to the membership in the last newsletter, Peg reminded the us that the Awards program is coming up in June. She asked that we consider the special awards. They are: Outstanding member of the year, Organization of the Year, Outstanding Achievement Award and AKC Sportsmanship Award. If you have someone to nominate for an award, you must fill out the Awards Night Form and get it back to her by April 30th. Forms are available at the table in the meeting room this evening.

Report of the Corresponding Secretary – Susan Gray had no new correspondence to report this evening.

Report of the Recording Secretary — Carole reminded everyone to sign the membership books which are on the stage at the front of the room before they go home.

Treasurer’s Report — Contact the Treasurer for the report.


Constitution and By-Laws — Ed Cerny is awaiting an upcoming meeting with Mr. Russ Shaw who will be talking to our Board about our tax status before we make any changes to our Standing Rules.

Finance —Dottie LeHoty has called a meeting this week of the Finance Committee to discuss WRKC’s donations for 2013.

Property — Fran LeHoty is preparing an inventory of what we have in stock now for upcoming shows.

Parliamentarian — Juanita Flinner reported that nominations for officers will be held at our May 7thmembership meeting. Please note an updated list of those members who are eligible to run for office will be mailed with the May newsletter. If anyone will be accepting a nomination is not in attendance that evening, must send a letter of acceptance with the nominating member to be read to the membership.

Program — Ed Cerny announced the following upcoming programs:

Tuesday, May 7, 2013, we will welcome Mr. Mark Grace from the Zoetis Drug Company, speaking about the latest drugs that are being used today.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013 is our Annual Meeting, Election of Officers, and Awards Presentations. No program planned.

Membership — We welcomed two guests this evening, Don & Diana Rop. Diana has been working with Susan Gray in getting the minutes out electronically.

Social — Many thanks to Laurabeth Duncan for the wonderful refreshments this evening!

Crown Classic Manager — A Crown Classic Show Committee wrap-up meeting was held at the Radisson on Thursday, March 14th at 7:00 p.m. There was some concern about this year’s shows not taking place at the I-X due to a conflicting event. However, it was confirmed that we still have our dates and the show will go on. Work will continue!

2013 April Puppy Match — Don’t forget the upcoming match on April 13th. It will be held at the Cleveland All-Breed Training Club. We will have a raffle chaired by Juanita Flinner and Lilyan Allison. Laurabeth Duncan will be in charge of the food. Helpers in all areas will be needed. Please contact Dave Leibitzke if you can help.

2013 Summer Show — Janet Latterner announced that work has begun on the 2014 panel. Suggestions welcome. Our second 2013 Puppy Match is scheduled right after BIS for Sugarbush on Saturday, August 24, 2013. Byron and Susan Gray are the Match Chairs. They will be needing lots of help, so please contact them and see what you can to help.

2013 Winter Show — Peg Gross announced that Purina will be sponsoring the shows again this year. Please be sure to stop by their booth and thank them for their continue support. Georgianne Doyle, show chair, is working with the other show chairs to finalize the judging panel. Gayle Mester thanked everyone from WRKC again for working so hard to make the decorations really stand out again at the 2012 show.

Website — Dave Leibitzke reported that our site is up and running. Suggestions are always welcome.

UNFINISHED (OLD) BUSINESS: Nothing to come before the membership this evening. NEW BUSINESS: Nothing to come before the membership this evening.

NEW APPLICATIONS — There were no new applications for consideration this evening.

There being no further business to come before the membership, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Brags followed! Respectfully submitted,

Carole L. Cerny Recording Secretary

Western Reserve Kennel Club, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, March 19, 2013

ATTENDEES: Allison, Cerny, C., Cerny, E., Duncan, J. Dr., Gray, B., Gray, S., Gross, Latterner, LeHoty, D., Yuhasz, A.,

ABSENT:Flinner, LeHoty, F., Tacejko, Yuhasz, R., Russett (AKC Delegate)

The next WRKC Board of Directors Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 16, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. It will be at Cleveland ATraining Club, 210 Hayes, Cleveland, OH

President, Peg Gross welcomed the Board members and called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Reading of Minutes – The minutes of the February 19, 2013 BOD meeting and the March 5, 2013 membership meeting were mailed to the Directors.

13-04 Ed Cerny made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected. Dr. Jim Duncan seconded and the motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report —Dottie LeHoty submitted the following report: Contact the Treasurer for the report.

Our books are currently with the auditor for their annual audit.

13-05 Ann Yuhasz made a motion to receive and file the Treasurer’s report for audit. Bryron Gray seconded and the motion carried.


Bill Russett sent the following results from the March 12, 2013 Delegates Meeting. The new AKC Board members are: Alan Kalter - 1st ballot; Harvey Wooding - 2nd ballot; Lee Arnold and Carl Ashby – 3rdballot.


Finance Committee —

Dottie LeHoty, Treasurer, announced a meeting to discuss WRKC’s donations for 2013 has been scheduled for Thursday, March 21st at 7:30 p.m. at Mr. Zee’s Restaurant.

Dottie also discussed the teleconference bills for January ($37.41) and February ($46.57) in contrast to the fee that CABTC charges for use of its Board room for our monthly Board meetings. The fact that weather doesn’t affect meeting cancellations works in its favor.

Library – Ann Yuhasz brought in copies of an article, “The Percy Roberts Show Dog Collection”by Leandra Little for the Board members. It’s an interesting article and will be placed in the Dog Collection at the Library. She is still working on having a meeting at the Cleveland Public Library. Unfortunately, the CPL isn’t open past 6:00 p.m. evenings.

Program – Ed Cerny announced that:

Tuesday, April 2, 2013 — Ms. Barb Naletto, Pet Pals Therapy Dogs (University Hospitals).

Tuesday, May 7, 2013 — Mr. Mike Grace, a drug representative from Zoetis, will be here to speak on latest drug advancements in veterinary medicine.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013 — Annual Meeting with Election of Officers and Awards Night. No program is scheduled for this evening.

Welfare — Ann Yuhasz announced that Ray Yuhasz is home (Newberry, OH) after a second operation and is doing well. Lilyan Allison reported that John Tacejko was recently hospitalized. She will send him a fruit basket from WRKC.

Webmaster — Dave Leibitzke talked with Dottie LeHoty about renewing the “Go Daddy” site that carries our website. It will cost $54.50 for renewal of the WRKC.com domain and registration for the . com.

13-06 Dottie LeHoty made a motion that WRKC renew the Go Daddy service that carries our web-site, Ann Yuhasz seconded and the motion carried.

Crown Classic Manager — President Peg Gross reported that the Crown Classic Dog Shows will go forward in 2013. The show dates for 2013 are confirmed for December 12, 13, 14, and 15. There was some concern that we might loose our dates with the I-X Center, but that didn’t come to pass. The bulk of the judging panel is set.


I shall wear turquoise and soft gray sweatshirts.... and a bandana
Over my long, silver hair ... and I shall spend my Social
Security checks on sweet wine and my dogs....
And sit in my house on my well-worn chair and
Listen to my dog’s breathing.

I will sneak out in the middle of a warm summer night
And take my Nero for a run, if my old bones will allow
and when people come to call, I will smile and nod
As I walk out and show them my dogs ... and talk of them and
About them...
The Ones so beloved of the past and the Ones so
Beloved of today

I still will work hard cleaning their runs and mopping
And feeding them ... and whispering their names
in a soft loving way.
I will wear gleaming sweat on my throat, like a jewel
And I will be an embarrassment to all and my
Children who have not yet found the peace in being free
To have dogs as our Best Friends.

These friends who always wait, at any hour, for your
Footfall and eagerly jump to their feet out of a
Sound sleep to greet you...as if you are God.
With warm eyes full of adoring love and hope that you
Will stay and hug their big, strong necks and kiss their
Dear sweet heads ... and whisper to them of your love and the
Beautiful pleasure of their very special company
I look in the mirror and see I am getting old
this is the kind of person I am and have always been.

Loving dogs is easy, they are part of me, accept me for who
I am, my dogs appreciate my presence in their
Lives ... when I am old this will be important to me...
You will understand when you are old and
If you have dogs to love too.

Author Unknown