NAVTTC registered competencystandard CS code: 021400206, version 1

Title / Form articles by different techniques
Level / 3 / Credits / 16
Purpose / This competency standard is designed to provide basic competencies about the process of forming the ceramics articles using casting, pressing, and jiggering techniques in accordance to the requirement of the industry.
Classification ISCED / 0214 Handicrafts
Available grade / Competent / Not yet competent
Modification history / N/A
CompetencyUnit / PerformanceCriteria / Knowledge andUnderstanding
C1. Make articles bycasting techniques / Trainee will be able to:
P1. Clean all parts of themoulds
P2. Apply dry lubricants to the parts ofthe moulds.
P3. Combine/ fix different parts of themoulds.
P4. Level the moulds beforefilling.
P5. Fix the mould on the castingbench / Trainee will be able to:
K1.Understanddifferentpartsof themould.
K3.Identifythequalityof the bodyslip
K4.Apply dry lubricants to thepartsof themoulds.
C2. Filling ofmoulds / Trainee will be able to:
P1.Fix the mouldpartswithclamps
P2.Makesuitableholes for fillinganddrainof the bodyslip.
P3.Makeseamlessjointsof themoulds.
P4.Pour the slip in castingholes / Trainee will be able to:
K1. Assess the quality of the body slip for density, viscosityand residue.
K2. Apply suitable force to fix theclamps.
K3. Explain the leveling of themoulds
K4. Identify the speed of the filling of themould
CompetencyUnit / PerformanceCriteria / Knowledge andUnderstanding
C3. Analyse thecasting thickness andtime / Trainee will be able to:
P1. Check the thickness of the castedarticle
P2. Drain the excess slip from themould / Trainee will be able to:
K1. Assess the quality of themould. K2. Identify the useful life of themould. K3. Use the tools for thicknesschecking
K4. Explain the effect of weather on the castingtime
C4. Make articles bypressing technique / Trainee will be able to:
P2.Operatemanual / hydraulicpress
P3.Fixdie in thepress
P4.Applysuitable force forpressing / Trainee will be able to:
K1.Assess the moisturecontentsof thegranulate
K2.Identifythesizeof thegranulate
K3.Know the heatrequirementof thedies
K4.Understand the requirementofagingof thegranulate
K6.Fill the diewithrequiredweightof thematerial
C5. Make articles byjiggering andjollying / Trainee will be ableto:
P1.Operate the filter press
P2.Fix the filtercloth
P3.Operate the pugmill
P4.Fix the die in the pugmill
P5.Adjust the wirecut
P6.Operate the jiggeringandjollying / Trainee will be ableto:
K1.Fix the inletpipes to the filterpress.
K2.Understand the needof pressure required for filterpressK3.Assess the moisturecontentsof the slip and filtercake.K4.Know the heatrequirementof thedies
K5.Identifythelubricationof the machineparts
K6.Understand the requirementof the storageenvironmentof
CompetencyUnit / PerformanceCriteria / Knowledge andUnderstanding
P8.Fix the dies in thejiggeringandjollying Machines. / the filter cake and cutpieces.
K7. Identify the defects of thearticles.
K8. Understand issues related to the dry andhumid atmospheres.


Industry Standard Setting Body: N/A /  NAVTTC 10.12.2014