World History Benchmark #4 Review

1. What are two major characteristics shared by most early civilizations before 600 BCE?

2. List the typical characteristics of most early river valley civilizations.

3. What was King Hammurabi’s main contribution to the development of civilization in the Mesopotamia region?

4. How was Judaism a major change from other religions in the Eastern Mediterranean region before 500 BCE?

5. What major building was located at the center of the city-state in the Indus River valley civilizations such as Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro?

6. Between 200 BCE and 200 CE, what major trade route connected the Roman Empire with China?

7. Identify the main ideas or concepts of the “Confucian” social order.

8. Explain the Chinese concept of the “Mandate of Heaven”.

9. What is considered to be one of the major accomplishments of Alexander the Great?

10. What was the main political unit of Ancient Greece?

11. Identify some major differences between Judaism and Christianity.

12. What was the major reason the Western Roman Empire declined and ceased to exist?

13. What did the Romans construct that allowed for the wide spread diffusion of Christianity throughout their empire?

14. What was the major contribution of the Roman Emperor Justinian?

15. Identify various factors that contributed to the decline of the Byzantine Empire.

16. What is a common belief shared by both Christianity and Islam?

17. How did the Bantu migrations impact iron metallurgy in sub-Saharan Africa?

18. Identify the impact of the outbreak of the Bubonic (Black Death) Plague on the population of Europe, Roman Catholic Church, and how it leads to new economic opportunities for peasants.

19. Explain how the Roman Catholic Church became a huge impact on the lives of commoners during the Middle Ages.

20. How did Viking invasions contribute to the development of the feudal system?

21. What was the main source of political power in feudal societies in Europe during the early Middle Ages?

22. Describe the characteristics of “humanist philosophy” during the 15th & 16th centuries.

23. Identify factors that lead to the Renaissance.

24. What consequence of the Columbian Exchange MOSTaffected the Native Americans population?

25. Identify factors that lead to the Protestant Reformation.

26. Explain how the extensive trade Muslim trade routes led to the growth of the religion.

27. What was the primary factor for the split between Shia and Sunni Islam?