Silver Sage Girl Scout Council

Volunteer Essentials Scavenger Hunt

Take time to complete this scavenger hunt. It will give an opportunity to really get to know where things are in the Volunteer Essentials.

The Volunteer Essentials is truly your resource for being a Troop Leader/Co-Leader.

After you complete the Scavenger Hunt, scan Scavenger hunt to Audra Kershner, Membership Manager at .

Once she receives your completed Scavenger Hunt, we will mail you a patch and put your name in a drawing for a $25.00 gift certificate to the Silver Sage Girl Scout Store.

The questions vary from a quick answer to more elaborated answers. There are no wrong answers. We will contact you if we see areas that need to be reviewed closer! ENJOY! Ready, Set, GO!!!

What is the Silver Sage Mission and Vision?

Where are all the Silver Sage offices located?

Tell us the five Girl Scout Leadership Experience Outcomes

Define an approved volunteer

What is an opportunity catalog?

How can you create a girl led experience with your troop?

VTK-what is this and where can you find it?

When preparing for any activity with girls, start by reading G.S. ______

Name a few Resources you will use consistently while volunteering with Girl Scouting

What training is required to be a Troop Leader/Co-Leader?

When is the Annual Conference? What is the Annual Conference?

Tell us the names of the new Journeys

What awards can older girls earn to offer grade appropriate challenges related to teamwork, goal setting, and community networking and leadership.

Tell us what was an “Ah ha” moment in Chapter 3 for you?

Where can you find the responsibilities of the parents and guardians, and girls?

If you have 30 Brownies how many adults do you need for girl-adult ratio?

When do you contact an Council when there has been and accident or incident?

Where do you find the information on setting up a Troop Bank Account? What is the Employer Identification Number?

Is there funding for new troops to receive for startup funds?

Name two appropriate activities for troop money earning. Name two inappropriate activities for troop money earning. What is the name of the form used for troops to receive approval on appropriate troop money earning activities?

Are you the only adult that does everything for your troop? What can other volunteers assist with in the troop?

Tell us the 6 parts of a troop meeting

Where to find guidance on transporting girls?

Is the Five Star Troop a requirement of all troops to complete?

Do you think your troop will become a Five Star troop?

Where do you find information on traveling with girls? At what age level can girls go on overnight trips?

Are volunteers encouraged to sell cookies for the girls?

When selling Cookies can girls go to through their neighborhood alone? Why?

What is a cookie booth?

Can you have a booth anywhere anytime?

Do both volunteers need to be approved adults supervising girls at a cookie booth? What is correct recommendation?

What makes you the most excited about the Cookie Program?

What makes you the least excited about the Cookie Program?

Name two forms you feel you will be using the most with your troop experience?

Where do you find the Policy on Alcohol/Substance abuse?

What are three areas of interest for you in the Personnel Policies and Practices for Volunteers?

What is the highest volunteer award at Silver Sage Girl Scout Council

Can all volunteers receive an award?

When are letters of nomination and endorsement due to the Silver Sage Girl Scout Council?

Can you think of one person that deserves recognition in your life?