eConnected Grainbelt | eDemonstration sites
Information kit for successful applicants
This kit describes what is involved in hosting an eConnected Grainbelt eDemonstration site.
· agreements
· timelines
· reporting requirements.
· requirements for acknowledging the funding source
· expectations of how the project will be managed
Once you receive notification that your expression of interest was successful, an agreement between the site landholder and DAFWA will need to be signed. This agreement will state basic requirements for access and maintenance of the weather station by DAFWA as well as options for the landholder if they no longer wish to host a weather station at the end of the eConnected Grainbelt project.
An agreement will also be developed addressing intellectual property at the site.
Your expression of interest will serve as the initial agreement on activities to be run at the eDemonstration site, however confirmation of these events will be finalised prior to the start of the 2016 season.
Funding will be provided on delivery of milestones. The first milestone will be the signing of the agreements, and this will trigger the first payment. Payments will be separated into 3 payments thereafter, based on the timing of your proposed events.
You will be asked to complete a Supplier Creation and Maintenance Form. Once this information has been received and processed, you will receive a Purchase Order number.
You will be paid both your grower group funding and local consultant funding, for you to distribute to your local consultant.
On reporting after each event you will be required to send a tax invoice to DAFWA to trigger the payment of funds. The tax invoice must state the Purchase Order number and include GST.
You may also be asked to provide some additional information including proof of insurance (including public liability, personal accident and professional indemnity insurance).
Weather stations and soil moisture probes are due to be installed by the end of 2015, this will be coordinated and funded by DAFWA.
There will be 3 half-day events run at each site per season. These events should coincide with key decision points for growers in order to make best use of the decision support tools. This may include events such as pre-seeding, mid-season nitrogen application and pre- or post-harvest. The timing of events and surveys can be negotiated with the project. Engagement at each of these events will also be dependent on feedback required by the project.
DAFWA will provide access to new tools developed and ready for testing, as well as subscriptions to 3rd party decision support tools. You will be asked to provide a list of the 3rd party decision support tools you would like to see demonstrated at your site. A list of potential tools can be supplied if you request.
The eDemonstration sites will run for two full seasons (2016 and 2017), with the eConnected project due to finish June 2018.
Managing your project
The eConnected Grainbelt project is an investment made by the state government using public money.
Receipt of this funding comes with the responsibility of ensuring it is used for public benefit and managed in a way that achieves the best outcome for the Western Australian agriculture and agrifood industry.
Acting with integrity, transparency and accountability is key to this, as is sharing information about your project with people who might be affected by it.
Below is an overview of how recipients and others involved in the project are expected to operate when hosting an eDemonstration site.
· Good governance practices are used.
· The rights of the people involved in your eDemonstration site are respected, including the consideration and management of safety, health and welfare issues.
· Good records are kept and regularly maintained. Records must be kept for six years.
· Transparent and accessible financial management.
· Best practice techniques are applied to ensure project activities are conducted in the most effective and safe manner.
Reporting requirements
Reports are due two weeks after each event or survey takes place. Reports are to be compiled by you and your local consultant.
· You will receive a reporting template one month before the due date of these reports. The template will outline the requirements dependant on timing of events and feedback required by the project.
· An audited financial statement must be submitted annually. This should be prepared by a suitably qualified person who has not been directly involved in the project. A template will be provided.
· The audited financial statement must include evidence of all income and expenditure. Expenditure must be attributed to milestones. This should include expenditure of funding by the local consultant.
· If you believe that your project may not be able to meet its milestones and outputs, discuss options with DAFWA as soon as possible.
The local consultant will also generate reports outlining the outcomes and outputs of decision support tools at the eDemonstration site, for inclusion in grower group newsletter/communications to their membership monthly. These should also be included in your reporting to the project.
Acknowledging DAFWA, the Department of Regional Development and Royalties for Regions
DAFWA, the state government Royalties for Regions program and the Department of Regional Development (DRD) must be acknowledged on all material and at all announcements relating to the project including newsletters, media statements, presentations, speeches, milestone celebrations, publications and correspondence.
· Authorised and appropriate use of DAFWA, DRD and the Royalties for Regions logo on all promotional material including signage, banners, plaques, websites and advertising.
· Actively provide opportunities to promote the funded project and the Royalties for Regions program including official launches, openings, stakeholder forums and project displays, in consultation with DAFWA and DRD.
Providing photographs
Photographs provide evidence of the benefits of the project over time and help to promote your activities at the site.
· We encourage sending photos with your reports.
· Images may be used on the website to promote the project, in annual reporting and in publicity materials.
· It will be assumed that you have sought the permission of anyone pictured in your photos (particularly people under the age of 18) and we will not seek further permission before using the images.
Further information
Alternatively, contact Katherine Davies, DAFWA:
Telephone: +61 (0)8 9690 2169