Oregon Welsh Pony Society 46th Annual Gold Show
Friday August 5th - Sunday August 7th, 2016 Provisional WPCSA Gold Rated Show (Double Halter Points)
Karen McLeay – WPCSA Judge Breeding & Performance
Guy Clardy – WPCSA Judge Breeding & Ridden
Show Manager: Debbie Benson Show Secretary: David Maurer
Show Committee: Patricia Cochran, Carol Maurer Tonya Fellner Announcer: Mara Tomlin
Ring Steward: Kathleen Lindholm
Gate Person: Diane Lillywhite
Oregon Horse Center, 90751 Prairie Rd, Eugene, OR, 97402
For More Information Contact Show Manager, Debbie Benson, 503-852-7296 or email at .
Show Rules
1) WPCSA Rules shall prevail: Any rule changes will automatically be incorporated into this show. Rule Books will be in the show office for reference, exhibitors are requested to have a working knowledge of WPCSA rules. Every entry at a WPCSA sanctioned show shall constitute an agreement between the exhibitors, OWPS, this arena, and the WPCSA. The agreement is written in full on the entry form, participation acknowledges acceptance of all rules pertaining to the show.
2) Eligibility: All Ponies/Cobs must be registered in the studbook of the Welsh Pony
Cob Society of America, or, if under one year of age, must be eligible for registration. A Pony/Cob must be shown under its full registered Welsh Name and Number. All lease agreements must be officially recorded through the society office. All recorded leases are designated as such on the Pony/Cob’s Registration Certificate. Half Welsh and Part-Breds must be registered with WPCSA. Animals from foreign recognized registries may show but their WPCSA points will not count.
3) Entries: A Copy of BOTH sides of the Registration Papers MUST accompany each, entry. If you have a USEF or WPCSA Permanent Measurement Card, or a measurement form from a current year’s show, please include it with your entry. You must also include the WPCSA Customer Number for each owner and exhibitor! Failing to include the WPCSA Customer Number could result in WPCSA Year-End and Lifetime Points not be recorded for your entries! Please take the time to fill out your entry form correctly and completely. Exhibitor numbers will not be issued until All required paperwork, measurement, if required), and payment for all fees are completed. Entries must allow time for the United States Postal Service to deliver your entry.
4) Early Entry Bonus: Take advantage of our Early Entry Bonus! All entries postmarked or received on an official entry form via email by August 1, 2016, will be eligible for our early entry drawing for a free Stall.
5) Late Entries: Original entries made after August 1, 2016 will be assessed a Late Entry Fee of $20.00 per pony. The late entry fee will be charged for all original entries received after August 1st regardless of how many ponies are entered in the show. Late Entries will not be Eligible for the Early Entry Bonus Drawing.
6) Post Entries in Classes: Post entries in breeding classes/halter classes are accepted only up to 6 pm Friday August 5th, 2016. Post entries in performance classes must be entered by no later 2 hours before the class session begins. This means that an entry in the 8 a.m. performance classes for Friday and Sunday must be made in the show office by closing time the night before. Post entries made in the show office within the time limits noted above will not be charged a post entry fee. All Post entries or adds made at the back gate with or without an add/drop form will be charged a post entry fee of $10/class.
7) Substitutions: Pony/Cob or class substitutions made in the show office are not considered Post entries, but will be charged a one time substitution fee of $ 10.00.
8) Unruly animals of any sex will be excused.
9) Unsportsmanlike or discourteous behavior to other riders, handlers or drivers in ring or outside the ring is grounds for immediate dismissal from the show by show committee.
10) Junior Exhibitors are calculated for the Show Competition Year that begins on December 1. If you are 17 years old on Dec 1, 2015 you will compete as a junior until Nov 30, 2016 even if you turn 18 during the competitive year. Junior Exhibitors, WPCSA 18 and under, will not be allowed to handle Colts (other than weanlings) or Stallions.
11) Junior Exhibitors must wear approved, protected headgear (ASTM/SEI) whenever mounted or in a driven horse drawn vehicle at all times on the show grounds. Any rider/driver violating this rule at any time must immediately be prohibited from further riding/driving until such headgear is properly in place. Adult western, stock seat and driving exhibitors may wear protected headgear without penalty.
12) Wire wheeled vehicles will be allowed in the WPCSA Carriage Driving Classes.
13) Removing the bridle from an animal harnessed to a vehicle or leaving an animal unattended while hitched anywhere on the show grounds will result in instant elimination and removal from the show grounds, and forfeiture of all fee’s.
14) WPCSA preceding a class indicates the class is eligible for national points, subject to WPCSA rules. Owners and equitation riders must be member of WPCSA for points to count. (WPCSA membership form is enclosed.)
15) Ribbons will be awarded 1st – 6th place. Stake classes pay to third place in addition to ribbons. To enter a stake class you must enter and show in one of the qualifying classes listed in the division of the show. All stakes classes will pay $15.00 to first, $10.00 to second, and $ 5.00 to third. There will be no stakes payout for divisions with less than three entries in all classes. Stakes classes payouts will be presented the day of the show.
16) No smoking anywhere on the fairgrounds. No alcoholic beverages allowed on grounds. No golf carts, motorcycles, bicycles, scooters or skate boards allowed.
17) Dogs must be on a leash and are not to be left unattended. You must clean up any “deposits” left by your dog.
18) To get year end OWPS points and awards you must be an OWPS member on the Start Date of the Show for Point to Be Calculated!
19) Fees:
a) Halter Classes (Double Judged) $ 40.00
b) No additional halter entries accepted after 6:00 PM on Friday August 5th. No exceptions!
c) Performance Classes $15.00
d) Stakes Classes $ 30.00
e) Performance Non-point Classes $10.00
f) Performance classes must be entered no later than 2 hours prior to the class.
g) Original Late Entries: $20.00 per pony, for all entries received after August 1st, 2016.
h) All Post entries or adds made at the back gate with or without an add/drop form will be charged a post entry fee of $10/class
i) Office Fee (Per Owner) $ 10.00
j) Insurance Fee $ 5.00 per pony/cob
k) WPCSA Recording fee $ 5.00 per pony/cob/ per judge
l) WPCSA measuring fee $ 5.00 per pony/cob (Non-WPCSA member)
m) Jumping ticket rounds $5.00 for a two minute round – no ticket no warm-up round!
20) Stalls - Stall fees are charge by the day. One day is classified as being from 12:00am–12:00am
(Midnight to midnight). If a horse and/or tack occupy a stall any time during that 24-hour period, the stall fee applies, including your move-in day. Exhibitors must wheelbarrow shavings and all manure to designated manure areas. Exhibitors must provide own wheelbarrows. Under no circumstances should bedding materials/manure and garbage be mixed. Exhibitors will be charge $30.00 per man hour for clean-up of garbage left behind in tack rooms/stalls. Please clean all manure pits and horse wash areas after use. Trash cans are placed in aisle ways for your exhibitor’s use.
a) $85.00 - Thursday through Sunday – No bedding supplied
b) $35.00 per day – No bedding supplied
c) $75.00 – Tack or Groom Stall – Thursday through Sunday
d) $7.50 per bale for shavings. No outside shavings allowed. All savings to be purchased through show office.
e) Early arrival $20.00 per day
f) Haul-In Fee $30.00 per pony/day if not stabled. Ponies are not to be left unattended. Violation will result in forfeiture of show fees.
g) One pony/cob per stall with exception of mare and foal.
h) No refunds on stalls once they are ordered, unless request accompanied by a veterinary certificate, or doctors certificate. Extra nights before or after the show must be indicated on entry form. Stalls will be marked and a stall map posted at the end of the aisles. Please only stable your pony/cob in a stall assigned to you. If you want to change stalls, please come and see show management!
21) RV PARKING: Reservations and payments for RV’s are managed exclusively by the Oregon Horse Center. Exhibitors to make reservations via the OHC website: www.oregonhorsecenter.com. RV’s are not first come, first served. They are pre-assigned and reservations must be made in advance. No overnight camping is allowed on the grounds, except in designated RV and camping areas. Hooking up to electricity will not be allowed in any other undesignated areas unless first cleared by OHC management. A $30.00 fee will be accessed to anyone that does not clean up their RV area prior to leaving show. Link for RV site http://www.oregonhorsecenter.com/where-to-stay/
22) Make All Checks Payable to OWPS.
a) Any NSF checks must be replaced by cash, money order or cashier’s check within 30 days, including all bank fees and/or collection fees, and an OWPS $50.00 charge for returned checks. Failure to do so will result in a notice to WPCSA.
b) A veterinarian or medical statement is required for any request for refund of entry fees.
23) The show committee reserves the right to decline any entry and to return any entry before, during or after the show without being liable for compensation or damages. Exhibitors are notified that any act of discourtesy and/or disobedience to judges, officials, staff or show committee on the part of the owner or groom shall disqualify the animal and the owner will forfeit his entry and other fees.
24) Exhibitors shall refrain from dialogue with the judge until the exhibitor's last class of the show and the Judge has finished judging all of their classes. Show management is obligated to inform the WPCSA of any irregularities in regard to exhibitors, judges or other officials.
25) OWPS reserves the right to substitute judges if necessary (with WPCSA approval)
26) Measuring times: Thursday check with office. Friday, Saturday, Sunday 7:00 - 7:30 AM, other times with arrangement with office.
27) Farrier: Not on grounds
28) Veterinarian: Not on Show Grounds – You Must Call for
29) Food: Concession Stand available on the Show Grounds – 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
30) Sponsorships:
Please consider sponsoring a class for our show. All sponsorships will be acknowledged and announced at the show:
Performance Class $15
Halter Classes $30.00
Stake Classes $25.00
Ridden Welsh Classic Champion $25
Open Non-point classes $15.00
Class Sponsorship form I would like to sponsor the following Classes/Divisions: Class name(s) and Number(s): Sponsorship Fee
Sponsor Name or Company Name Total Sponsorship Fee
Direction to Oregon Horse Center
I-5 to Eugene - Beltline Exit 195B
Head West on Beltline towards Junction City/Airport.
Travel approximately six miles
Take N.W. Expressway Exit 7B. Turn right at stop sign.
Travel approximately two miles north on N.W. Expressway.
Watch for Oregon Horse Center on right-hand side of road
HWY 99
Turn East on Awbrey Lane - adjacent to Eugene Airport.
Travel approximately one mile to the end of Awbrey Lane.
The Oregon Horse Center will be visible just to your Right
HWY 126
Turn East on Beltline towards Junction City/Airport.
Follow NW Expressway Exit 7B.
The Holiday Inn is the Oregon Horse Center's Host Hotel for all the shows at the OHC. Call 541-284-0707 and book a room using the "Oregon Horse Center's Rate
Royal Inn, 1740 Highway 99 North, Eugene, OR 541-689-8369
Budget Lodge, 1291 Highway 99 North, Eugene, OR 844-625-3414
Feed Stores
H & E Feeds
29315 Awbrey Ln, Eugene,OR 97402
(541) 688-3214
Four Hooves Veterinary Clinic
Tristan Ferguson
Diamond D Horseshoeing
Halter and Performance Classes will be split as warranted by Pre-Entries
7:30-8:30 Ticket Rounds – “NO TICKET, NO WARM-UP ROUND” See entry blank
Friday – 9:00 a.m. – Judge MacLeay
# Class Name Exhibitor
1. Open Cross Rail Hunter Working Course 1 Open
2. Open Cross Rail Hunter Working Course 2 Open
3. WPCSA Short Stirrup Hunter Over Fences (A/B/C/D/1/2/PB) 12 & Under
4. WPCSA Short Stirrup Hunter Over Fences Stake (A/B/C/D/1/2/PB) 12 & Under
5. WPCSA Short Stirrup Under Saddle (A/B/C/D/1/2/PB) 12 & Under
6. WPCSA Long Stirrup Hunter Over Fences (A/B/C/D/1/2/PB) 13 Over
7. WPCSA Long Stirrup Hunter Over Fences Stake (A/B/C/D/1/2/PB) 13 Over
8. WPCSA Long Stirrup Hunter Under Saddle (A/B/C/D/1/2/PB) 13 & Under
9. WPCSA Low Hunter Over Fences 18" (A/B/C/D/1/2/PB) 13 & Over
10. WPCSA Low Hunter Over Fences Stake 18” (A/B/C/D/1/2/PB) 13 & Over
11. WPCSA Low Hunter Under Saddle 18” (A/B/C/D/1/2/PB) 13 & Over
12. Open Working Hunter Over Fences Open
13. WPCSA Working Hunter Conformation Over Fences (A/B) 17 Under
14. WPCSA Working Hunter Conformation Over Fences Stake (A/B) 17 & Under
15. WPCSA Working Hunter Under Saddle (A/B) 17 & Under
16. WPCSA Working Hunter Over Fences (C/D) Open
17. WPCSA Working Hunter Conformation Over Fences Stake (C/D) Open
18. WPCSA Working Hunter Conformation Under Saddle (C/D) Open
19. WPCSA Working Hunter Conformation Over Fences (A/B) 18 & Over
20. WPCSA Working Hunter Conformation Over Fences Stake (A/B) 18 Over
21. WPCSA Working Hunter Conformation Under Saddle (A/B) 18 & Over