Meeting started at 7:55 pm

Attendees: Alex Cuozzo, Rob Lemke, Sheryl Hall, Vicki Fox,Pam Lee, Gary Westerfield, Rich Degnan, Harry Penny, MaryAnn Harvey

Minutes:Motion to acceptby Rich Degnan, seconded byGary Westerfield (with corrections Maria won the 3000RW and Katie won the 1500RW).

Budget & Bank balance 3/31/14 = $13,480.87; 4/4/14 =$14,071.37. Received 3 checks from Farmingdale Mile

Finance: totaling $600 – paid up.

Membership:1358individuals; 57 clubs & organizations.

President’s Plaque that was received from the National Office for the Association’s Gold Level has been returned to

Remarksthe office after being proudly showed off by President

Old Business:1. USATF-LI accreditation review – made it through the 2nd stage of accreditation. There was a

discrepancy in the officials’ count. Gary will check into it. This system levels the playing field among


2. Project 2000 (PJ2) –membership % probably affected by high school athletes who are not affiliated with a USATF club.

New business:1. Howard Schmertz, one time meet director of the Milrose Games, USATF Hall of Fame inductee passed away

2. Legacy email addresses – implemented by National Office and mandatory as of May 1st. These are email addresses that indicate the office held and the association – this is to help continuity of emails for the specific office.

Committee Reports:

Track & Field (Rich) – Open & Masters meet 7/2; Bellport meet still up in the air; schedule for summer set; Association meet @ McArthur; coaches seminars in Suffolk – coaches would like the dates pushed back – should start with field events; 7 coaches successfully completed 20 hours of advanced coaching seminars

LDR (Alex) –LDR brochure not yet sent to printer; 33.38 – 10K record set @ Aspire by Lenora Petrina; 53.28 – 15K record set by Jody Robertson; next race – Marcie Mazzola 5K April 27th; next championship meet – the Long Island marathon / ½ marathon on May 4th.

Race Walk (Mary Ann) –Maria Michta broke 14 year record in the 20K race walk and puts her in the top 25 in the world – qualifies for Race Walk World Cup; Katie Michta nad Katherine Newhoff also qualified for China with Molly Farmer as an alternate; several race walkers will be at the Penn Relays; Open & Masters Championships on July 2; mile Race Walk at Meet of Champions

Masters (Rob/Vicki) –Masters Indoor Nationals – Kathy Martin set 2 world records, Rick Hansen, Vicki Fox, Abe Bernstein, Stephen Gould, Kim Touya all got medals; Vicki was on Chanel 12 with Ralph Macchio from Karate Kid talking about the Senior Games; LISG board meets on Wednesday – many of the members seem to be onboard with the idea of LISG being part of the USATF meet; judged and unjudged Race Walk @ LISG; Masters Championships in North Carolina – National office requesting associations to sponsor an athlete, one who has never been to the Nationals – the National Masters Committee is offering a small stipend.

Youth Athletics (Sheryl) – Everything all set for Spring Opener on Sunday – trainer, volunteers, porta potties, 9 officials; New England having problems with finding location for Region 1 Championships in July – seems there is a large soccer tournament on the same weekend, Steve Vaitones waiting to hear if Maine will take over the meet; wants to know if McArthur is set in stone for Association meet as online registration needs to be set up; heard nothing from Clive Walters about meet he wanted to set up at Mitchel Field; Rolling Thunder said they would be doing the Memorial Day meet and will fax relevant paperwork to the office; no response from any of the PAL coaches about Outreach; asked President if he would check on status of hammer cage at Mitchel for a throws meet

Officials (George) - 78 certified officials

Records - LDR records recently updated

Newsletter - Cici sent a message that she would like pages for the newsletter from all the committees by end of April

Other business – Rich had a proposal about a 5k road race as an association fund raiser on August 11

would Need start & finish; permits; course measured; electronic timing; shirts; sponsorships;

porta potties – approx $2300 needed

Meeting adjourned @ 10:15

Next Board meeting May 5th