Madison Animal Rescue Foundation

Personal Information

Home number: / Cell: / Work/Alt. Phone:
Best time to call?
Email address: / Add me to MARF’s Email newsletter: Y | N
Where do you work? / Full time? | Part-time?

What is the name of the animal you are interested in adopting? ______

Home Family Information

Do you: Own a home | Rent a home | Live in an apartment | Live in a dorm

If you do not own your residence, will your landlord allow you to keep this animal?
May we contact your landlord for confirmation? Please provide contact information:

How long have you lived at this residence?

Who lives in the home (list gender and age):

Do you currently own any animals? List all pets you own, their age, and how long you have owned them (please include a list of animals you have owned in the past 10 years and where they are now):

Are all four legged animals you own spayed or neutered? Yes | No
*If no, are you willing to do so? Why or why not?

Are your pets up to date on all their shots, including rabies and bordetella? Yes | No

Vet Information (if applicable)

Personal Veterinarian/Clinic:


Pet Information

Where did you first see the animal you’d like to adopt?
Adoption Event | MARF’s Website | Another Website (please list) | Other

Why did you choose this particular animal?

Have you researched or are you familiar with this type/breed of animal?

For adopters of dogs:

Will this dog be: indoors | outdoors | both

If the dog will be primarily outside, do you have adequate shelter for it? Please describe:

Do you have a fenced in yard? Yes | No If yes, how tall?
*If no, how will you keep the animal safe?

Are you planning to attend basic obedience classes? Yes | No
If no, why not?

For adopters of cats:

Will this cat be an indoor cat? Yes | No
*If no, how will you keep it safe?

Other Information

Why do you want to own a pet?

How often will you exercise your pet and how?

Are you willing and able to deal with and correct all the issues that may come with owning a pet? (housebreaking, chewing, digging, barking, marking, etc.) Yes | No
*If yes, how, if no, why not?

If you go out of town, or move, what will you do with your pet?

Under what circumstances would you return an adopted MARF animal to MARF or give up ownership of the pet?
(ie. not housebroken, too hyper, etc.)

How did you become aware of Madison A.R.F.?

Will you allow a home visit by MARF prior to finalization of the adoption? Yes | No

If no, why not?