Roommate Agreement

Minnesota State University, Mankato

Name: ______Name:______

Academic Success Will there be specific study times? Yes No When: ______
When I am studying, it is acceptable for my roommate to: (circle all that apply)

Name: ______watch TV play the stereo play computer/video games have guests over talk on the phone keep our room door open

Name: ______watch TV play the stereo play computer/video games have guests over talk on the phone keep our room door open

Additional considerations we agree on to help each other meet our academic goals:



Personal Property and Safety We will lock our door: All the time When both of us are away from the apartment

Name: ______My roommatemay use the following items: My roommate may NOT use the following items:

Name: ______My roommatemay use the following items: My roommate may NOT use the following items:

Guests (Must be in compliance with regulations as specified by property manager)

I ______have the following needs related to guests:Overnight Guests can stay? During the week Weekend Never

Overnight guests can be? Same sex only Both sexesFamily only Permission request for overnight guests needs to occur in advance at least 1 day 2 days weekmonth

Guests are welcome to use the following items: Guests are NOT allowed to use the following items:

I ______have the following needs related to guests:Overnight Guests can stay? During the week Weekend Never

Overnight guests can be? Same sex only Both sexesFamily only Permission request for overnight guests needs to occur in advance at least1 day 2 days weekmonth

Guests are welcome to use the following items: Guests are NOT allowed to use the following items:

Apartment Care

Who cleans the common areas? We’ll clean our halves We’ll clean together We’ll take turns vacuuming, dusting, dishes, etc…

How will we conserve energy in our room?


Sleeping Circle all that apply to you:

Name: ______Early riser or late nights Heavy or light sleeper Rise and shine or snooze buttonHow many times can the snooze be hit ______

Name: ______Early riser or late nights Heavy or light sleeper Rise and shine or snooze buttonHow many times can the snooze be hit ______

How will you accommodate each others sleeping needs and patterns?

Name: ______Name: ______

Messages When someone stops by to visit me or calls for me, I would like my roommate to:

Name: ______Name: ______

Alcohol and Drugs

Discussion Item:

Have a conversation about expectations you have about Alcohol and Drug use in your apartment.


Discussion Item:

Have a conversation about expectations you have regarding parties in your place of residence.

Communication If we have a disagreement I would like my roommate to approach me by…

Name: ______Name: ______


By signing this document, we both agree to honor the needs of our roommate. If we feel these guidelines are not followed, we will revisit the discussion. We also agree to be flexible and to revise this agreement as it becomes necessary.


Roommate Date