precursor proteins / processed proteins
TMP references / accession number / length (aa) / mass (kDa) / mature protein / length (aa) / mass (kDa) / pI
T1-B 1, 2, 3, 4 / Q27180 / 369 / 41.963 / T1-B1 / 134 / 15.540 / 4.54
T1-B2 / 144 / 16.167 / 4.36
T1-F 2, 3, 4 / Q27172 / 368 / 41.481 / T1-F1 / 134 / 15.371 / 4.47
T1-F2 / 143 / 15.947 / 4.02
T2-A 2, 3, 4 / Q27173 / 386 / 43.207 / T2-A1 / 135 / 15.493 / 4.51
T2-A2 / 148 / 16.3 / 4.69
T2-B 2, 3, 4 / Q27174 / 386 / 43.292 / T2-B1 / 135 / 15.551 / 4.48
T2-B2 / 148 / 16.269 / 4.82
T2-C 1, 2, 3, 4 / Q27181 / 387 / 43.312 / T2-C1 / 135 / 15.644 / 4.55
T2-C2 / 148 / 16.18 / 4.66
T4-A 1, 2, 3, 4 / Q27182 / 363 / 40.769 / T4-A1 / 137 / 15.080 / 4.61
T4-A2 / 142 / 16.584 / 4.55
T4-B 2 / A0C767 / 363 / 40.728 / T4-B1 / 137 / 15.080 / 4.61
T4-B2 / 142 / 16.543 / 4.55
T4-C (fragment) 3, 4 / Q27176 / 27 / 2.837 / T4-C / n.d. / n.d. / n.d.
TMP (predicted) 5 / Q6BFW8 / 365 / 41.755 / n.d. / n.d. / n.d. / n.d.

Supplement I_TMP Data of Paramecium tetraurelia

Compilation of data obtained for unprocessed (precursor) and processed (mature) TMPs of the ciliateParamecium tetraurelia.

References: 1Gautier et al. (1996);2Aury J-M, Jaillon O, Duret L, Noel B, Jubin C, Porcel BM, Segurens B, Daubin V, Anthouard V, Aiach N, Arnaiz O, Billaut A, Beisson J, Blanc I, Bouhouche K, Camara F, Duharcourt S, Guigo R, Wincker P (2006) Global trends of whole-genome duplications revealed by the ciliate Paramecium tetraurelia. Nature 444:171–178;3Madedduet al. (1995); 4Madedduet al. (1994); 5Zagulski M, Nowak JK, Le Mouel A, Nowacki M, Migdalski A, Gromadka R, Noel B, Blanc I, Dessen P, Wincker P, Keller A-M, Cohen J, Meyer E, Sperling L (2004) High coding density on the largest Paramecium tetraurelia somatic chromosome. Current Biology 14:1397–1404. (n.d. not determined). See also the amino acid sequences listed in Supplement II_Sequences