
Grade By 23 Name

Chapter 15 - The South and West Transformed (1865–1900)

Matching Directions:Place the letter of the correct term from the word bank with the description that best matches. For the terms that are NOT used, write a brief definition on a separate sheet of paper.

cash crop

Farmers’ Alliance

Civil Rights Act of 1875


Sand Creek Massacre

Sitting Bull

Little Big Horn

Chief Joseph

Wounded Knee


Dawes GeneralAllotment Act


transcontinental railroad

land grant

open range

Homestead Act


1. a rail link between the East and the West


2. the site of a victory by Indians led by Crazy Horse over 250 U.S. soldiers led by General George Custer


3. a specific area set aside by the U.S. government for the use of Indians


4. a self-appointed enforcer of the law


5. legislation that gave black citizens the right to ride trains and use other public facilities


6. the site where over 100 fleeing Indians were killed by U.S. troops


7. legislation that provided farm plots for people willing to live on and develop the land for five years


8. to absorb into the culture of a population or group


9. a crop grown not for its own use but to be sold


10. a system by which branded cattle were allowed to graze freely on unfenced property


Multiple Choice Directions:Write the letter of the best answer or ending in each blank.

_____11. During Reconstruction, southern agriculture

a. thrived.

b. focused on cotton and tobacco.

c. became diverse.

d. expanded dramatically.

_____12. Why was the Farmers’ Alliance formed in the 1870s?

a. to fight foreign competition

b. to improve agricultural equipment

c. to negotiate lower prices for supplies

d. to eradicate the boll weevil

_____13. Which of the following revoked southern blacks’ civil rights?

a. local and state laws

b. Civil Rights Act of 1875

c. Fifteenth Amendment

d. Fourteenth Amendment

_____14. Which of the following best describes Native Americans’ situation at the end of the Indian wars?

a. They held onto their traditional homelands.

b. They were forced to move west or north or to live on reservations.

c. They lived traditional lives on reservations throughout the North.

d. They assimilated into American culture.

_____15. Starting in the mid-1800s, hoards of people traveled to the West out of a desire to

a. live in urban environments.

b. strike it rich by finding gold or silver.

c. see the Pacific Ocean.

d. hunt buffalo.

_____16. Which of the following was an effect of the transcontinental railroad?

a. The nation shrank in size.

b. Utah and Nevada became heavily settled.

c. The population of the West increased.

d. Industrial development was stalled.

_____17. How did new railroads benefit western cattle ranchers?

a. provided a way to transport meat to eastern markets

b. allowed cowboys to travel easily between cattle herdsand their homes

c. made it easier for ranchers to keep track of their herds

d. encouraged eastern cowboys to make a living in the West

_____18. Which of the following best describes the lives of typical western homesteaders in the late 1800s?

a. overcrowded but exciting

b. challenging yet comfortable

c. peaceful and prosperous

d. difficult and lonely