God's Call into the Ministry

(Questions based on pp. 3-4 of Bible Witness, Volume 11, Issue 3 – CALL INTO THE MINISTRY)

  1. Besides being called unto salvation, God’s elect is also called unto Christian service. Look up these verses below and describe what kind of service Christians should be engaged in.

a)1 Corinthians 7:22

b)1 Corinthians 15:58

c)Romans 6:18

d)Romans 12:11

  1. Can you define “God's call unto vocational ministry”? How is it different from God’s call unto salvation and Christian service? (Ephesians 4:11-12)
  1. What is an important and necessary feature of one’s calling if he were to serve in the ministry full-time?
  1. Point out the distinctive characteristic of the apostle Paul’s calling into the ministry in the following verses:

a)Romans 1:1

b)2 Corinthians 1:1

c)Galatians 1:1

d)1 Timothy 1:1

  1. In his epistolary introductions, Paul used the designations, "apostle of Jesus Christ", "minister of Jesus Christ" and "servant of Jesus Christ". What do these imply with regard to his commitment to serve in the ministry?
  1. The author of the article wrote, “Only a man with an unshaken persuasion that God has called and commissioned him for the task can be successful in the ministry.” Discuss some of the implications that may arise if one is not fully persuaded or convinced about his calling into the ministry?

How Does God Call One into the Ministry?

(Questions based on pp. 5-7 of Bible Witness, Volume 11, Issue 3 – CALL INTO THE MINISTRY)

  1. Today God no longer calls a man into the ministry in the same way He called the apostle Paul or the prophets in the Old Testament (i.e. through visions and dreams). What could be the possible reason(s) for this?
  1. How does the Holy Spirit work in the inward call of a man into the ministry?
  1. What did Charles Bridges refer to as “a primary ministerial qualification” and how did Charles Spurgeon further define it? Discuss some reasons why we should not even consider entering the ministry in the absence of such a qualification.
  1. For a man called into the ministry, where should his desires be directed at according to 1 Timothy 3:1?
  1. Discuss the implications arising from one’s motive of getting into the ministry because of the desire for position, power or prominence in the church.
  1. How did John Calvin elaborate on the phrase “a good work” in his commentary on 1 Timothy 3:1?
  1. Discuss some of the things in life that may hinder or prevent a man from being fully dedicated to the work of the Lord. (2 Timothy 2:3-4)
  1. According to the commentator, Albert Barnes, in what situation can a minister of the Gospel truly accomplish the design of his appointment?
  1. What is the Lord’s promise to those whom He calls into the ministry and who have responded like Peter, “Lo, we have left all, and have followed thee”? (Mark 10:28-31; Luke 18:28-30)
  1. Consider the five questions found at the end of this article. Can you answer “yes” to any or all of these questions? The Lord may be calling you!

Any Proof of God’s Call into the Ministry?

(Questions based on pp. 8-10 of Bible Witness, Volume 11, Issue 3 –CALL INTO THE MINISTRY)

  1. According to John Calvin, what are the two evidence of God’s call that are necessary for one to be considered a true minister of the church?
  1. Looking at Titus 1:6-8, how can we apply these requirements to someone who is called into the pastoral ministry since no man can claim to measure up perfectly to these requirements?
  1. What will likely result if a minister’s life (in doctrine and practice) is not patterned after the Word of God? (Titus 2:7-8)
  1. Discuss the importance of the study of God’s Word to a preacher in the light of these verses:

a)2 Timothy 2:15

b)1 Timothy 3:2

c)Titus 1:9

  1. Aside from the preaching and teaching ability, the pastor is also required to “shepherd the flock”. Discuss this particular role of the pastor by looking at Hebrews 13:17 and 2 Corinthians 12:15.
  1. A good administrative acumen is also a requisite in the pastoral ministry. According to Charles Spurgeon in his Lectures to My Students, how can this be instilled in the pastor?
  1. Can you elaborate on the role that experienced ministers and the church in general will have to play with regard to the confirmation of one’s calling? (Acts 16:1-3) Why did Charles Spurgeon say that this will be the practical, correct indicator of the minister’s calling?

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